WTF is this thing. > Im a Eurofag for your info so probably why I don't know this "console".
Can anyone give me a review of this thing ?. > Why would buy it, does even work on gaming performance ?. > Other Pro's and Con's > Do you play counter strike GO with this ?.
What the fuck can it play? Doesn't Windows take up 90% of available resources?
Dylan Harris
Not him but how loud is it and are the bumpers as bad as people say they are?
Ian King
sure does. sell your gamepood and get a better phone
Thomas Peterson
Do the sticks click at all or are L3 and R3 only the buttons?
Jackson Cox
I kickstarted it for extra cheap price. I play emulators and games like Heroes 3 and Red Alert 3 etc. Works really well and has surprisingly good performance. Battery is decent and lasts a few hours. Cons are only a few. The biggest is that the first batch had lots of issues with drivers and such, I was lucky with my second batch. Some buttons are a bit annoying, specifically the bumpers on the back. You have to get used to them. You could play CSGO easily.
Sebastian Diaz
show us AM2R running on it pls
Xavier Green
Some pro's and cons' in an overview green text. And: What do you games do you play with this console ?.
Connor Gonzalez
>What the fuck can it play? Doesn't Windows take up 90% of available
Any emulator, even Dolphin rather well. Melee at 60 fps, same with Paper Mario Ttyd.
Also PC games that aren´t too demanding. I could play Red Alert 3 on High settings at 60fps.
Hudson Reed
>lasts a few hours Can you define "a few"? 5? 10?
Lucas Taylor
I was surprised about this as well. How can it play windows and all of your steam games ?
Joseph Jones
It isn't too loud on max fan setting but it gets slightly too hot for max comfort in my opinion (demanding games). The bumpers are just strange and are fine when you get the hang of them. They do the job.
Thomas Gomez
The sticks do not click unfortunately.
Oliver Ramirez
Not now but works flawlessly.
Isaiah Stewart
4-5 hours - Gaming 6-8 hours - General use
Samuel Lewis
So it's total shit? Gotcha. Better to have a windows pad with keyboard/battery attachment.
Nathaniel King
how good is it for visual novels?
Adam Foster
Its far better than the 3DS in terms of battery. You can't possibly expect more than that.
It also has quick charging.
Adrian Perez
Yet another shill thread of this turd, by someone who doesn't know how and when to greentext. Very happy it's selling so poorly that you need to shill it here.
Hudson Reed
Aw, lame.
Sebastian Foster
this thing is awesome. Its just available in Europe yet.
> How popular is it in Hong-Kong and other Asian countries ?. > So it got a hdmi port for playing on any possible big screen ?
Bentley Hall
>4-5 hours gaming >on a 6700 mAh battery No.
Brody Torres
As good as you could expect I suppose. I mean, it plays 3D games no problem so any 2D game or visual novel works without issue.
Christian Thompson
just not available
Joshua Lewis
Holy shit, you marketeers don't even the purpose of greentexting.
And if you wanted info, how about you fucking use Google?
Christian Wright
why do you write dates with a combination of dashes and slashes?
Lucas Scott
Well, I tested it on Owlboy, not really a demanding game.
I'm sure it would be less if I cranked it up with a more demanding game.
Cooper Roberts
How can white bois even compete.
Hunter Powell
Import it.
Bentley Long
Because the internet is full of shit info. Just form an experienced user. Thats why forums boards blogs dumbfag
Evan Cook
Oh god I love tiny PCs. I NEEEEEEED this.
Brody Turner
No, you are here because you are a marketeer trying to force, once again, this failed turd.
Jeremiah Garcia
Not American. In Sweden this way is acceptable.
Dominic Hernandez
>How can white bois even compete.
Is he blowing air in a white blanket ? I can't see a snap in it. What is that fucking thing ?
Aaron Wilson
Wouldn't it be better at this point as an emulator box running Linux?
Landon Perry
SAME HERE! I'M GOING TO PURCHASE A GPD Win 10™ for only $399.99!
GPD Win 10™! Available in your favourite online store!
Parker Johnson
Imagine being the janitor on this board and having to be all like "damn, Anonymous, your memes' fuckin' fine, all epic with your rehashed content and horrific unoriginal jokes. I would totally use these memes, both on the internet and in real life." when all he really wants to do is troll another 16 year old on facebook. Like seriously imagine having to be the janitor and not only sit on this board while Anonymous flaunts his disgusting memes in front of you, the Yotsuba B layout barely concealing his putrid body odor and greasy skin, and just sit here, thread after thread, hour after hour, while he perfected that meme. Not only having to tolerate his monstrous fucking memeshit but his haughty attitude as everyone in the thread tells him he's WELL MEME'D, FRIEND and DAMN, Sup Forums MEMES LOOK LIKE *THAT*?? because they're not the ones who have to sit here and watch his redditish fucking posts contort into types of autism you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been posting nothing but a healthy diet of waifu threads and /got/ generals and later alleged cinema threads for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of the boonies in Reddit. You've never even seen anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the sweat that's breaking out on his scraggly neckbeard as he sucks it in to chortle dismissively at you, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to not get paid to sit here and revel in his "dank (for that is what he calls them)" memes, the memes he worked so hard for with personal trainers in the previous hours. And then the OP calls for another thread, and you know you could kill every single person on this board before the admin could put you down, but you sit there and endure, because you're the fucking janitor. You're not going to lose your future moderator career over this. Just bear it. Hide your face and bear it.
Hudson Young
This level of autism/tinfoilism.
Eat your drumsticks Harambe. Hush
Angel Fisher
t. very obese marketeer crying because absolutely no one is buying his failed ''console''
Very happy you need to shill it here. It means it's selling very poorly, and rightfully so.
How about you first lurk a bit more and you learn how to even greentext, very obese marketeer?
Jose Diaz
Wow man. calm down.
Dylan Richardson
>yet another GPD shill thread
I don't know who's more dedicated, you or the ones making Escape from Tarkov threads.
Grayson Myers
>you learn how to even greentext
This part is the autis.
Here a nice little mask for you Feggit.
Nolan Lopez
t. failed marketeer
Go find a job in your local kebab.
Isaiah Taylor
jesus fucking christ im not even that other guy but what the fuck
Adrian King
>green text
Get back to Sup Forums you autistic conspiracist.
Discussing a device for gaming is now marketing, jesus fuck man.
David Evans
Why are you so confused about anything different than the US.
Europe is your father, remember.
Asher James
>Sup Forums boogeyman Are marketeers this dumb and obese?
Adam Gonzalez
What do you think of the switch Notice me senpai
Tyler Cox
I know: its by far the gayest thing I've seen on aliexpress.
Isaiah Fisher
Exact. This is a lost Sup Forums faggit. This level of retardation. Damn
Daniel Phillips
> Are marketeers this dumb and obese? Nope your mom must be dump and obese. Obesitas can cause autism in following generations.
Isaiah Thompson
You see your first sentence? Completely irrelevant and serves only to make you look like an asshole.
Noah Allen
Shilling aside, I really do love small PCs.
Does this fill that niche? I would love to get something that takes me back to when I had a Sony Vaio UX UMPC.
Brody Parker
Pre-ordered already. Looks really amazing in my opinion. You are noticed.
Nathaniel Lewis
I always wished I could play GSG games on my handhelds and this shit will propably run most GSG since they're not very demanding as well as older TW games I assume? How do the likes of Rome 1 and Medieval 2 perform? How does it run PCSX2 emulated games, can I play SMT 3? How much does it cost? Will it ever come to Europe?
Answer me please marketer-san.
Jaxson Richardson
>pre-ordered You are cancer
Luis Jones
Really ?. hope you'll enjoy.
Lincoln Campbell
There is nothing wrong with pre-ordering physical items with limited stock. The Wii was out of stock at launch in many places, so pre-ordering the console makes sense.
What is cancer is pre-ordering digital distribution games that do not run out of copies.
You dumb fucking nigger.
Asher Peterson
Backing u up
Nathaniel Phillips
Yes, it is a computer and it is small. About same size as 3DS. It is really sweet to bring a PC in your pocket.
Julian Wood
Meant for My bad
Jeremiah Kelly
If you want one, you better pre-order. Initial stock will be low.
Kevin James
Anything outside of the US doesn't matter senpai.
Wyatt Edwards
Im not a marketer,
This guy can provide answers. The prices are ridiculous low (350 or smthng).
Caleb Collins
I am not a marketer and you can look up that shit yourself.
Angel Peterson
What Total War games are playable on it?
Nolan Anderson
Initial stock will be low because it's shit
Nintendo is S-H-I-T for doing this artificial scarcity shit
I aaaaaaaint supporting that
Aaron Johnson
>You are cancer
Austin Diaz
Don't know, haven't tried them or played that series.
Camden Russell
Carter Cooper
A new nintendo console shouldn't run out of stocks. It would mean they don't want my money and it's not like i'm going to mail it to them
Jordan Perry
David Butler
Then, what's the most demanding game you've tried running on it?
Jason Thompson
>A >U >T >I >S >M
Leo Ward
>tfw I can actually play Sonic Mania truly portably
Jason Smith
I love me some fat girls but that is just too much.
Luke Martin
Is it a touch as well ?
Brody Miller
Overwatch i suppose. Shit game I know but I have it. Runs on lowest settings at around 45-55 fps.
I was most impressed by Red Alert 3 on High and dolphin running smoothly.
Joseph Robinson
It is.
Jeremiah Collins
Eh RA3 isn't particularly demanding desu but I guess that's enough power to run most GSG and older TW games. The concept of a very portable machine where I can watch anime and play timewaster games like that is very appealing to me, it's a godsend for so many situations. The closest thing currently would be my Vita with Disgaea games.
Matthew Scott
>Imagine being the janitor on this board and having to be all like "damn, Anonymous, your memes' fuckin' fine, all epic with your rehashed content and horrific unoriginal jokes. I would totally use these memes, both on the internet and in real life." when all he really wants to do is troll another 16 year old on facebook. Like seriously imagine having to be the janitor and not only sit on this board while Anonymous flaunts his disgusting memes in front of you, the Yotsuba B layout barely concealing his putrid body odor and greasy skin, and just sit here, thread after thread, hour after hour, while he perfected that meme. Not only having to tolerate his monstrous fucking memeshit but his haughty attitude as everyone in the thread tells him he's WELL MEME'D, FRIEND and DAMN, Sup Forums MEMES LOOK LIKE *THAT*?? because they're not the ones who have to sit here and watch his redditish fucking posts contort into types of autism you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been posting nothing but a healthy diet of waifu threads and /got/ generals and later alleged cinema threads for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of the boonies in Reddit. You've never even seen anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the sweat that's breaking out on his scraggly neckbeard as he sucks it in to chortle dismissively at you, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to not get paid to sit here and revel in his "dank (for that is what he calls them)" memes, the memes he worked so hard for with personal trainers in the previous hours. And then the OP calls for another thread, and you know you could kill every single person on this board before the admin could put you down, but you sit there and endure, because you're the fucking janitor. You're not going to lose your future moderator career over this. Just bear it. Hide your face and bear it. Worse copy pasta ever.
Hunter Lopez
I'm a little depressed I bought this before buying a Switch but I found it on sale so it can't be helped.
Noah Ramirez
which is why you greentexted the entire thing and then replied to it in such a way that it adds nothing to the conversation right