Can you do it?
Can you do it?
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>Commandos 2
>8 Hours
I am all kinds of fucked.
I don't even know what my favorite game is
>Spriter Pro
Holy shit user, thanks.
>Halo 2
>8 hours
easy peasy.
Maybe. But I doubt it. FFVI usually takes at least 20 hours.
But I gotta assume a low level speed run is possible.
I can beat it in 45 minutes
>Nuclear Throne
If I go Y.V it could be possible.
Unlikely, though.
One of the ps1 sputo games, or WC3. WC3 is easy with the cheats. If not then I'm fucked.
If this game had a hole, I'd fuck it.
I could beat it in less than an hour. Maybe two or three if I was trying to go for all A ranks.
>Xenoblade Chronicles X
Lol no, might as well kill myself now.
I beat it in under an hour.
Can this one be completed in under ten minutes like all the other elder scrolls games?
they made a game out of a low budget karate film? what.
If needing to complete the HUB plot is needed to "beat" the game, then no. That would take 50 hours or some shit.
I don't think I could beat bloodborne in 8 hours.
I've done it in 2~ but it's been quite a few years, so it'll take a bit longer than that
No, but you can finish it in under an hour.
If I lie and say that Blood Money is still my favourite game, then yes
easy if you skip all the cutscenes
My favourite game is a score attack game that cannot be "beaten".
Depends what you mean by beat
do mods count?
>Afraid of Monsters: Director's Cut
whenever its only 1 route or all 4, I could do it in less than 8 hours, no problem
Spyro. Fucking autocorrect.
>SMT Nocturne
Consider me fucked because the Neutral ending requires a minimum 40 hours.
Are you kidding? It takes like 50-55 hours to plat it, if you opt to let Gehrman finish you off you could easily finish it in under two hours even on a fresh character. Hell, I finished two runs of it in under four hours to get the last two endings for the plat and I was only BL ~100 through them.
my nigga
>San Andreas
I COULD beat it fast but why would I?
No rules were listed other than beat it in under 8 hours, so I will just load my save file from right before the final boss fight.
Megaman 4 is easy.
Dark Souls is doable, I run the game all the way through every few months and should be well below 8 hours if I minmax a little and focus on beating the game as quickly as possible.
Majora's Mask is a challenge, I think. I haven't played it in almost half a decade, but I 100%ed it I think three times in the past. I could probably do it.
My other favourite games like MonHun, Gothic 2, Okami and Pokemon Mystery Dungeon 1 are out of the question though.
>Trails in the Sky SC
I'll see you in hell
But can you do it?
>complete main quest
EZ, alchemy myself into godhood, kill Vivec, take Wraithguard to Yagrum to juryrig it, then rush to Dagoth Ur and fuck him up.
>complete every quest
At least I'll die happy
>Donkey Kong Country 2
I can probably save like 3-4 more people's lives if ya'll want
>The Witcher
Fuck off
ez pz
>he doesn't know how to pronounce chim
>If I lie
Now why would you do that? Blood Money is also my favorite game from that gen
They made a game out of a low-budget SEQUEL of a low-budget karate film
>foxhound is the only way
beat it in 3 hrs, will gladly do it again
I do, I just picked the first Vivec image I found
>New Vegas
I think so, especially if I'm allowed to mess with the difficulty slider. The main quest isn't that long if you just rush it.
undermeme is pretty short
>Smash Melee
Define beat
Bah, the speed run is like an hour. You have plenty of time.
Dark Souls 1
Easy as fuck, even without console commands
Add in the DLCs and it might get a bit harder since Shivering Isles has a few long ass dungeons
Probably doable, didn't try to speedrun yet but if I skipped all the optional shit and asked Gehrman to cut my pussy head off it would work.
What the fuck, I came into this thread to mention Commandos 2 too. I could beat it in 8 hours, last time I did a full run with 100% bonus and shit it took me 10 hours, so I'd just play easy and skip bonuses.
Alternatively my other favorite game would be Morrowind, in which case it's even easier because lolalchemyexploits.
>Ghost Trick in 8 hours
Pretty possible
>Gone Home
Even if I knew I had 8 hours to live, I'd still probably go do the ancient cave and accept my fate, assuming I even get that far.
>Crash 3
As long as I don't need to get Platinums I'm probably good.
>Pikmin 1
thank fuck
my boi
if you summon to let people beat the bosses for you and only do required shit then maybe
>Star Fox 64.
Pretty possible.
>Breath of Fire III
Man, if it's not from my save, I'm screwed.
If your favourite game can be completed in 8 hours without exploits you should kys for having shit taste
user, you do not understand how completely I have become one with shattered skies.
I will enjoy every single cutscene and every mission dialogue. I will play on double ace. I would fly my plane in reverse if I fucking could.
I fucking love ace combat 4
Pretty easy since the game isn't that long, but it depends on much I can stop myself from playing Tin Pin Slammer.
>Street Fighter II
Well if you mean the arcade mode then yeah probably. CPU Deejay, Claw & Dictator would give me the most trouble but I could do it.
I'd just stick to using Boxer, Claw and if it comes to it, Akuma.
I did it in 1 hour, I'm fine.
>even without console commands
Who the fuck considers to have beat a game when using console commands?
What's the highest reinforcement rating in dungeon and fighter? Has anyone made it to like, +20 or something?
>Shit taste
How so?
Most short games are pretty fun, and have a high amount of replay value.
I'd rather do multiple playthroughs of Shovel Knight rather than multiple playthroughs of something like as long as Xenoblade or Witcher.
super mario world? shit i can do that in less than 5 min
I have a save right before the final boss. Ofcourse I can do it.
I have to work rip me i guess
>Fallout: New Vegas
Very easily. I know the locations of of pretty much everything. Just make a rush to some decent weapons and rush the main quest.
I don't really have a favorite game, but usually, when someone asks, I'll say Contra. I can beat Contra in less than 20 minutes, so I'm good.
Just for kicks, I'll throw in a few loops after beating it.
Forgot to mention that I never use the Konami Code, that shit's for faggots.
I'm gonna go play some Contra.
>Dark Souls
Beatable in 1-2 hours.
Ill do it in 5
I can beat Ace Combat 2 in less than 2 hours when playing for shit and giggles.
>Twilight Princess
Nope. Can I do MediEvil or Megaman 9 instead? That would be basically effortless.
Spyro 3. It's go boys I'll do it 2
And they made it for the SNES . Mega drive and CD32
The game is very short if you ignore stealth altogether. It's your own personal autism that makes it a long game.
>mount and blade warband
welp,not even cheats could help me here
>he has a favorite video game
>he has a favorite movie
>he has a favorite book
Literally how? There are tons of competition for each and my opinion on which one I like the most is prone to changing. I have media that I like and media that I don't like, picking favorites seems a stupid exercise.
Devil Survivor.
If I can use a new game plus, it's doable, if it's from scratch, I'm already dead.
Quality > quantity
My favorite game is MMX and I can beat it in little under two hours. I can complete most of my favorite NES and SNES games in under 8 hours easily, but that just goes to show you're underaged.
Can I just die now?
Demon's Souls?
>Chrono Trigger
should i even try?
i think im fucked
Most people are manchildren who continually ingest the same garbage they consumed as literal children. This leads them to have favorites because they never matured and explored beyond their comfort zone
>Chrono Trigger
With NG+, sure. I don't think so otherwise
>Super Mario Bros. 3
No problem.
>Mount n blade warband
But I could wipe out the Sarranid's by then, so I'm fine cutting my losses.
>The binding of Isaac
Yeah, I think I'll be fine
There's no fucking way.
>Look up speedruns for game
>Some fuck clocked it in 4 and a half hours
Do I get time to practice/research his tricks or am I just thrown straight in?