Other urls found in this thread:
>These retards are crying about a port for a console that know next to nothing about.
The fuck is wrong with people.
>tell your bosses in Japan
>get off Sony's cock
>then enjoy sucking a dick to a company(sony)that once destroyed you
is this how console plebs communicate?
>Cherry picking the PC requests and not the endless 'muh Vita' posts.
>PCfags and consolefags still getting butthurt over each other's games
This is why I'm idort master race and I just laugh at all your tears
nintendrones are the worst
clamoring for skyrim on their console since they haven't played it yet due to it's lack of availability on a ninty platform
>all these delusional faggots
Just remind me why you aren't part of the TRUE Masterrace, senpai?
>having a PS4 and PC
>exclusives for PS4
>multiplats on PC
It's so easy.
good. fuck PC port beggars.
>that one faggot asking for a 3DS port
Lol wut
People actually had hopes it would ever be on a Nintendo machine?
All the people in the comments are all whiny babies. Are all weebs like this
>don't care about what hardware something is on and just want good games
If they genuinely wanted to play P5, they'd buy a PS3 or PS4 to do so, they wouldn't just beg for it to be on the box with the logo of their choice on it.
Why not just buy a PS4 if you want to play those two so badly? Also the Switch is probably gonna flop.
Look at those salty PCucks and Switchfags
Nintendrones are utter retards
>mfw PC and Switch will NEVER get P5
because they're poorfags living with their mothers
Seriously these. If this was your 10/10 dream game or whatever and you didn't have the right console, you'd buy the console. Especially considering you can get a PS3 for like $100. Hardware wars NEED to fuck off
it's not fair reeee etc etc
>game comes out for console
>sells incredibly well
>PC fags cry, beg and suck dick just for a glimpse at a PC port
>game is eventually announced and released for PC
>sells like shit despite being an excellent (if not, better) port.
This happens every fucking time. All you PC fags want is the chance to pirate it because you're to Jewish to buy it or a console.
Given the series' history of going mobile, it's heavily implied it will eventually.
Now if they'll bend over backwards to get it onto the Vita if nothing else by Sony is out at that time remains a mystery.
It may just never go mobile.
I'd rather it come to fucking mobile instead.
>pcfats say console games are all shit
>pull this shit when they are told they wont get something
this shit is always funny to see as someone who plays on both sides of the field avidly
>drones literally begging for persona
It's not that, the overwhelming majority have PC + a console, the matter is the master race combination like you said.
The only problem I have now is that Switch isn't backwards compatible, so I actually lost out on the Nintendo back log I haven't touched for the last 8 years.
>mfw own ekbok and pos4 but only play xbox because im not autistic
>le blacktexting on twitter
And if a PC port is confirmed shitty I can just get it on PS4. It's the best of both worlds.
PS4s aren't even that expensive now.
>tfw pc+ps4+3DS
Why would there even be a PC port of P5?
None of the previous Persona games are on PC, no reason for this one to be the first.
but it's okay when nintendo doesn't have BC faggot
When there is a ps4 emulator in 10 years there will be
jesus that chin. you could cut a loaf of bread with it
>Why would there even be a PC port of P5?
The 'it was never on PC, why would it come to PC?'-talking point doesn't really mean much.
Games are never on PC... until they are.
Dark Souls wasn't on PC until it was, and now you have Dark Souls 3 being one of the 12 best-selling games of 2016 on Steam.
There was no Tales of-game on Steam before Zestiria, but it did well enough that Berseria is a simultaneous release as well.
There was a time where people laughed at the notion of a Disgaea game ever coming to Steam. Now NISA is busy putting their entire backlog on Steam one at a time, while at the same time bringing their new releases as well. They already have 9 games announced for Steam in 2017, of which at least half are new releases launching simultaneously with consoles.
Heck, we went from 'GUST games will never be on PC' to suddenly 3 games coming this year, 1 of which isn't even out yet for consoles.
Square-Enix was busy filling their Steam-catalogue with Final Fantasy games the last years. Now you currently have every mainline FF game except 1, 2, 12, and 15 on one platform.
And the list goes on.
Now of course there are obvious games that will never come to PC, I mean everyone who thinks Bloodborne or Uncharted will eventually come to Steam is delusional, but it's not unreasonable to hope that third-party games get ported over.
Actually the first one was and it was one of the best selling games in the series.
>thanks for beta testing!!!!!
>I ALWAYS buy the game if I like it!
>pirating isn't stealing!
>I wasn't going to buy it anyway! It's not like they're losing a sale!
Etc etc forever until the end of time
Remainder that localization work was SO BAD that Atlus Japan had to step and apologize
At this point,just wait until P5 Crimson or whatever they name it
They always released a console with the power of a toaster, the first time they make a real attempt / legitimate reason for their technological cap, it ain't BC.
That's just a load of bs really.
Atlus is actively throwing money away by not porting the SMT series to PC. A huge chunk of the Persona market is weebs who watch anime on their PCs by downloading it and playing it through MPC or mpv for muh quality, and any PC that can max out madVR can most definitely run P5. They are fucking retarded. The fact that other Jap devs have fully embraced PC and done well gives them absolutely no excuse, especially when they're owned by fucking Sega who's PC presence is massive.
Go have a look at Dork Souls sales idiot. Why do people have to be dumb
>never played persona
>persona 5 has cute girl
>I am interested
>no pc and switch
>oh wait, but I got a ps3
>market is weebs who pirate anime
>Not having a PC, Vita, 3DS, PS4 Pro, Xbox One S and soon Nintendo Switch
I don't remember Persona being on PC before so i don't understand this. Maybe in some years they will port the old games (>INB4 emulation) to steam when the console market is going to be almost dead in japan.
Persona 1 was actually on PC IIRC
Well their way of BC was not cost effective at all so it would increase the price even more if they wanted to add bc capabilities
I think you are ignoring the fact those games went through console, then handheld version, THEN +5 years down the track before PC.
If you are a major weeb, the fact is you'd HAVE a PC for shit like Visual Novels / Anime + fap games.
Good thing the series started at 3.
P1/2 are so far up mainline's ass.
Can confirm, have played.
>actually getting life support from sony
yeah no
>it was one of the best selling games in the series
On PS1. It was on PC, but it didn't sell shit.
And sold like shit
it won't come out on ps3, only ps4
Probably confused SMT with Persona or they think because Persona Q is a thing that their might be more Persona games going to the 3ds.
"OMG a miss labeling on a sony game trailer, PC COMFIRMED."
PCucks are literally the worst, poorfags.
Atlus didn't translate Yakuza 0, so I don't know why Atlus PR would have any say on(or even knowledge) if it'll be on PC or not.
Too bad Atlus ain't Bamco, huh?
>tfw pc+ps4+3ds+wiiu+vita
>played persona 3 and 4 for 2 hours each
>boring as fuck
>dont have autistic hissyfits in twitter comments
Persona wasn't popular until P3, in today's market it would be Steam's top seller for weeks, guaranteed.
So is Persona any good?
>And sold like shit
hm I wonder if it has something to do with how hardin is also sega's pr? dipshit
I hate these threads but seeing PCucks and Nintendrones this mad puts a smile on my face
>All this butthurt over a waifu simulator
What the fuck is wrong with people? just fucking google porn nigga.
Lmao what a fucking Liar.
This guy just answered your question, anime itself only hit the streaming pay service with crunchyroll around 3 years ago, with a few legitimate sub work hitting netflix in the last year.
Otherwise all weebs have the fan following that a game would hit a Sony or Nintendo console, we never expect PC to deliver anything besides being a platform for fan translation patches of Visual Novels.
>people actually thought for a minute that the switch had any chance of getting P5
Kek of the year condender and it's only january, holy shit.
>This happens everytime
Dark souls PC port sales are on par with bloodborne
On PC it did. Almost all of those sales can be attributed to the PS1 version.
Dark souls came out on PC with the dlc attached to it, plus it goes for really fucking cheap on steam. If you want an example, look at any weeb games sales on steam and compare it to console. Go on piratebay or any other piracy website and count the number of downloads
This wasn't going to happen, Atlus is pretty much allergic to PC
They're probably a disinfo, the collector's edition was only recently (past few months) announced as PS4 only.
Yes the PS3 version is still coming, standard only.
Yeah them Pcuck pirates dont deserve a game this good.
There is no VITA to release the expanded version
Where do you think that version is going?
Baseless claim with no facts or numbers to back it up.
I wonder how is this guy feeling right now.
Pretty sure they could find a way on the Vita.
Never forget. The tears were delicious that day.
>collectors edition ps4 only
>standard still ps3
Why should I care about the collectors, I can buy and play the ps3 version.
Also didnĀ“t this guy once said p5 will out in 2015 in the west and it got delayed in japan at the same day?
>Dark Souls
>Years down the line
>Years down the line
>Type Zero
>Years down the line
You're projecting super hard on the weeb part when the only ones you got are XIII, Valkyria Chronicles, and Disgaea.
Sure is consolewars around here
Should make a few threads with this to remind him how BTFO he is on a daily basis.
user, there's no PS3 emulator yet. And you think a PS4 one will just pop up in 10 years?
If you wanna pirate it, just get a god damned modded PS3.
and a ps for the games that don't get released on pc.
I wouldn't mind another Q desu famlama
If that PC port did so well why was it the last time Fatlus tried one?
neonintendrones are really shameless
Why would Atlas care if Persona is not on PC? These type of game only sell a fraction on PC then they do on consoles.
>having a PS4 and PC
>digital exclusives for PC (they all run on toaster)
>physical multiplats on PS4 Slim
Same for me. Best of both worlds.
Until you give numbers you are just speculating.
Not to mention user, we still don't even have a working xbox emulator yet
Why are pc gamers so entitled? Why do they think they automatically deserve every game on the market?
>Persona Q-2 with the P1 and P5 cast.
I would buy it
John Hardin is Atlus's PR manager. SOA's PR manager is Mike Evans. They're treated as separate entities to my knowledge(despite both being owned by segasammy)