He plays as a girl character

>he plays as a girl character
>"i-im not gay! just dont want to stare at a dude's ass all day!"

Other urls found in this thread:


I play as girl character because I like tits and ass, nothing to talk about here.

I'm a girl who like playing male character. How come you don't shit on me you sexist fuck

I do too. Thanks for standing still afk while I fap to your online character.


i play as a girl because i want to be a cute girl irl, But i don't want to be a trans degenerate.

>Staring at man ass

It says here you're gay.

not this shit again, fuck off newfag

Ofc you wanna play as a man. You're lower on the totem pole

I only make an exception if they looked better than the male models (like draenei on world of warcraft). Otherwise I don't see the point.

Sage because I can already smell the feminism stench coming to this thread from a mile away.

This is false.

Have you ever Sup Forums, and I mean EVER, meet a female on an mmo who didn't play as one of the cute chicks?

Cause I haven't

>Thinks it's a sign of closet gay not closet trans

>my TGTF when

We already had this thread.

They play as girls because they're gay and insecure about it.

I play as a manly guy with a hot body because I admire people IRL who put hours into working out and getting /fit/ while I myself am too lazy to do it. Also I like to self-insert as a hot dude because that's what I wish I was.

I did, she used to play a tauren and an undead, both females, as her main back in TBC.

She was older (30+), asian, and not attractive at all, so I don't know if that counts as an actual female.

*kicks you in the balls*

heh... easy


what if i play as a cute trap? is that gay? traps are male

I play Orc male. Round shoulder hunch life.

>TG fetish = Realistic Transgender
I bet you think all the THICK fetishists aren't SSBBW fags trying to validate their corruption of the term through memes.

>Staring at man ass

In what games is the male character's body ever shown bare enough to really make out their ass? Is it even relevant in MMO's where a serious player will make their character look cool enough and then play at max camera distance anyways?

That said I always make my male characters look gay as fuck, be in leather-daddy cosplay, near-naked, PJ's or undies ab-windows, etc.

>want to play as a girl
>"heh y-you're just a neckbeard"

I play as girl characters because everybody else is samefacing males

I play as a girl with a hot body because that's what I wish I was

if my friends mention it though I always go with the staring at a girl's ass excuse

not gay, incidentally

I only play as a girl character if none of the male characters look close to me/lack of customization or if I just straight up don't like the male characters based on personality

>hurt feminism by doing nothing

>I like to stare at a girls ass instead of a mans
Why are you standing still instead of playing the game?

>i am dumb underage the post

>have a gf
>shes used to me trolling her all the time
>tell her how hot it'd be if she was still the same package except with a dick
>she laughs
>mfw im not kidding

>Being a grown adult
>Still using video games as escapism

I pity you.

I play as a girl because girls are cute. Also, because I'm already a guy. Games are about not being real life.

I like to play male characters. Females are usually fat and gross looking.

why are so many faggots closet about being homo anyway? are they ashamed of it lol?
it's not like it's something you can really hide. anyone can spot faggy behavior from miles away


I like the way you think, based user.

Don't gay guys play as guys in vidya?

Don't throw the love of my life under the bus just to make fun of neckbeards, fucker.

why do you keep making the same thread over and over?
are you insecure about something?

When you come out of the closet?

>Most guys play as guys with the occassional guys playing as girls because other guys give them loot

>Tumblr era where everyone is a trans faggot
>Most guys play as girls


no problem

>Most guys play as girls
that's not true though

Successful strategies spread. Also, character customization is now more common.

You vastly overestimate the reach of the "tumblr era", or the amount of "trans faggot"s.

>this is the only possible explanation
Prove it.

it is


I like pussy too though, no point in coming out as "bi," because even then that carries the connotation that I like masculine men or slightly effeminate boys.

As a general rule I only fuck things that act and look completely like women.

That can include: actual women, boys, pillows, my hand(with a woman drawn on it), grapefruits, sex dolls, pizzas, or pigs

you can be a girl user.

TG fetish is just an even more fun version

please be in london




>Fapping to traps
>Sticking dragon dildos up your ass
>Pretending you're still straight

I play as the girl character because it's fun to casually roleplay as a cute girl, and I don't really give a shit about the supposed implications.

Does musume no nichijou worth watching if I just want to switch off my braing for couple of hours?

I like how using that "quote" as an insult directly implies that the opposite, being "I play as a guy so I CAN stare at man ass", is what you consider normal.

Who started this meme? I think I forst heard it on the Roosterteeth podcast. Or is it like a reddit normie sentiment that seems like it has always existed like jetpacks and bacon?

Ha jokes on you, I'm into that stuff.

nobody cares

. L . . O . . N .
. D .. O .. N .

I know for a fact the whole "I don't want to stare at man ass" quote has been a thing since 3D games became a thing.

People definately did not complain about being forced to play as Lara in Tomb Raider.

because we get into trouble when we make fun of women here. too many desperate virgin white nights.
we're only allowed to make fun of men lol

>people like this exist

Sure, i would recommend the manga more though.

I know a girl that says she always chooses the character with the best design, so I've seen her play as both males and females

It's not gay if it's dragons.

Same. I love making bishonen men and traps in games with customization. I even played witcher 1-3 with mods that make Geralt young and beautiful.

>I know a girl
Gr8 b8 m8

>"i-it's not like I'm projecting myself onto a females body, or anything...!"
>"i-is that a bulge between your legs...?"
>"i-i guess it would be weird if I didn't suck on it! H-here I gooooo....."

> top right pic

Can someone explain the monster girl appeal?

We futafags are not gay user we just like penis and only penis, the faces of guys makes me want to vomit but penises are nice. However I love seeing women in pleasure so seeing a girl looking down as you suck their sock moaning is just amazing user.

Also no shemale shit either, it has to be a woman with a dick.

Same appeal as fucking anything strange, threatening, or exotic.
Like a nigger

>the choice of his in-game avatar appearance somehow connects to his sexuality

If you take the parts of an animal that you want to fuck and put them onto a human female then you can convince yourself you aren't a filthy animal fucker.

What happened to just wishing you were the little girl?

>tfw I'm a healer and that picture is 100% accurate.

oh so you are only attracted to women with male genitalia, but that's not gay

how's that closet tho

>not playing as both genders
haah waaw

I play as the gender I am IRL, which is the way God intended it.

If you play as a girl in games while being a guy irl you are a gigantic faggot and I would like to personally come to your house with a 12 inch knife and slowly cut off your dick and slice you the vagina you wanted before carelessly cutting you in half, still alive, bring you to the meat factory I work at, and toss your screaming upper torso into the active meat grinder and watch you become mince meat, then i'll make a good burger out of it and sell it to your family and watch them eat it

It's not worth it. Play as your gender in games.

This is what self inserting in video games does to the human brain.

>Don't speak for women
>Don't portray women as victims

Aren't those things a feminist would bitch about if you did ?

That image is kinda dumb

You got me all hot and bothered user-kun.

>Implying I lie on the internet
Just because you're an ugly insecure faggot that is unable to even talk normally to a girl doesn't mean that everyone else here is the same

>Imply it doesn't
>Implying that psychology isn't such a nebulous and all encompassing thing, that something as massive as choosing one gender over the other isn't going to have roots in something that's been learned or desired.
Does it mean you are a faggot? Probably not. But it certainly raises the chances that you're someone who has some interest in projecting or have a certain level of curiosity.


Why don't you imagine girls looking down as you suck their pussy if you're straight?

It's kind of funny how true this is.

Guys jump a lot in MMOs. Girls rarely ever do that. Guys who play as girls also jump a lot.

Fucking lalafag your waifu is shit

>Getting this defensive over the tiniest joke

Maybe there's some truth to it. Why can't you talk to women, user?

>sucking pussy
Spotted the virgin

Eating pussy is gross unless I imagine myself as a girl doing it to another girl, I cant fap to men eating pussy its just so fucking disgusting, but men sucking futa cocks is A OK.


>I just want to roleplay as a girl whats gay about that

Adding more female elements to a sexual fantasy cannot arguably make it gay. So when you have a man fucking a woman, most people wouldn't care and wouldn't consider that gay.

But when you have a girl with a penis fucking a girl, (that's 2 extra boobs, and a more feminine body structure and face) that's "gay" apparently.

What futafags actually fap to:
>I like watching this girl fuck another girl.

What futafag critics think they fap to:
>Gee, I sure do love sucking dicks and fucking men in the ass, even though that's not what my fantasies are about at all

>young Geralt
>in Witcher 3
Even I know you have awful taste and I'm a lesbian.


Nobody lies on the internet, user.

My penis, for example, is 12 inches long.

Guys are better girls than girls user, Id suck your peenee if you were cute.

I'm the same way user.

So we bought her a strap-on

Except not everyone has similar perspectives on all matters.

The major factor that seperates people on this subject and thus makes it great fuel for endless shitposting is whether the individual views the character in the game they're playing as a character they are playing as or a character they are controlling/watching.

naw girls are better at being girls than guys imo
men cannot replicate the incredible feeling of inserting yourself into a soft warm wet vagina

>What futafags actually fap to:
>>I like watching this girl fuck another girl.

>he doesn't fap to apocalyptic transformation fantasies of worldwide contagious futa-fication syndrome
