>no longer releases subscriber numbers
>realm populations under 1k
>despite purchasing every single reviewer to claim legion as the best x-pac, people are jumping from it like a sinking ship and the forums is full of people hating on it
>probably spent their budget for the next two years bribing everyone at the game awards
>despite this they can't even add anything remotely interesting to overwatch
>player base is slowly but surely dropping out from the game
>sc2 is dead
>Diablo 3 will never get a serious number of players
>a couple of Russian and French nobodies are getting 10k on their realms while most of the fan base is still waiting for the fresh start realm
>literally offered their assholes to blizzard in a sign of peace
>offered them free money
>you think you want it but you dont!
When can we finally put this dumb-fuck company in the grave?
No longer releases subscriber numbers
>and the forums is full of people hating on it
that's not a good indicator of anything
forums have been full of constant bitching, whining and hating on the game since at least the burning crusade days, probably even before that.
that being said, legion is a pile of garbage and should die
>Overwatch sold a bazillion copies
>Hearthstone making mad dosh
Blizzard couldn't give less of a shit about some shitty old dated game that only nostalgic grandpas still care about.
The forums went full QQ in Wrath. TBC never had the amount of bitching Wrath and onwards had.
You are pathetic senpai
Thank you for this post.
0.05 battlenet balance has been deposited in your account
The easiest way to get people to play their world of warcrap is to do the Elder Scrolls Online method and make people pay for base game but take away subscriptions. Many people I raided with ages ago don't play anymore not just because of content but also the cost of playing.
>Legion sold well, many people still subscribed
>Overwatch #1 selling game on pc 2k16
>Hearthstone making bank
>SC2 and D3 not doing great but pulling in the income
Looks like OP is a dumbfuck.
>doesn't release suscriber numbers
Oh I am lafin
Overwatch is gonna lose its player base get ready for 10 min to find a match in probably half a year
Hearthstone is literally designed to suck every last penny out of its player. One day it's community will wise up.
>TBC never had the amount of bitching Wrath and onwards had.
it absolutely did
>waaah blizzard when will you finally buff [my class] and nerf [class that my class loses to] so arena can be balanced
>waaah why do we have to do all these attunements on our alts its impossible to switch characters like this
>waah daily quests are a stupid grind and i hate them
>waah epic flying costs too much money i dont have time for this shit i have a life
>waah druid flying form op they keep stealing my herb spawns
>waah warlock op cant kill in battleground
>waah rogue op they always gank me
>waah undead racial op pls nerf
I agree. Why they listened to casuals I will never understand.
Doesn't matter if they don't release sub numbers, they could have 1 million subscribers and that's still a lot of money, hell they could have half of that and that's still enough to keep them going.
People still play TF2 today, what makes you think Overwatch won't be played for years to come? You underestimate autistic fan bases.
And lastly, TCG players usually have too much money, there's people who spend hundreds, even thousands of dollars for just one card, it's just not going to go away.
i hear you all ask why would OPs image compare a place nobody goes on retail because everyones in dalaran/class halls?
because nostcucks gonna cuck
>Why they listened to casuals
cause it made them rich
when they listened to casuals, it resulted in wrath. gameplay was streamlined, dungeons were undertuned and easy as fuck, and it gave them record breaking subscription numbers.
after that they tried to go back to making serious content for old school players with cataclysm - that resulted in all the wrathbabies getting BTFO by fucking 5man bosses and quitting the game out of frustration, giving blizzard a drop in subscriptions.
i think this experience alone was so traumatizing to the jews at activi$ion-blizzard that they all swore a sacred oath to never ever go against the wishes of even the most casual of their players, and it resulted in the game entering a steady decline that ultimately lead to the shitheap called warlords and legion.
a real shame, because the early cataclysm dungeons were fucking great. best 5man experience i ever had in the game (played from vanilla until mop)
Retarded. Just to spite you and because I had time on my hands, I checked on first 10 EU servers. That place is always filled with people.
Not too sure, but soon I hope.
Bunch of good for nothing kikes at Blizzard if you ask me.
The fact WoW is even still a thing after 12 years is impressive
not really desu. at this point, it is more of an entire game series than a single game, since all the "expansions" are de facto sequels to each other, and plenty of game series survive for 12 years or longer
Not when people pay an ongoing fee in addition to buying the expansion
The game world might be dead, but that isnt a problem on numbers, but mostly blizzard retarded decisions.
Wow still probably still on the top 10 of most played pc games, behind stuff like dota2, lol, perhaps even other blizz games like overwatch.
And being subscription based, thats a lot of money.