Ultra Violence in Games

Do you ever get tired of it? I was feeling like playing an immersive adventure game the other day, looking for the best that they had to offer and most of the games in top 10 lists were sandboxes with guns. I am sick and tired of shooting stuff to death. I just want to explore, jump around and fight a cartoon villain. I am really hoping Yooka Laylee is good

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no because I'm not a gay fag.

>Do you ever get tired of it?

Yeah, i hear you OP.

If you get tired of Ultra Violence then try Nightmare difficulty.

He can't handle Ultra Violence. He should play on hurt me plenty.

This is the kind of pussification I hate. So glad I voted Trump this shit can end

>I just want to explore, jump around and fight a cartoon villain
Okay, then buy a Nintendo Switch.

we need sex in video games instead of violence

America won't allow it.

if anything, we need more ultra sex and violence in video games

This, if anything games have gotten more tame in that regard.

I don't think there are any openworld games that are non violent. Your gonna have to look for games that are semi open world or have multiple open sections.Try gravity rush remasterd and gravity rush 2 when it comes out. They have combat but its nothing real violent. If your ok with older games with punching and kicking try spiderman 2, ultimate spiderman and spiderman web of shadows If you like the first 2. All three are open world.

No. In fact Im having this itch for it now. I kinda regret refunding KF2. The devs are faggots but its the most hyper violent game to exist which spoiled me. Im trying to play d44m but its just not the same. Damn

I have played many thousands of hours of shooter games since I was a wee lad and yes I do sometimes get tired of it

I like the genre but game developers are afraid to experiment and "beat/shoot things" is a safe formula which really sucks.

And of course 5th and 6th gen collectathons are loads of fun and you can still play them.

I wish there was 80% less combat in the Uncharted series. The game would be 100x better if it was more of a stealth/semi realistic combat system.

It's a chore to gun down 100 baddies just so you can explore interesting environments and solve puzzles while collecting loot.

No they haven't. Soldier of Fortune is a massive exception to the rule. There are some incredibly violent games out there.

I fap to it

If anything, I want proper ultra violence. You know, something on level of OVAs from 70s and 80s with guts and brains exploding everywhere. The videogame violence these days is fucking joke, at best you just get heads blowing up and stuff. The technology to make actual disgusting, visceral violence is there, but nobody dares to go for it.

>immersive adventure game
>most of the games in top 10 lists were sandboxes with guns
That doesn't really sound like "immersive adventure". Rather seems like you were just playing some bullshit and want to complain.
If you actually want non-violent games, there's shitton to choose from, more than ever.

I do too

no, i hope L4D3 lets you rip zombies apart with a semi auto shotgun even more

Ultraviolence, frankly, is weak shit. I used to really get a kick out of it, but exploding meat and blood spatter isn't even what's scary or repulsive about violence. It's really just a waste of processing power.

The death scenes in the newer Tomb Raiders, like the one where Lara gets her throat impaled and fruitlessly tries to extricate herself with her last desperate seconds -- that's some fucking violence right there. You can feel that, not just in your neck, but in your stomach. Blood & gore are just particle effects unless there's also fear. Violence without fear is just playing with meat.

I'd like to see more body horror in games and movies. The onetime shock value of plain ol' gore pales in comparison to what real life can and does do to the unlucky human body, and even moreso to the unfathomable fear in the last moments of unlucky people.

Yeah no. Apart from DOOM™ and Cucking Floor 2, which have made it their gimmick, what is there nowadays?

Name one non violent openworld game.

>no real ultra violence anymore
>no ultasex in games
>no combination of the two

Mad Max


That'd take work, though. Why bother when you can just do removable limbs & heads let Havok take care of the rest?

Turok 2 is still the unreached golden standard in terms of violence.

Firewatch should be one. But I wouldn't know, I don't really play openworld games.

There was one survival horror game where you literally only got a lamp. You couldnt fight the monsters, only avoid them. The light attracted them but if you didnt use the light your character would start going insane from not knowing what was in the dark.

I guess you can play racing games, sports games, there are adventure games without violence but a lot are 2d side scrollers which isnt necessarily a bad thing.

I am bored rather by tame games and the very same tired concept.
The last good shooter I played was Bulletstorm.

Thanks user, will put that on my to play list

Until dawn is shitty gore but the actors help.

I like blood and flesh spewing but suffocation>everything

>This is the kind of pussification I hate. So glad I voted Trump this shit can end

I came

>Do you ever get tired of it?

As a DOOMfag, I fucking love that shit.

You should have nabbed it last week when it was on sale.

So did she

>viraling for Yooka-laylee now

you will not fucking ruin this game for me, user. I won't fucking let you.

>muh violence

are you niggers serious?
watch some liveleak for REAL violence that will people puke.
not cartoonish version in video games.

me too user

>implying it hasn't been in my backlog for 6 months

>that will people puke
what did he mean by this?

You realize Trump is pro censoring violence in vidya games

Hurrr le president gonna fix muh video games XD

You're retarded.

I think once you reach a certain age you grow out of the need for games with intense violence and instead look for a more cerebral experience

the only good shooters are ones where it's possible to do an a-team challenge run and not kill anyone

are you serious?
Mortal Kombat, Ninja Gaiden, Madworld, The Evil Within, Fallout and all the fucking zombie games on this planet.

All games in which body parts fly around like nothing

Are you're saying you're two, number (3), the number not the other too words that don't mean the right thing for here intelegent for violence?

Well baited, my friend, even though I agree with your statement unironically.

>old shit and trash
Why can't I have gore in an RPG or a milsim shooter?

Where did anyone say that?

top fucking kek

>why thing X doesn't exist?
>but it does
>...yeah but I don't like it!

You meant gory shooters. They do exist as well dumbass.
Try the sniper elite saga

>point & click adventure ww2 edition

Now you're just being retarded on purpose.

I'm done wasting time with you

>b-b-but my shitty cuck """games""" have gore
not an argument

I don't think OP is sick of ultraviolence because he's a pussy or abhors violence generally.

Personally, I like violent games just fine, but I prefer good ones. Most games that feature ultraviolence do so to gratify people who don't get tired of the same shit over and over and over, and lo and behold, we mostly get games that do the same shit over and over and over. They make them for kids like you who get giddy over anything they'd have to hide from their mothers, and so they don't have to try very hard to engage them. Some of us are a little more discerning.

If I want to see blood & guts, there are scads of pictures and videos online of the real thing. Maybe if you weren't to pussy to look for yourself, you'd find that the violence in games is not only tame but almost comical in its banality.

L4D2, the Gears of War games, Treyarch's Call of Duty titles, Witcher 3 (several instances of very disturbing content as well as a general gore system), Outlast, The Evil Within

Yes, because no politician has EVER changed their stance on something they've championed in the past. Funny how I haven't heard a peep about vidya censorship from him since that tweet. It's almost as if he has more important things to worry about.

I like violence when its actually done well instead of shitty gibs of red chunks of meat that we usually get.
When it comes to wether or not I like a game that is violent, it has less to with the gore itself but the themes and general atmosphere of the game.
Example, I like fighting games, fighting is violent right? However I much prefer Street Fighter and I dislike Mortal Kombat. The bigger reason is because I just dont like the gameplay of MK but a small part of it is that I dont like how hyper violent MK is.
In Street Fighter, the characters don't suffer mortal wounds and die, it's like watching a cartoon fight in which the character dont suffer significant injury beyond bumps and bruises.
In MK though, characters have bones break and organs destroyed, yet are still able to keep fighting as if nothing had happened. Instead of wanting to win the fight for fun. Instead of wanting to win, the goal is more to inflict pain and brutal injury. It's just a little too cruel imo.

It's also why I'm not fond of a lot of military shooters or games that have "fatalities". To me, violence should be a means to an end or just a side effect of the action you take in a game, not the reward in and of itself. Bloodborne is pretty violent but the goal of the game isn't to cause pain and suffering, it's to kill beats and solve the mystery of yharnam.

It's all in the subtleties but a general rule of thumb is that a good game will handle ultra violence well in a way that's not cringey and intrusive.

Keep justifying voting for someone who wants to censor your beloved violent vidya games, dumbass

This is what I was originally thinking of as a benchmark. Good gore but came out over 7 years ago
>Gears of War
Ok, good example
>Call of Duty
All the gore is cinematic shit, nothing in the gameplay, at least in the ones I've played
>Witcher 3
Decent example, could be more detailed i.e. brutal though
You can't even fight back DROPPED
>The Evil Within
I don't play bargain bin shit

What I'd like to see is more games with damage textures (cutting wounds, bullet holes), pic related

barely any games have dismemberment. seriously, most "violent" games are toddler tier. it's impossible to get tired of ultra violence, 'cause it's almost impossible to find.

Most recently Watch dogs is a AAA game that encourages non-lethal play and downplays violence a lot.

The story is shittastic but the driving and sandbox stuff is fun. Side missions are pretty decent too.

trump does nothing but change his stances. voting for trump is the equivalent of voting for a random number generator

call of duty is pretty gory, maybe not ultraviolence gory but still more gory than the norm. youre always just moving too quick through a level/focused on other shit to notice it. you can blow off people's arms and shit with grenades and shotguns

>actually defending politicians lying
trumpcucks have no self awareness at all anymore, do they?

All the edgelords coming out of their caves in this thread

>Heh, gorey games aren't hardcore enough for me.

whatever, we won, enjoy next 8 years

Thank you for Correcting the Record™

As a german, i like blood and gore and i feel like it enhances the games.
L4D2 was a shitshow with all blood and dismemberment removed and bodys disappearing before hitting the ground.
then there is shit like Red Ninja End of Honour wich already is a bad game but removing the bloodfountains sure made the game shittier.

and then i also played the 3D Ninja Gaiden games on PS3, and holy shit once you arrive at Ninja Gaiden 3 (the one that i uncensored) you really notice what Ninja Gaiden Sigma 1 and 2 are missing. sadly NG3 kinda sucked but the gore was amazing and i wish i had that gore in NG1/2
believe me, you want the gore.

i will, because i don't live in a third world country

i haven't heard this meme before

Spot on, user.

I think it's fair to say that this is just a symptom of growing up. Once you don't have adults telling you what is and isn't appropriate for you, it's just matter of time until shock value is no longer shocking or valuable. And you start to see how this stuff is usually there just to cover up lack of substance, like a whole lot of "game features."

You know, it's kinda rotten, not being able to enjoy things as easily as when I was a little younger; I think a lot of Sup Forums is wrestling with this too. But I better enjoy a host of other things that I wasn't thoughtful enough to appreciate before, like good design, challenge and creativity.

>believe me, you want the gore.
>tfw I enjoy the german censored TF2 better because the gibs are even funnier

No different than what the Obummer crowd did, or the Hillarious crowd, or anything. But it's different when the Trump supporters do it, right?

I wish libcucks had a separate healthcare system. I'm tired of paying for all their back surgeries from moving all those fucking goalposts.

no it's not different, that's the point. you shit on people who vote differently to you for the exact same things that you defend when they come from your camp. basically you're a disgusting hypocrite

A random number generator that ranges from 2-8 is better than getting 4/10 every time.

>It's also why I'm not fond of a lot of military shooters or games that have "fatalities". To me, violence should be a means to an end or just a side effect of the action you take in a game, not the reward in and of itself.
Honestly, most games like that it's not even a reward for me. It's just a hindrance making me sit through a stupid stabbing cutscene when I could be shooting dudes.

Treyarch's COD games, COD5 in particular, were pretty nasty
there's also Red Orchestra 2 which has both visual gore and auditory gory

I love it in my games. I am hoping someone makes a John Wick games similar to Max Payne 3 and makes it extremely bloody.

Damn OP you posted such a good game

Global politics isn't a fucking game, so no, it's not.

In the Jack Thompson days, media apologists said that young people could tell the difference between fantasy and reality. I used to buy that. Plainly, not even grown-ass adults can make that distinction. Trump knows that; that's why he opposes violence in video games, and perhaps more notably, it's how he ran and won. Now my country, once the sole proprietor of global order, has become both a global sideshow and a global liability. But it'll make for great TV, won't it? Ultraviolent, too. Lucky you.

I tend to agree, but in multiplayer games it makes sense that you're defenseless for the moment you're locked in a mortal hand-to-hand struggle. It'd fuck most of these games if you could just zip in, get an instant kill, and zip away in milliseconds. Nobody would use guns.

nuDOOM's finishers were mostly nice and quick, but they were also a little too useful for avoiding damage that you actually deserved to take.

I think The Last of Us is a rare good example of a game that lets you be cruel and inflict painful death because it doesn't glorify it. It's just a means of showing how cruel the world, and Joel, has become.

the gore in CoD World at War was really good, especially when you gib people with explosives.

>It'd fuck most of these games if you could just zip in, get an instant kill, and zip away in milliseconds.
The real solution is making knifing not always an easy kill, but I'd settle for not having to stand there making out with them for a few minutes before you shank them.

>nuDOOM's finishers
They killed the game for me. One of the things I liked about Doom was how you almost never had to slow down.

It helps me ignore the fact that I have a tiny penis.

This so fucking much.
Even supposedly "edgy" games like Hatred don't go as far as titles one or two decades ago, which is a shame.
Properly done gore seems to be a lost art, or rather a huge cock blocker for low age rating which makes it unattractive for publishers so they say to devs to tone it down.

Seriously? I agree with you except for the last bit. Parents don't give a soggy shit about the ratings system, and kids want the ultraviolence. Publishers know that.

What's the last best-selling game that was rated T? Fuck, when's the last time you even played a T game? Nintendo doesn't count.

It's not about parents, it's about games being advertisable.
If you get an adult only rating you can't put up posters everywhere, some countries are very strict about this shit.

How stupid are you that you're really getting this mad and equating someone not caring for violent video games to being a pussy. Kill yourself.

It's not exactly there, it would require quite a bit of work to do realistic, dynamic gore. But other than that I agree, someone should do it already.


>tfw no soft body physics-based gore yet

>What's the last best-selling game that was rated T?
Destiny was rated T.

Agree on both points, but what killed it for me was bugs. I didn't play any shooters back in the day, so even D44M felt delightfully fast to me.

Totally fathom the sentiment, though, and there are a lot of people who felt same.

I don't know about your country, but literally no amount of violence can get you an AO in the US. Only nipples can do that. For smaller markets with stricter standards, like I dunno Germany, there are always workarounds. It's not worth alienating the bloodthirsty US market just to sell the game to Germans without spending a little on censoring.

Two things: You're just older now and less fazed by the violence modern games have to offer. Second, games haven't gotten less violent or gory, they've just gotten more photorealistic and procedural. And we have Havok now to do most of the work that used to be done by hand, and used to be entirely fantastical.

I didn't know that, but that was more than a couple years ago, user.

No because even if there are many violent games there are many more which aren't. You just need to expand your horizons and introduce yourself to new games.

You shouldn't want less of anything, just more of something else. Your predicament is baffling considering how many games you could be playing instead of first person shooters.

The only time violence is (arguably) a problem is when it is being marketed to children. That sort of thing should be up to the parents to decide though.
Adults should be able to browse and buy whatever game they want.
If you don't want violence then nobody is compelling you to buy violent games.

tl;dr OP is a fag

The thing about Turok 2 is that you're killing dinosaurs and aliens. Meanwhile, you never fight those in games anymore, so it's all against humans. Would the modern industry be okay with games that violent against humans?