Name a single good video game
Name a single good video game
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Random Nintendo game
The Witcher 3 w/ DLC might be the best release in the past 15 years
Witcher 3 is a bad game though.
The original Fallout
Wind Waker
No man's sky
Pokemon Black 2 and White 2
Fun? Sure. Good? Nah.
dumb fucking frogposter
What is even the point of this thread? It's not funny, it's just mindless shitposting. Why can't we purge this garbage from the boards
Kingdom Hearts 1
Ride to Hell: Retribution
I wish I could tell meme from real opinion on this board anymore
My favourite game.
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. GBA edition.
I actually agree with this, they were the epitome of classic Pokemon gameplay. Not this 3ds shite.
>game is fun but isn't good lmao
oh wait
Same with EDF4.1 being fun but if you were to judge it accordingly, it has more demerits than merits.
Metal Gear Solid 3
I don't think the industry will ever top this. I don't think it will ever top a lot of titles anymore.
You can say the same about many of the isometric classic full of bugs..
Perfect Dark. Done. Next retarded thread please.
>press X to witcher
>awful combat
>awful itemization
>shitty controls
yeah, nah. It's a nice benchmark VN, but nothing more. Better games were released that very year even
V was better
how (MUCH) is a single?