Literally 'No fun allowed' mode.
Why would anyone play on this shit mode? You can't even carry fucking ammo.
Literally 'No fun allowed' mode
>Wipeout trading post for a week's worth of cram and Salisbury steaks
>Survivalist mode, one rifle, one pistol, one knife
>Survivalism skill actually really useful once you get it past 50 for taking care of the medicines you can't find
It's honestly the only way to make this game fun.
This mode really wasn't a big deal. Ammo isn't so heavy that carrying it around matters.
Except the game is still really easy with it on, and unless you're carrying dozens of rockets and mini nukes you're not gonna get overloaded with ammo
git gud
This. I avoided Hardcore mode for my first two playthroughs, thinking it was "no fun allowed", but it does make the game more tense.
>limb damage actually worth a damn, can't just stimpack back to normal
>hydra is actually useful now
>actually have to make decisions about weapon loadouts because of ammo weight
>have to manage food/drink supplies
>sleep has a purpose beyond healing
Not to mention loads of mods are designed around using hardcore mode and become nearly trivial without it.
I play on Hard with Jsawyer and use really low DT, the game is very hard. Geckos can one shot me, deathclaws will certainly one shot me and god forbid one of the NPC's has a Anti-material rifle of brush gun and shoots me in the fucking head
it does feel tedious at first but it's really the only way to play, and go download DUST if you really think you're tough
I honestly can't even remember it being overly hard.
>Optional and immersive playstyles are "no fun allowed"
What shit taste
One of the two best sniper rifles in the game uses 5.56mm rounds, as does one of the most powerful pistols, and that round is used for one of the main automatic rifles of the game
And if you're not going for an unarmed built and abusing Slayer/Ain't Like That Now while using Love and Hate, the Ballistic Fist and Fist of (the North) Rawr then you were already playing the No Fun Allowed mode before you turned hardcore on
Most of the mods that I know to revolve around hardcore mode just make the bars all drop ridiculously fast, so that you die if you don't sleep every 5 in game hours or something.
>oh no, I have to manage stuff
>waaaah, my ffffuuuuun
Shittiest taste I saw today.
To make it more Roguelike
Fallout 4 survival mode is the actual "No Fun Allowed" mode.
Everything you said about guns that use 5.56mm is incorrect. No sniper uses it and That Gun isn't all that powerful.
I played Hardcore on max difficulty and it was a cake. You get one weapon for each ammo type you are specilized in, you got some food, some water, a couple points in survival and you won't even notice it.
>Fallout 4 is the actual "No Fun Allowed" mode.
Perhaps instead of spending time on this Obsidian could have used that time to actually finish CL.
That Gun did plenty for me and last I checked Ratslayer was a damn good silenced and light as all hell scoped bolt action
But hey, to each their own, opinions and all that
>Drink all the Sunset Sarsaparilla at Mojave Outpost
>Thirst meter breaks
>Never have to drink again
What in the fuck makes NV on hardcore a 'roguelike'?
It should unbreak when you load a new save.
Hardcore mode was likely done in a day or two. It's just adding a bunch of numerical values to items and copy-pasting the rad counter three times and having said counters rise on their own.
more like
>Drink all the Sunset Sarsaparilla at Mojave Outpost
>die of thirst
What is the reward?
Also, I don't like these "MUH IMERSION" things, but in this case the game become more fun.
W-What's the special reward?
Latest jsawyer mod actually fixes this and non-alcoholic drinks actually lower your thirst.
I actually forgot Stims healed broken limbs but I always carried at least two doctor bags.
It's an achievement
>Except the game is still really easy with it on
That's the point. It's just needless tedium and busy work.
Which mods? I don't recall that ever happening.
Besides, if it's a hardcore mode worth a damn, it would allow you to turn on/off certain features or at best switch between different difficulty settings, like all the most popular Skyrim hardcore mods (I'm thinking stuff like Frostfall or Realistic Needs & Diseases)
The reward is just an achievement/trophy.
>What is the reward?
It's fine, other than the retarded survival needs like water, sleep, food. Like I understand there are items in the game for that reason. but come on all 3 and you can just fast travel back to base and recharge rather than carry it alll
And what can you do with that?
All the popular mods do it. DUST, jsawyer, everything increases the rate at which the bars fill up.
I don't know, what do you usually do with achievements?
Thank you!
I agree, user.
What can you do with videogames in general?
It's a hobby, sperg. It has no practical use by fucking definition.
It's also worth mentioning, especially if you don't think the Ratslayer has enough kick to it, that you also get access to Marksman Rifles
Which means you get the All-American
It's also worth remembering that, while That Gun obviously isn't the end all to be all hardest hitting pistol in the game, it does have the second highest critical multiplier for all one handed non energy guns, tied with Lucky at 2.5x. And since it's more of a close-mid range weapon you shouldn't really need it too often since, as I mentioned previously, you should be taking advantage of the ridiculous amount of powerful unarmed perks, especially since you'll ideally want to bulk up your END
Gotta give Bethesda credit, at least they actually went all-out on something for once.
Objection, the prosecutor is leading the witness.
I've been playing in this mode for so long, playing normal mode feel uncomfortable.
Perhaps you should play on a lower difficulty.
The combat actually feels better; you die quicker, but your enemies melt before you once you get the right skills and weapons. Way better than the vanilla. The H20, hunger, and ammo weight is nothing really. Once you use the ammo the weight is gradually lost. Really the only ammunition I've noticed outside of explosives thatnhad weight was the MF cells.
>fast travel to goodsprings for unlimited free water
>food is retardedly abundant
>you need to sleep to heal regularly anyways
the only part that's interesting is healing your limbs, but there's a doctor in goodsprings that costs basically nothing as well
it really was just tedious and pointless
You apparently know nothing about making games and are willing to show it.
More like
>Drink all the Sunset Sarsaparilla at Mojave Outpost
>Die of aids.
Because only fags drink it.
Enlighten me then. What in Hardcore mode requires enough workhours to consider it a bad investment of said time?
one of the biggest differences was stimpacks healing over time preventing you from just stimpacking from 1 to max while paused
>the ridiculous amount of powerful unarmed perks
Like what?
>not playing with Jsawyer.esp weight limits + a mod that adds to weight values to weightless non-quest items e.g. stimpaks and chems
>you have to consider what essentials to carry
>it takes more time to become rich and overpowered since you can carry less loot to sell
>makes various perks and consumables more useful and appealing
>most importantly, it fixes the compulsive hoarding problem that happens to people (or at least me) when playing New Vegas or Bethesda games
I play all of my skyrim and oblivion games with food and hunger mods. New Vegas just isn't fun with that kind of experience in my opinion - wilderness exploration isn't New Vegas's strength.
If anything, Hardcore just makes the start of the game harder. After you get to New Vegas and do a few quests you already have enough caps to buy yourself as much food and water as you could ever need.
>not using JSawyer or Project Nevada
It makes the game a lot better actually. Way better depth and gameplay.
>not adding weight to quest items
>trusting anyone that's played 400 hours of DayZ without realizing it's fucking garbage in the first hour
Right, you've got Super Slam, which gives you a 15% chance of knocking down enemies with light (one handed/dual wielded) melee/unarmed weapons, and a 30% chance of knocking the enemy down with Heavy (Two handed) melee/unarmed weapons
Piercing Strike allows you to ignore 15 DT with melee/unarmed weapons
Unstoppable Force allows you to damage enemies through their guard with melee/unarmed weapons
Slayer increases melee/unarmed attack speed by 30%, Ain't Like That Now increases it by 20% (for all weapons except automatic) and Melee Hacker by 30% at the second rank
Implant GRX gives you slow-mo, great for getting into the fray
Paralysing Palm is great for V.A.T.S
That's just a couple, there are more that, while not necessarily giving an out and out DPS increase, will benefit a close range playstyle
And of course, the Unarmed exclusive special attack perks like Ranger Takedown, Khan Trick, and most importantly the Legion Assault
So don't fucking fast travel.
are you a madman
I'm totally the other way. Skyrim is annoying with food/cold mods.
Making it harder wherever possible is a good thing. NV is such a breeze most things that make it harder make it a lot more fun.
there's plenty of other crpg's that do it
you want to lug around all that heavy machinery, you better prepare for it
It wasn't that bad when transitioned from the the mod with a 40+ person active group. I usually play for a day when a new good patch comes out. The early mod days where some of my best gaming experiences and is probably the only reason I go back.
>do more tedious bullshit
I feel like you aren't fully understanding the complaint.
What I learned from playing Hardcore mode in NV and using Frostfall in Skyrim is that having to worry about temperature/shelter is 1000% more interesting and fun then worrying about food in games. Food stops being an issue once you become established and just turns into something you stop worrying about, where as shelter/temperature becomes important every time you go exploring.
Also the change to damage and healing are the only good parts of Hardcore mode. And you can get that from messing with Project Nevada settings. The ammo weight doesn't make you less powerful, it just made me stick to one or two really strong single shot weapons instead of using a variety of weapon types.
>implying fast travel is always available
>implying going through a loading screen is more optimal than just chugging a Nuka
Armchair optimisation-fags are the worst
You play hardcore mode to be more immersed, to make the game more realistic. Magically teleporting over huge distances isn't realistic.
>Oh no, I have to actually play the game!
>You can't even carry fucking ammo.
I can carry full arsenal with "hardcore" mode.
Sorry you can't carry 5000 bullets anymore.
Project Nevada has some awful crap like visors that you can thankfully disable separately. I think the best addition is AP consuming slo-mo that you can use instead if VATS, as in my opinion it feels less clunky than the vanilla's constant changing between full real-time and turn-based.
I play hardcore to have to think a bit more about what ammo I bring, and to have stimpacks not heal instantly.
It was my first play through. Ya you can.
>to make the game more realistic
Hardcore mode isn't realistic. It's a tedious abstraction. Moreover, it's poor immersion. You don't feel like a wasteland survivor, you feel like a guy who needs to constantly snack or he inexplicably dies.
Why would I want to play a shitty game?
a th-achievement.
So whats the special reward for beating ot?
Well, at least that fuckton of food have some use now.
I never played with hardcore mode off.
You find so much food and water lying around anyway, I don't know if it would be the same game for me without it. I found nothing to be "no fun".
Who gives a shit? Not everything in a game needs to have meaningful, mechanical value. It works fine as set dressing. Implementing shitty busywork is just making a shittier game in an effort to solve a problem that wasn't even a problem.
>Who gives a shit?
Most people. You're the odd one out in the thread, faggot
I challenge you to demonstrate most players even used Hardcore mode, much less preferred it.
I challange you to suck my dick and cease your autistic screeching about an optional feature you dislike.
I'm conversing with you, user. You're the one getting all flustered because of a disagreement over a video game.
that's called challenging game play mechanics
also no one is holding a gun to your head to play in that mode
furthermore pointed out that there's tons of food lying around anyway
i personally hardly ever slept in game since some of the food took away sleep points, among other things
>that's called challenging game play mechanics
It isn't challenging. It's tedious.
>also no one is holding a gun to your head to play in that mode
That's why I don't play with it.
>pointed out that there's tons of food lying around anyway
I never disagreed with this. I don't know why you're pointing it out.
>If you activate hardcore mode and keep it you will recieve a special reward at the end of the main storyline
>Game ends entirely when u finish it
what the FUCK!
What wass the fucking reward meant to be
Visors are the real reason I use PNV.
I guess you won't like STALKER then
Are you suggesting that STALKER has more imposing survival requirements than hardcore mode? You eat maybe a handful of times in a playthrough and the UI isn't the biggest piece of shit on the planet so it takes all of a second when you do need to.
Haven't slept in a bed all game in my playthrough, thanks to atomic cocktails and sunset sarsparilla
>bethesda people are so retarded they think antibiotics cure viral or fungal infections
>legs breaking every two encounters
I don't have enough Doctor's Bags for this shit
>implying any of this matters when you can fast travel back to base with unlimited water, a bed, and a ton of geckos to hunt and eat
>implying jury rigging doesn't already make you rich as hell
>Using fast travel
Fast travel has been a part of Fallout since the beginning.
>implying that isn't a fair mechanic in the game
Either way this wouldn't have been a problem if they hadn't made you do three different needs instead of one of them
The hunger and thirst mechanics are completely shallow and immersion breaking. Why do people actually think it adds anything to the the game?
I did Hardcore mod my first playthrough when it came out, all I got out of it was how great Survival can be. That's about it.
Hardcore mode it's what the name implies, you get bored from doing regular playthroughs and want to add more challenge.