What headphones do you use for vidya, Sup Forums?

What headphones do you use for vidya, Sup Forums?







>buy decent headphones for more than 100€ and enjoy them
>lately been using my 10€ earbuds exclusively

I have the Snow special edition but it looks shite in photos


"htc innovation"
found them in a drawer because sister's kitten cut my headphone wires
sometimes they hurt

Don't use earbuds, they destroy your hearing. Especially if you're gaming with them since the volume is probably high.

Holy shit that's disgusting.

Loving these headphones. Got them suggested to me by some guy on Sup Forums but they're completely worth the price

it's the edgiest design while trying to remain AESTHETIC or some shit. the mic has issues activating, the built in Surround simulation is really shitty, they're terribly uncomfortable to wear around your neck, and overall they just dont fit good
But I won em in a raffle and the wireless works good so theyre good enough for me

>been using them for 10 years straight
>hearing was already not that fantastic to begin with
oh well, I guess I didn't need to hear anyway

Why? This makes me jelly as a poorfag.
>you will never listen to Graduation by Kanye West with really good headphones

How good are Sennhauser headsets?
Some anons on Sup Forums said they were good

exactly the ones you posted

Didn't even know Sennheiser made headsets.

My pair of ATH M50X's, had em for three or four years now.


Forgot to post image.

i have earbuds in my ears 90% of my day everyday. is that bad?

I'm going to buy a pair of M40x tomorrow as my first non-gamerfaggot headphones.

Fine if you're just playing Neutral Milk Hotel and My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy over and over.
t. Sup Forums

This is an 18+ website faggots

I use my Sony ponies

t. DJ Shadow

Just use the 50 or 60 dollar Sony ones, with whatever frequency response you prefer. You can spend a shit ton on headphones and not get the same quality as a speaker. I went to the store and I can't sense a quality difference between $200 and $50 headphones. If you are paying over 150 you are probably getting raped.

I used the Sony MDR 1A, but then I took a liking to old school earbuds so I almost always use a pair of cheap chink earbuds like the VE Monk or the Auglamor RX1 which sound really good, even better than expensive sennheiser earbuds I have like the MX580 and 880. Lately I use the HD598CS which is the best one for vidya thanks to its isolation, crisp sound and large & precise soundstage.

Don't fall for the memes please. That headset is great if you mix or work with sound, they're absolute shit tier for casual listening and even worse for gaming because they have some of the shallowest soundstage I've ever heard. Absoluite shit choice for gaming.

njoy ur tracktion alopesha lol

Thanks buddy. Hope your dyslexia works out for you, too.

English please.

$15 earbuds