What could kill this beauty?

What could kill this beauty?

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shitty battery

If it is to truly replace the 3DS then it'll do fine based off library alone.

Everyone who talks shit on this immediately compares it to the Pii U

sony already killed it

I want to touch it, Sup Forums

Weak international sales. I don't see this moving many units in the handheld market until they put the new pokemon on it


Sony is too busy killing it's own things


They just need to release Pokémon, Smash, Mario Kart, Monster Hunter and they've got their sales. But they're going to fuck it up somehow. Just wait and see.

Those controllers are going to break within 6 months of use.

If anyone even gets 6 months of use out of it.

Terrible selection of games and short battery life. They could price it at 500 bucks if it offered good performance, a couple of very good games and 5+ hours of game time with fresh batteries.

still better than the piipoo

>The main gimmick is being able to play video games while mom is driving or watching her soap operas on the TV.

This system only appeals to people under the age of 16.

Lack for third party again.

No games.

Which is exactly what's going to happen.

$400 on release

three hundred and ninety nine dollarydoos

Did you expect anything else from Nintendo?

News flash, you're not their target audience. Miyamoto has expressed this numerous times. Their games are for families.

You forget it also appeals to autists who want to ruin a party by bringing their video games to parties they are invited to

No third party developer will make anything that uses cartridges.

picce being over 250usd

Sometimes I feel like I'm arguing with literal 12 year olds on this site.

It already killed itself by having no back-ward compatibility.

>yfw it has bw compatibility with 3ds games

A lack of third party support and terrible battery life killing the mobile portion as well as poor visibility in sunlight and the fact that the controls might be uncomfortable. Also Nintendo shoving the touch screen gimmicks into every game.

Dust in the fan vent

no ittle have ery thing on eshop so ppl living with mom can rebuy anything. unfortunately.


Nintendo games have a knack for very slow initial releases, so backward compatibility would have been a godsend since I didn't buy the Wii U, and it had some coolio games I might have tried on the Switch.

Except, you know. No backward compatibility.

>please rebuy all your VC games again

>buying VC games when emulation is a thing




>Sometimes I feel like I'm arguing with literal 12 year olds on this site.
I think you do


Shit online infrastructure and I don't mean just "server loads". How the online works. It need to be 1:1 of PSN/XBL minus pay and ads.

Not having any games would probably do the trick.


How can you kill something that is dead on arrival?

A lack of space in the market. It's unneeded.

A $400 price tag.

The time for playing handhelds outside is over all phones from here out.