I completely fucked up I think, because I can't seem to beat the Ancient Dragon or any of the DLC bosses.
Can anyone tell me how I fucked up my build? I have fully upgraded, Claymore, Fire Long Sword, Watchdragon Pharma and Dragon Armor.
I completely fucked up I think, because I can't seem to beat the Ancient Dragon or any of the DLC bosses.
Can anyone tell me how I fucked up my build? I have fully upgraded, Claymore, Fire Long Sword, Watchdragon Pharma and Dragon Armor.
Nah, you just have to git gud. Also might want to go below 60% eq load.
What rings?
Steel protection, blades, chloranty, second dragon ring
Steel protection switches out depending on the boss to a quartz ring.
For the ancient dragon you want to hug his right foot and whack at it. If he flies up, run the fuck away.
For the DLC bosses, get good, your stats are more than fine, just don't swing around like a retard with that 20 endurance
Dark Souls 2's stats and scaling don't quite line up with how 1 and 3's work. You could drop your STR down significantly and get more VGR with very little damage loss. Especially if you're using enchantments.
>25 atn
>10int and 5 fth
for what purpose?
oh right i forget that pyromany scales with the glove in 2
>50 str
Isn't 40 the softcap?
Damage is all kinds of weird in Dark Souls 2.
Most people just get weapon requirements, agility cap, and then slam the rest into HP.
What platform are you on?
Im on ps4 and want to try coop
Sorry, PC here
why 50 str with claymore? that's a quality weapon, you would be doing way more damage with club/axes/great sword, etc.
claymore is best weapon but putting so much into str kinda limits the damage
Isnt 60% the rollcap? if it is then replace 1 bit of armour. Use a vessel to reroll and get the thunder enhance miracle and go to the blacksmith and get it thunder imbued. Stay in his toes and summon vengarl and wear that ring that reduces attack to your back by alot so when he attacks turn your back and bagoosh
I jst fixed the rollcap thing by finding the Third dragon ring, which I apparantly missed early on.
Actually fire damage scales with your INT, but can't go higher than your FTH. Eg. with 10 INT 9 FTH, you're only getting the scaling for 9 INT.
Here's how I beat elder Dragon.
Step 1: Unequip literally ALL gear for max stamina regen + roll distance
Step 2: Hit back feet until dead
If she ever flies up, run a good 40 feet away and return. She shouldn't do this often, so just keep pucking at her feet.
>32 Vitality
>61.1% equip load
Literally what are you smoking
>wearing the official shitter helmet
Glad to see things haven't changed
Yeah, same. It's the shittiest bossfight in the whole series.
Does anyone else think character models look really off in DaS2? Just look at the way OP's char is standing. It's so uncanny.
is 32 VIT too less?
>50 STR
Just get the large/great club and bash shit.
Well EVERY attack this bitch does will instakill you, armor is useless.
The only time I wasn't instakilled by her was when I was rolling full tank fire resist plus stone shield and even then she would break the guard in one hit and kill me past it right after.
It's best to go in with literally no gear instead of literally any gear.
Yeah, it's the mocap.