Name 1 game that is universally unhated.
Name 1 game that is universally unhated
Other urls found in this thread:
Cat Planet
Every Mario game
I have saw exactly 0 thread to ever talk shit about this game.
nobody hates baldur's gate 2
>not Roller Coaster Tycoon
Mountain Blade Warband
anyone who has ever given it more than an hour loves it at the very least and it's not popular enough to have attracted contrarians
>has complex worlds unlike KH2
>has a simple and clean story unlike KH2
Perfection. Just look back when you first played this, just magical.....
Well I fucking hate Disney. Done.
>has a simple and clean story
Ah but you like Kurado Sutraifu, so you played it anyway.
>quoting every post in the thread
fuck off nigger
I'm gonna try not to sound like an edgy contrarian, but I actually hate Kingdom Hearts 1.
I'll start
Not to mention all of the movies the audience at the time gave a fuck about were in it.
As opposed to 3 which is going to constantly be shoving overrated recent films especially Frozen in your face while the most of worlds the older fans want are shat over for not being popular enough the the normies despite the game's storyline and settings being WAAAAAY to complex for them.
I admit. I actually do want Kingdom Hearts 3's story to be even more of a convoluted clusterfuck just so I can laugh at the Frozen and Big Hero 6-loving brats and morons who only played KH1 and KH2.
What did I win?
>he doesn't want to team up with Elsa and Hiro
Are you some kind of faggot or something?
Yes but at the end of the day Kingdom Hearts 2 is much much more fun to play
Wakka wakka wakka
An action packed trip to Detroit
very boring game
very very boring
tedious boring combat
lol roll rock down hill so exciting
Shit controls and half assed platforming do not make for "complex worlds" they make for boring slogs
I liked travian, but i cant really get behind any timewall game like that any longer.
ur gonna fuckin shut up kid!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Call of Duty 4, not joking.
Cho Aniki
Travian was okay but
>one of the earliest, often scummiest (in that era) "freemium" games
It helped set a precedent for the awful state of mobile games today.
Despite all the shit the series gets nowadays, I've never heard anyone say anything bad about Battlefield 2142.
red alert 2
Taz wanted for the gamecube
You cant have a game youve never heard of
I can't fucking stand CoD 4. Way too much having to play that shit at small lans instead of games I actually like playing.
I played the shit out of that when I was 5.
the dust clouds when people got into fights were hilarious.
I don't hate it, but I'm certainly not a fan of pure platformers or the franchise.
Pretty sure that no one likes Colonial marines.
maybe this
Universally *un*hated
Also Kirby Super Star and The Warriors are obvious answers; anyone who says so is just trolling/shitposting
Anyone who says *otherwise my bad
>tfw no reading comprehension.
It's overrated trash, aged like milk but genwunners still praise it as the best pokemon game.
your mom
Deus Ex obviously
Which implementation of minesweeper?
windows 98 off course
nah, there's a fair few shitters that hate it because they couldn't get past liberty island
Battlezone TWO???
That game was terrible compared to the first one.
Super Mario World
seems universally liked for me
but this thread is an impossibility, it's impossible to find something one person will not like, and there are always shit stirring contrarians who'll do it to get (you)s
Simcity 2000
The Sims 1
Rollercoaster Tycoon
The only acceptable choices.
>talking shit about space cadet
awww, nigga. no you didn't
aged like shit. and i'm not talking about graphics, bad gameplay that lacks polish makes games age horribly.
Which impletation of my mom?
The original version or the localized version "YOUR mom?"
Metal Slug X, 3 and (maybe) 1.
Windows Solitaire.
2007 Team Fortress 2.
No, I dislike its artstyle, find it really fucking gay looking, also the key weapon is all kinds of retardation
TF2 was less balanced at release
this was repulsive weebshit before the backlash against sameface even began
Broken mess. Not random enough.
okay penguin of doom
A universally unhated game would be shit desu.
Open your eyes, I see
Your eyes are open
No, really.
>Make a topic about universally loved games
>Spend entire time nitpicking everyones entry
Go ahead and try faggot
No mans sky
>none of the characters give you a lapdance
Wario Land 4
Roller Coaster Tycoon
As someone who does like Pokemon I don't think Red and Blue are good. I'd say the game series hit it's high point at HG/SS or D/P. Pic very related.
Not to mention the addition of natures, shiny, iv/ev, Egging, more abilities and wider variety, and not even mentioning the actual in-game content for people just looking for a solo player experience. It's a good game and they did a lot for the time, but going back and playing it will make you realize a lot of things were absurdly broken
>makes a thread about video games
>the OP is just looking to shit on games that he's never played before.
welcome to Sup Forums
Simpsons Hit and Run
>lol roll rock down hill so exciting
Clearly you've never experienced how tense and smart that game really is.
I played this game recently, it's crap that gets too much credit on Sup Forums
>repetitive voice messages over and over
>really bad driving missions that get old as shit
>there's nothing to do besides driving, and the driving is terrible
The game is a cheap knock off of GTA's driving missions, and even in that it's not good
This is a good one
respectable suggestion
The KH series is one of my favorites of all time, but there are plenty of reasons to hate the game. To say it is unhated/unhatable is wrong.
>unapologetically silly setting (glorified Square/Disney fanfic)
>unskippable cutscenes (especially for the Dark Riku boss fight)
>disbelief has to be suspended that a 14-year-old boy with a blunt weapon can fight giant monsters
These. I don't know anyone who hates the originals. Even my IRL /vp/ friend went back and played the originals in the last year and was surprised how well they hold up.
i like it for the opposite reason
was fun playing on LAN in hardcore mode. when i bought the game for myself i found multiplayer less fun desu
go back and play the fucking tarzan world and tell me that shit is well designed
I haven't seen anyone shit talk rainbow 6 siege. I personally think it's the best fps iv'e played in a long time and my only complaint is that there could be more variety in attachments also all the best characters are pretty much DLC which is bullshit, saving up to 25000 is ridiculous. But besides that i don't see how anyone could hate it unless they just don't like fps games.
>dirt walk paths
>grey exit paths
Are there any games (actual ones not browser based) like Travian but single player?
As someone who played FR/LG before the originals (despite growing up in Pokemania, weirdly enough) I really dislike Pokemon gen 1.
Pokemon Red and Blue have really fucking bad sprites, and they're unbalanced. The thing is, modern Pokemon games haven't differed that much from the originals, but they have polished, refined and balanced things out, so R&B feel like you're playing something very outdated today.
7 is the definition of over-praised, nostalgic junk. The story is awful for anyone over the age of 15 and the gameplay was never in any way thought provoking or compelling. There are far better entries in the franchise and the fact that 7 is the poster boy for FF because it was so many now-20-somethings first FF/jRPG/videogame is disgusting.
super mario world
>he hates terraria
he just lies to himself