He doesn't pirate his games

>he doesn't pirate his games

how does it feel to support the actual shitty videogame industry?

Other urls found in this thread:

thepiratebay.org/search/collectors edition/0/99/0

I only buy Sony games and pirate everything on PC. I don't support literally cucks.

But you support cucks by buying Sony games?

I buy the games I like and can afford.

I'm only buying games I already played in order to ''secure them'' on Steam, so if I want to replay them I don't have to scavenge whatever torrent site isn't dead to find cracks and updates.

>Want games to get created
>Going to fund their creation on hopes and dreams


you can't like dogs and pirate games, they are fundamentally incompatible

Bought just cause 3 because I couldn't pirate it and it ran like shit on my PC even on medium to low settings and it simply would not register my controller.
Turns out this isn't even an uncommon thing.
I was surprised because just cause 2 was ported so well to PC and scaled nicely with old or even laptop hardware.

If you think buying a game nowadays has any impact on the direction the video game industry is going then you are one naive moron.

Games are now directed to masses not those who really play video games and want them to improve, and masses will gobble everything that has a nice trailer and other means of advertisements to it.

Times where you could decide with your wallet which game should be promoted and which should be forgotten are long gone since all the industry became corporate. So stop deluding yourself kiddo and stop being so naive as to think you are able to impact the industry in the slightest. You just pay money for a game you find good, that's all there is to it, no hopes there will ever be a sequel etc so just deal with it and stop spewing nonsense.

Oh and pirating games is fine since most devs is jewish enough, trying to trick you into buying their games with E3 trailers, bribed journalists and such. I pirate games when there is no demo available and if I like the game I buy it.It's that simple.


How will that dog get out of the pool? Surely he doesn't intend to row with his paw or simply jump into the cold water?

I pirate not because i hate the industry, but because i live in a shitty country and games are too expensive, and i'm poor.

It'll probably just jump in the water.
The water's probably not even that cold if it's willing to be that brave around it.


This, I pirate all western games (with the exception of FIFA since I have to play it with Friends on PS4 since no one plays FIFA on PC) on my PC and only buy japanese games for my PS4.

>invisible doggo forcefield

Humans can pass though it, bug dogs can't.

i pirate games and buy the ones i like a lot

Damn that is a well trained dog.


Piracy is for petulant manchildren with no friends.

>no bonus features


thepiratebay.org/search/collectors edition/0/99/0

that is the most retarded picture I have ever seen in this board.

Here's a crazy idea: buy the games you like to support the devs and pirate/don't play the games you don't want to support.

There are a lot of fallacious arguments thrown around when it comes to piracy, but the ones from the anti-piracy side outnumber and outweigh the pro-piracy fallacies 10-fold. Anti-pirates are up there with Hillary supporters, feminists, SJWs, etc. when it comes to hysterical delusion and inexplicable zeal for their convictions.

When there is a lack of evidence or you're too stupid to provide it, faith and mental gymnastics are your only hope.

>he is a virgin jobless poorfag neet that browses the Sup Forums board called Sup Forums more referred as Sup Forumseddit
Really makes you go mmmmhhhh

I pirate games and then buy them if I liked them enough, especially when it comes to niche games
My methods are superior and you're a faggot

I pirate because I want to.

Takes literally 0 dollars to make a game

You need a computer and a bitch to type shit on it. Wow

But user, I do.

Does anyone have the image which tiers the good and bad piracy clients? If so post it

here bud

I pirate because I'm poor and sometimes buy games on steam sales if I really liked them.

Only pirate old games pre ps3 stuff anything else is a no go, since emulation isn't good enough, and my ps3 ain't hacked yet

>the more DRM the game has the more likely they are to buy it
Fuck these people to hell

If the games are so shit, why are you even playing them?
The fact that you even get to pirate them is because people keep on buying them.

Sorry, but your retard logic doesn't hold up.

>shitty videogame industry
>still plays games


Looking back over the last 22 years or so of clear memories I have of gaming, most of the best, most innovative, and most inspiring .exes I've ever run have been handed out for free on some corner of the internet by some day-job having bastard who isn't quite dead inside just yet. I don't pirate anymore, but I don't even buy games all that often either. I've been playing vidya long enough to have transitioned from swapping floppy discs with the latest freeware/shareware demos to the industry we have now. I don't need higher resolutions to have fun, pic related was fun, I need something new. Even the indie scene hasn't escaped the lure of the shitty generic cash grab that it was a rebellion against. The industry gets maybe a couple hundred dollars a year from me, and that's more than it deserves. The technological capabilities of our home gaming equipment keeps getting better but for some reason the industry keeps shitting out the same turds every year and asks that I buy them again in a shinier bucket. Weird tiny studios like Ice-Pick lodge are the only people willing to do anything bold because apparently developing on the ps4 means that games need to make a billion dollars to break even on the developing costs and need to be as generic as possible or something.

They're good enough to waste time on, but not good enough to waste both time and money

How does this simple concept continually baffle morons like you?

>Want games to get created

[Citation needed]

Did you pirate owlboy

They will say the computer costs money, but omit the fact that most people already have a computer, especially if they're into playing games and making games. A game could in fact be made purely out of the desire to create a good game. Am I saying all games should be made in that manner? No. Am I saying games made in this manner are somehow better? No. Am I saying game developers should never be monetarily compensated for their work, or that games shouldn't be sold for money or something? No. I'm just saying it's possible to make a game, just because you had an idea and you wanted to do it. But to even make this non-controversial statement, typically gets you all of these strawman arguments (and more) from anti-pirates.

Eventually the word "entitled" would come into this conversation, when an anti-pirate would create the strawman argument that pirates think devs owe them free games or something. (Of course, nobody actually thinks that, pirates just want to get the game for free, while not typically believing that it's "owed" to them or something. I can't think of a single person who actually believes games are owed to them.)

But the irony of this is that anti-pirates never realize that they're the entitled ones; they think game devs are entitled to our money, before we know whether or not we support their product. They're not even entitled for themselves, it's not like it benefits them, they're being entitled for someone else. That's how brainwashed they are.

Bottom line: This discussion has been had thousands of times and nobody is going to convince anyone on either side. Anti-pirates are too wrapped up in their emotional arguments and their strawman arguments to ever add anything meaningful to the discussion.

No, didn't even know it had been finished.
