Why is this 30 fucking bucks? I would pay 15 more it but not 30.
Why is this 30 fucking bucks? I would pay 15 more it but not 30
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Because it's a fair price for a game you potentially play hundreds of hours. Not to mention it goes on sale every other week.
give me glittermitten cove and you can have the last copy from the 6 pack I bought day one
If you think that game is only worth $15 you are either cheap as fuck or have twisted standards. It might not be as good as 1 but it's far better than many AAA $60 games nobody bats an eye at.
Price parity with the console version, since consolefags are used to paying more.
Other than that, it goes on sale almost as often as KF1 did.
I have yet to see it onsale.
I dont trust that kike shit.
have you literally never looked?
Lmao you fucking retard
He will take your game and leave, OP.
I've paid 25 and i feel ripped off.
No other shooter got old and boring so quickly.
you have not lurked enough. There's been plenty of free weekend + sale combos throughout the whole last year.
>no actual trusted retailers
sounds like you don't have too many friends
Don't you fucking DARE refund this shit !
That's not the point, it's more that horde mode can't keep a game alive for me.
Why wouldn´t it be?
What content is missing for a half price game?
Siege cost/s full price, and that mostly okay.
Payday2 cost the same as this, and asides from the DLC the pricing was considered just right.
its not even worth 15
just play left 4 dead, way better. you actually go from point a to b in l4d instead of killing floor where you just kill zombies in a small enclosed space
lmao for paying too much for games
Except that doesn't apply to him, you fucking retard.
>you are stealing money back
but l4d is filled with griefing faggots who teamkill you or run ahead while you get raped by a hunter
too bad the community for left 4 dead is literal shit
That OP was talking about EA refunds, and rightfully so. People were getting refunds with like 200+ hours played, and laughing about it.
>Literally fucking STEAM on that list.
You really are retarded.