They would've gotten crucified if this franchise was mainstream. They pretty much got away with murder...

They would've gotten crucified if this franchise was mainstream. They pretty much got away with murder, especially these days.

Other urls found in this thread:

nice meme

>They would've gotten crucified if this franchise was mainstream. They pretty much got away with murder, especially these days.

That's clearly rape which is even worse tbqh.

honestly all she had to do was not cover herself up and she would have won his respect

If I got my clothes abruptly ripped off I'd probably reflexively cover my dick.

sorry about your tiny dick user


why is google reverse search so shit lately, it totally fucks up in every 9/10 cases

This thread has prepared me, if I ever get my clothes ripped off I will stand there proudly.

Ken's Rage 2. Honestly this is right from the Hokuto no Ken manga though, so if you weren't already familiar with it you should read it. HnK is the epitome of manliness.

>mamiya video game google search
>Fist of the North Star: Ken's Rage

It wasn't that hard, user.

Hokuto no Ken: Ken Rage 2 from the masterpiece manga Hokuto no Ken. Now go read it

Sucks we had a generation raised on Faggot Ball Z instead of HNK due to the factor that soccer moms would throw a shitfit.

Read manga or a watch anime?

I heard the manga gets kinda dopey post-anime.

Read the manga and then watch the anime to get those ATATATATA, start with episode 1 then skip Shin's arc since it's mostly fillers

Yeah, there's a reason they never animated it beyond the Ashura arc. The rest of the manga is great though.

>roleplaying servers allow murder
>they don't allow rape

everytime Sup Forums everytime

Why would you cover your dick if your shirt got ripped off?

>Still no announcement of a new HNK anime that covers the whole manga or a Xenoverse-quality game.

Ken's Rage 1 is overall the better game.

Ken's Rage 2 has the better story coverage though.
Gore in part 2 looks like bad 2d sprites showing up on screen.


>find subby to play rape fantasy with
>go out to the outskirts of the wilderness to do it
>someone stumbles across you
>both get banned within a few days
Leave us alone...;_;

Why aren't Shounen like HNK or Jojo anymore? Instead nowadays it's just dumb children ranting about friendship and pulling powers out of their asses and being followed by useless side-characters who are possibly more interesting then them.

One Punch Man is good though. It at least tries to be different and has an actually entertaining protag.

It's interesting that Luffy is not drawn in that pic but that's ok not even I would be able to place him on either team

And isn't OP actually entertaining though?

I love One Piece but Luffy still needs nakama power even if he solves his battles alone

You mean misogyny.

They got away with nothing, sjw bullshit doesn't apply to japan because a huge chunk of their games sell exclusively off sex appeal.
Bayo 2 is on a console for children and it's pure soft core porn.

>Why do literal homosexuals now prefer young boys to big burly men?

There's nothing wrong with nakama power that's finely executed. The only wrong thing is if there's no foreshadowing whatsoever so it feels like an asspull.

OPM is a series of jokes about regular shonen. It's not """trying""" to be different, it IS different. Read the webmanga to get a different message and don't read Murata's work which pretty much makes it more mainstream shonen.

Ironically Mamiya is incredibly powerful when you learn to aim her right in mid-combo, her darts/needles pierce defense like crazy.

This image is basically "I'm 14 and discovered anime last month" versus "shit taste".

Also any character on the bottom would destroy the top team with the exception of Saitama..

Bitch in the latest chapter he was going to rip his fucking hands off to save his buddy
Manly team all the way

>One Punch Man is good though
If you honestly believe OPM is in any way better than the big3, you're just a faglord hipster.

Would Saitama even fight any of them?

Only if they attacked first or were doing villainy stuff.

saitama would fight them, but he doesn't kill humans

But Kenshiro has a shitload of abilities and could probably just "teleport" in front of the nu-shounen fags as soon as they begin powering-up, or thrust his arms into them to figure out their pressure points/rearrange them like with Souther.

She in no way looks like a man.

What is the big 3 now anyway seeing Bleach is gone? Is it OP, Bleach, and Fairy Tail, seeing that's hugly popular what with all the tits n shit?

Whole Cake arc is GOAT atm so yes.

in the original manga scene, her clothes were more "masculine" if memory serves. She still looked fuckable

I would rather read it over the other ones though.

And Blue Exorcist since that's actually a great manga mainly due to it's characterization. And maybe Hero Academia once I get back to reading it. Fucking short attention span.

Funny you should post this OP.

I just finished episode related.

Tiny dick detected.

Watch anime, it's completely faithful to the manga and doesn't skip anything so you won't be losing anything anyway.
And the early minor changes to chronology by moving two small arcs around work much better for the pacing and story.

Here you go.

>ranting about friendship and pulling powers out of their asses

That pretty much describes hokuto no ken, berserker and jojo too though

>Ken's Rage 2 has the better story coverage though.
But that's fucking wrong.

Ken's Rage 2 is a complete downgrade in every way.
The entirety of HnK1 story is on ridiculous fast forward in that piece of shit and even HnK2 portion is half assed.

Ken's Rage 2 is in general a very terrible sequel that throws everything good about the first game into the trash.

Also HnK and HnK2 animes both adapt everything except the last and objectively terrible volumes of the manga.

At least in HNK and Jojo almost everyone gets to do something and not make themselves look like useless jobbing pieces of shit.

Just look at SC and DIU's final battles.

This image perfectly explains why Berserk is kiddie garbage, btw.

That wasn't the intent though, she never hid the fact that she's a woman. She simply didn't act like one.

Polnareff is probably the most useless jobbing piece of shit in history of mangas.

It almost feels like that gay author has a fetish for mutilating burly fag characters

Neck yourself.

You would let your kid watch Berserk?!

He did get to kill Dio's top henchman and stop Dio from killing Jotaro though, as well as being the only previous part side-character to actually appear in a later installment to help the part's heroes.

>m-muh manime
Berserk is trash. It's literally babbies first seinen and is primarily for 14 year olds to feel "mature" when they read it.

No different from something like Bleach or Naruto.

Your Bait no Ken will not work on me.

I bet you're one of those retards who think Hokuto no Ken is for adults too right?

Gonna show him Berserk and School Days while making unmodded Doom 1 and 2 his first games, turn him into the ultimate edgelord.

He's only super human with some ki blast shit. That's Pre-Namek Goku tier at best. Everyone on the bottom shits nukes and zips around at supersonic speed.

If I ever have a son he will be raised entirely on videogames of the 90s and the best of manime as well as movies the like of Apocalypto and Braveheart.

And then modern liberals would get mad that he insulted a girl, nevermind all those people he brutally kills, it's hurting a girl's feelings that's the actual crime.

>when Bleach and Nurutu ended already

I wouldn't.

Not content wise, since it was a shitty slideshow with some decent music and nothing worse than most vidya.

But I wouldn't want him growing up with shit taste.

No one complains about Senran Kagura or anything pushed out by this developer/publisher. Oneechanbara got bitches running around wearing literally just a banana

>roleplaying in a game and not a dedicated RP site

>Bleach and Narutard ended
>Guts and company just got off the boat
>they are now stuck in Caska's dream

There is no such thing as "big 3" you fucking retard.

That's just something Americans say because they think that they have any perspective on the issue.

>What is the big 3 now anyway seeing Bleach is gone?
> Is it ... Bleach ... ?

Neck yourself. Big three was never a thing, anyway. One Piece always eclipsed Naruto which in turn eclipsed Bleach in Japan -- it's just those three are the ones that got big in the U.S. among preteens like yourself.

whom is speedwagon

mary sues from worlds that completely ignore all rules of reality stomp mary sues who largely obey it but win every fight because when they get hit they can just muscle through it but whenever anyone else does the writer says they died

shock am shock is shock im shock guys shock is a good char i liked him in spidderman

ITT: Underage and moeshit numale Sup Forumsutist subhumans.

>yet another nakama who decides to flee on gimmicky island #2468 without telling luffy and pretending to hate him while luffy fights his way to the boss because MUH NAKAMA

One Piece should have ended 10 years ago.

>The guy defending Berserk and Fist of the North Star is calling other people casuals.

If you have to be so casual, at least be casual in a way that isn't only mindless action for 10 year olds.


>Whom is Speedwagon
The traveling companion who's always giving exposition. And at least he made the foundation that always hels the Joestars.

You'd better fit some Godfather and Mad Max in there too.

which Max?
Bane Max or Antisemite Max?

M8 I fucking wish KnH was casual tier.

Then I could get a goddamn English release.

Obviously. But only the first two Mad Max.
Third is trash while third is jewish propaganda.


while fourth*
That's what I get for typing too fast.

Hokuto Shinken is invincible, it won't matter what kind of techniques they use


>third is jewish propaganda.
It's also the best movie out of the 4.

If you can't see that, you don't know a goddamn thing about film.

Senran Kagura is just fapbait shit, it isn't a serious franchise. No adult takes it seriously.

If by "crucified" you mean, people would've bitched about it on gaming forums and gave it free publicity, then yeah.

No, it's the 2nd worst, next to Thunderdome. I'm sorry you eat jewish shit with color filters that couldn't even be bothered to put in absolutely minimum effort and record the night scenes at night. They literally recorded all scenes, including the night ones, in broad daylight and then aplied a dark blue filter on them hoping nobody would notice. Eat shit.

not even that. He swung a sword at her. Her reaction should have been to swing a blade back at the guy who attempted to murder her.

So what anime isn't casual?

t. contrarian basement dwelling millennial

Watch the anime, it's very faithful and you get the ATATATATATATAs. It's a great series even though it gets kind of repetitive at time. The characters really make it worth it.

Kind of salty that none of the later characters (like the chariot stars) didn't get any love in the ArcSys fighting game. They had that one-off villain Mr. Heart playable but not a single chariot star.

What exactly are you mad about? Where do you see the Jew?

if it wasn't the law of this land, i would behead you.
it's fucking Hokuto no ken level .
>implyin there is anything else than lewd in seran

In the blatant SJW agenda the movie has?

A game/anime/anything that has something that makes someone instantly invincible or unbeatable is a red flag.

What are you talking about?

This post is basically "I'm too young to remember what GAR means"