From the moment we met you could see that I was filled with desire

From the moment we met you could see that I was filled with desire

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I think that nintendo win this generation

code pls


Win what? The kids choice awards?

It's a replacement for both

And the switch will fucked up on both sides

Will we ever be able to have a Switch discussion without shitposting?

Use the metadata, you big nerd.

It contains the number 16 is what I'll tell you.

It's funny because Nintendo aren't even liked by a great amount of kids, gore and mature themes are what kids like, actually

This is undeniably true

this is true

launch title leaked


Why can't Nintendo come out with a normal fucking system?

so, then they liked the Wii?
After all, we had Mad World...

Because the Wii was gimmicky as fuck and sold bajillions to people that used it for a week then put it in a corner and never turned it on again.

They tried with the Wii U to get the same demographic and to go for the tablet crowd, but it didn't work. So now it appears they're doubling down.

>Tfw you see this and hope they have a dick

What has Sup Forums done to me....

8 days left until the ultimate disappointment!

11PM est when Reggie walks out and announces the $350 price point and Zelda BTFO gettinh delayed to September.

>then put it in a corner and never turned it on again.
I wonder if shitposters seriously believe this

Are they even legal?

stop posting this fucking retard