Name a single effective horror game. You can't, but I want to see you try
Name a single effective horror game. You can't, but I want to see you try
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wtf is wrong with your ferret
What's the point in trying if I can't, user?
Is that dog alright?
Stalker on your first playthrough
Clock Tower
I'll vote for this
Shadow of Chernobyl has amazing creepy atmosphere and some very scary moments
OG Silent Hill
Project Zero 2
End thyself, OP
I always almost purchase Stalker or Metro when they're on sale but then I see that they're
>Story based
Fatal frame 2? Play it at 3am in winter.
Stalker and SOMA both legitimately spooked me. Loved the aesthetics and atmosphere in SOMA.
Just let this meme die already. I love the STALKER games. Even Clear Sky. But they aren't scary. Even Dead Space 3 is scarier than STALKER. STALKER has a certain chill to it's powerful atmosphere, but it is NOT scary.
>b-but spoopy invisible monster and snorks!
They're barely in the fucking game and you completely missed the point if you think the game revolves around them.
OP is probably a millenial who doesn't know there were games before 2007.
You might not find the gameplay itself scary, but the story is really scary in my opinion
STALKER is neither of those things, at most it has very light RPG elements with gear and artifact selection, nobody cares about STALKER's story
MEtro is more story focused but doesn't have RPG elements at all
SCP isnt that good of a game, but it has some good effective horror.
If only it wasn't a buggy piece of shit.
Stanley Parable
>any dead space
>being scary
I was utterly bored by the third predictable jumpscare of Dead Space 1, it's more of a shooter with failed horror aspects
the game lacks any atmosphere because it plays a riff whenever you're in danger, also the whole thing is a shitty generic take on aliens with shitty SO CREEPY BABY designs
Stupid question with an obvious, easy answer.
What else you got?
Silent Hill 2 for ATMOSPHERE
Silent Hill 3 for tense survival gameplay
Silent Hill 1 for a good bit of both
Go away, Pewdiepie
you wake up in the future still alive
>why are you not a human
>arbitrary fuckin reasons for the end of the world
i like the character simon but good god he functions like a liberal on autism in 2016
he should be able to do basic math and add together what has happend etc
i also dont understand the arc thing
nomather what there is no point in sending digital pepes into space to "live their live" in memespace, they are practically a useless cause
and even lets say that we all figure out we are living in 3D digital space there is no goddamn way to get out of it (yett) and probablywont be until they burn out and die as a race
so what exactly is the point of the game and scary ?
the ai flips and goes crazy trying to maintain life as programed, and it seems to backfire considering life is on the 000,1% and well its trying to preserve dead things
Penumbra games are pretty good too, the first 2 since they went crazy and made the third Penumbra just a puzzle game for some reason
I also enjoyed SOMA, I wish there was more gameplay to it, more puzzles or something. I can see why some people criticize it for being more of a walking simulator than other Frictional games
Get this into your retarded skull:
The genre also encompasses gore, thriller, paranormal and psychological.
The sooner you fucking retards learn that the better.
>Dead space is a perfectly fine horror game
>Evil within is a perfectly fine horror game
>Silent hill is a perfectly fine horror game
>Resident evil is a perfectly fine horror game
>Amnesia is a perfectly fine horror game
>Alien isolation is a perfectly fine horror game
>Alan wake is a perfectly fine horror game
>Slender the arrival is a perfectly fine horror game
>FNAF is a perfectly fine horror game
And all of them are "effective" at what they do.
Fucking retards.
Why are they trying to ape Natural Born Killers with that character design?
who the fuck tagged RPG on either one of those what the fuck is wrong with the people on steam
i forgot to add that the woman that was the sidekick was preety aiit and didnt freak out as much, technically speaking they would be the first to act like simon and worse even when knowing that they are a nailpolishing machine with a harddrive brain
pic related, only good game that had the best atmosphere and scared the fuck out of me
>didn't actually play it
Cool meme answer dude
It's a style that goes around I guess
alien isolation
It invoked that basic human fear of going up against something that is way faster and deadlier than you, plus the atmosphere and music are creepy af.
The synths are scary in their own right aswell.
With the new movies coming out, I really hope they make another one. One of the few games that stays scary most of the way through
Fuck this game
STALKER is not RPG but it does have inventory management and open exploration. I pity the fools who think that these are what makes RPG's its own genre.
Metro is story-driven, though.
Both games had great lighting effects. Light is what makes good grafics look good.
Silent Hill 1-4
Penumbra ep1-2
Afraid Of Monsters: DC
Cry Of Fear
So Sora and Mickey get to fuse in Kingdom Hearts III?
The fuck? Neither is an RPG.
And story-based is only a huge plus, and rises STALKER above all the copypasta "survival shooters" out there.
Rookie guide very related.
>i like the character simon but good god he functions like a liberal on autism in 2016
he should be able to do basic math and add together what has happend etc
A legacy scan from a guy with brain damage should act exactly like Simon did in the game.
I feel like these games are much more enjoyable when you're easily scared. I'm a real pussy when it comes to horror games so I got a really good experience out of Amnesia.
>Clock Tower
The only right answer