Why is this the greatest RPG of the last 10 years?
Why is this the greatest RPG of the last 10 years?
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Cause it was actually challenging and not a grindfest shitheap.
They actually put care and love into it.
PC port when?
Tales of Vesperia and Xenoblade Chronicles were better, but it's definitely in third place.
Also this Why the fuck haven't they put it on the windows 10 store? Especially considering they gave it away for free on 360 and xbone.
1000 year old immortals are the best kind of cuties
Fuck this boss
I played the game recently for the first time and actually beat it first try, but it was hard as fuck. I had trouble with the first boss on the mountain as well. Some of the stuff in this game is ridiculous.
>tfw have wanted to play this (and Blue Dragon) since it came out
>never had a 360 to play it
Are 360s cheap yet or should I just get a One?
Should have just bought a cheap used 360 during christmas as they were giving the game out for free.
Please tell me this is a joke. LO is ridiculously easy. The only time I ever had a team member go down was to death spells, and even that was only once or twice in the whole game.
The first time I played it I thought it was a typical RPG and tried to grind it only to find that grinding does fuck all in this game and actually sometimes makes bosses harder. That was really refreshing.
No they were not, especially Xenoblade
It's the only modern RPG where they just took the classic JRPG formula and put modern graphics on it. Everyone else seems to be trying to reinvent the wheel. Lost Odyssey feels vintage, both in gameplay and story. Even the corny parts feel corny in the same way stuff like FF4 is corny.
>Boss casts para-flame
It's not though.
Nope, that's the last story.
I literally do not believe you if you tell me this shit gave you no trouble.
I think I got lucky, beat it my first try.
I was on the edge of being dead, but I chained up everyone to cast magic and burst fired that nigga dead.
I'm playing it for my first time, and it's given me some trouble, but nothing I couldn't get on a retry.
I just got Sarah, and am going through a cave before I saved and quit.
How do you get a game over if your main characters are immortal?
>why do i have an opinion?
Best girl
>really getting into it
>sluttily dressed 9 year old girl has joined the party
i'm still leaning towards Seth being best girl, she seems least damaged and most stable.
Not to mention those upskirts, and them perfectly tanned titties.
Cooke is a solid second place.
The immortals resurrect after ~4 turns, so if manage to KO all of them before the can resurrect, it's Game Over. And I think most of the playable characters are mortal.
>not really into it
>sluttily dressed 9 year old girl has joined the party
>all that forced character building and bullshit fetch quest to try and force feels on that bitches funeral, not to mention torch minigame.
didn't even get a nip slip from cooke or nothing
It's not so much that i'm offended by the sexualisation as it's not furshit, but kids in my party ruins it. I can't take the story seriously with little kids in the party.
Will say, I liked almost everything about this game except this part. I mean, I could understand if we were given a bit more of a history of her, but the fact that not only did we only have five minutes with her, but the MC clearly has been through this multiple times before doesn't give us a reason to really care about her.
But at least the music was good during that quest.
Just like in real life, kids ruin everything. I don't find them cute or endearing or funny when they're juxtaposed with a little kid body but adult sharp talking mind. It's just unnecessary as fuck.
Happens in every JRPG without fail as well
Yeah, my eyes were open to all of that when I was going through the scene as well.
They should at least give you a save point before the fetch quest starts, 'cause I was ready to take a break after all of that shit, not go collect 20 hidden items from the area I just looted previously.
I was so tired, I ended up quitting and skipping the cutscenes when I reloaded to proceed past the fetch shit.
lost odyssey confirmed for PC release
thanks gaben
Why would you do that to us
Loli in the party doesn't bother me at all. It's that annoying brat who needs to go
And those moments when Mack and Cooke saves the day or do something "tough" is absolute cringe
I enjoyed this more to be frank.
Can I abandon Mack, or does he develop great melee skills I need to teach Kaim as I progress?
I'm just doing Seth and Kaim upfront with 3 back casters. But, I don't have a slash-all attack or anything like that.
Wanted to play this but the stupid DBZ-looking kid on the front put me off.
>can't enjoy both especially since they are free
I didn't say I didn't enjoy both. Just that I had more fun with Blue Dragon.
Does the xbone version of BD run any better performance wise? That was the only thing really holding it back on 360.
They are pretty useless
Give a soul magic ring to jansen and the kids are quickly replaced
Judging from few first min it seems like it does run better
are you fucking stupid?
If he is, I am too, that's what turned me off from playing that game.
Your fashion sense is as bad as ever, sis.
>tepid, by the numbers JRPG
>greatest RPG of the decade
loved the ad for this
That does look a lot better. On the 360 everything would slow to a crawl whenever you used a spell, which made battles seem a lot more tedious than they actually were.
Too bad I don't have an xbone. I would love to replay it.
>scratch on disc 4
>never got to finish it after sinking like 50 hours in
Fuck them and fuck you for reminding me OP.
Wait, what? Blue dragon is also free?
The character design is fucking atrocious and looks like some rip-off 90's manga shit.
Thank you for giving this away for free on 360 on Xbone, Phil you crazy bastard
>>tepid, by the numbers JRPG
I think you underestimate what a drought we had with those during last-gen. At least until portable RPGs picked up more steam, but those never have the same production values.
>muh opinion is different look at me!
Is this a glasses girl competition?
;_; first try
but at least when you replay you know how to beat ut
Lost Odyssey is infamous for that shit because they put the last disk in a sleeve to not go with a proper four-disk case.
Was yes. now you need to buy it or wait for a sale
The artist is Toriyama, the same dude who's responsible for Dragonball and Dragon Quest.
I'm not the biggest fan of Toriyama but the character designs themselves are pretty inoffensive. They're actually a tad bit bland to be honest. I understand that Toriyama's art isn't exactly everyone's thing though.
are there good jrps that came out in the last two years ?
Something classic looking like breath of fire
I haven't had my fix in so long, it feels like I played everything
Went to shit as soon as those two kids showed up tbqh.
when? dammit i missed it! i have lost Odyssey and blur dragon on disc but installed them on my xbox one so i can play it with better framerate and only one disc. so im bummed i cant play blue dragon without disc now
Cooke has that sexy dfc going on
>Game with children as the main characters
No thanks.
can always buy it but yea...sorry bro
you mean i have to get off my ass and insert a disc! darn it all
im fine with it, just sucks i missed out. i already own it and im not gonna pay 20 bucks just to not have to get up
true that
course if you have a friend that cost goes from 20 to 10
>greatest RPG of the last 10 years
maybe if you literally only had a 360
9/10 game
almost 10/10 if not for the pretty boring combat system
It was boring as fuck and the only thing it had going for it were the short stories.
My first love
Bravely Default.
TiTS technically doesn't count since its a recent localization of an old series.
Everything else has either been mediocre or shit pandering.
Quality vs Quantity.
It was the worst platform to release it on though.
I played this for like an hour cause a friend gave it to me,didn't know what to expect and wasn't terribly interested so I stopped. Did I miss out on something great?
If you liked FFX, you'd enjoy LO, at least from a gameplay standpoint, the story is quite different so far, but I'm only on disc 2.
Do you like older JRPGs? Primarily, this one is most similar in structure to games like FF 7-9. If yes, then maybe. If not, then no.
Forgot to mention FFX like did. It is definitely most similar to that one.
Jansen best bro
We will never get sequels to LO and BD, makes me a little sad.
I dunno I never really got much into that kind of rpg, I enjoyed tales of symphonia a good deal but that's the only jrpg I've really played
Did Kaim ever give him that foot rub?
>We will never get a PC or remastered version
If I recall correctly, you can pick up a few of the items and just talk to the guy to skip most of the minigame
Is there any sort of reward for getting all of them?
It's fucking hilarious how the second boss of the game is the toughest.
There's no warning, either. Enemies around aren't that much harder, the previous boss was challenging but doable and then these two assholes show up and rape you with their giant worm dicks.
i didn't have any trouble
the first boss gave me more trouble than this guy actually.
Why is this the greatest RPG of the last 10 years?
I actually played it for that reason and it was alright since there was so little else to play but there was still better stuff in a ten fucking year timespan and I'm not going to delude myself into thinking that makes this game worthy of special recognition.
>>tepid, by the numbers JRPG
It was the basic FF formula but better in pretty much every single way.
>mentions bravely fuckig default
>not fucking smtiv
anyway the 3ds is finally wie open i hear so you can play both for free