>Be American
>Planning move to Canada this year for obvious reasons
>Go to Canadian Gamestop's website to see how much vidya costs there
>See this
Why are video games so expensive in Canada?
>Be American
>Planning move to Canada this year for obvious reasons
>Go to Canadian Gamestop's website to see how much vidya costs there
>See this
Why are video games so expensive in Canada?
You do realize a Canadian dollar is worth-you know, fuck it, this is just bait.
but dude... weed! lol!
>>Planning move to Canada this year for obvious reasons
PS4 Pro is $399 in the US, $499 in Canada, when $399 USD is actually $531 CAD.
Makes you think.
1 Canadian Dollar equals
0.75 US Dollar. End thread, next topic
>original PS4 launch at $399
>"Guess I'll wait for a price cut"
>price rises to $449.99
>price cut drops it to $429.99
>still costs more than at launch
the apprentice man being president isn't going to affect your life
not like earn more money than the average american, and you end up paying more
>>Planning move to Canada this year for obvious reasons
Too much MAGA for you? Fucking liberal cuck, also games are more expensive in Canada because of Taxes, liberalcuck.
what did he mean by this?
How much is the american minimum wage? $7? Where I live it's $10,75
He wants to be raked.
>Planning move to Canada this year for obvious reasons
Canada doesn't just let any dumb fuck move into their country. It's hard as fuck to get citizenship there and there is a job crisis in country. Good luck retard.
>Trump is cockblocking weedman from legalizing weed.
Loving every laugh.
>>How much is the american minimum wage? $7? Where I live it's $10,75
>state min wage is 10.50
>still make more than Canadians anyway
B-but Trump!
so you finally want some healthcare?
Just bought a PS4 slim for 329.99
Runs every game perfectly fine.
>gets triggered by the word cuck
if anything I heard of more weird things with games on PS4 pro, like things not working as intended or even running worse
pretty much only games that were designed for it are mostly sure to run fine
Are Canadians automatically rich?
Why are dollars worth more?
you cant just move to a different country to live in all willy nilly, there's a massive immigration system with massive waiting times
regulations, tarifs, laws, taxes and stuff
Right, the way the inflation is right now. You can work on the the average American min wage and still nearly keep up with Canada.
>if anything I heard of more weird things with games on PS4 pro,
digital foundry has already debunked this
Is your wife's boyfriend allowed to move with you OP?
>It's a leaf/Ausfaggot who doesn't understand that the value of currency varies from country to country
Fuck you.
I bet you're a hipster from Commiefornia or Washington.
He means #ImWithHer
aww is someone's babby feelings hurt
I remember some Canuck saying he was making 11.50 CAD an hour with a STEM degree. I'm working a shitty part-time job making 13.50 USD that requires no degree while looking for full time work and yet I make more than him.
do you have 0 reading comprehension he clearly stated he was going to move to canada, not that he was from canada, you fucking idiot
>moving to canada
>buying a ps4
shit bait
That's the minimum wage right now, at least in Ontatrio. When I was on my work term I was making $18 but currently for my part time retail job I'm making min wage. He's doing that too probably.
Canada is a dead meme. Maybe 15 years ago you could move their and be (somewhat) successful if you were in the oil industry, a mechanical engineer or a snow man; but today the country is a miserable socialist hellhole with a steadily declining job market and very few places to live modestly. Canada is basically separated into ghettos and rich urban cities. The high minimum wage and import of hundreds of thousands of refugees has totally fucked the economy and made immigration as an american entirely pointless, as you'd basically be moving to a 3rd world country with an extremely devalued currency.
You'd be better off moving to Tijuana or Thailand.
Games were the same price as US a year and a half ago but our dollar is only worth 75c US now
Thank you. This fag is clearly baiting but good luck getting citizenship up here if you aren't a halfway skilled labourer from a brown country and aren't planning on starting a business.
~73 cents American is worth 1 dollar Canadian. Our dollar isn't worth more than yours it's worth less. In addition everything related to vidya and computers (as well as pretty much any other goods) costs a magnitude more up here. AAA games on release are usually ~$80 + a 13% tax.
every time you hear a canadian or a euro talk about their """"FREE""" college or """"FREE"""" healthcare (that they give to immigrants), this is what they mean by free
I'm of Chinese heritage, do I get a free citizenship to canada? XD
Year and a half ago they were 69.99. I think the last time game prices were par with the US was sometime around 2010-2011.
>~73 cents American is worth 1 dollar Canadian. Our dollar isn't worth more than yours it's worth less.
and it's been declining with no stoppage of decline in sight.
Canada will be asking the US for a bailout soon enough
>planning to move to Canada for obvious reasons
>being so much of a sensationalist that you move fucking countries
>thinking Canada is a nice place to live
Neck yourself my man.
>dollar goes down
>prices go up
>dollar goes up
>prices don't go down
>minimum wage doesn't go up to compensate
>mfw live in canada but get paid in USD
Feels good
>Being this Burched
thats because you have a woman on your money, so its worth 70 cents to the dollar due to the wage gap :^)
when the dollar goes up, prices go down. a dollar worth more, buys more. the structural integrity of the dollar is what matters most.
canadians have no integrity and their structures are being destroyed by """refugees""", therefore their dollar is worth less to pay for tyrone's prep.
You should see retro game prices, nothing can be found locally and by the time a store finds one copy of Contra, They'll want 50 bucks for it. I'm still on the hunt for Kirby Superstar, after 5 years of looking.
I make more then that as a dishwasher holy shit.
and im canadian
This is why I don't understand why everyone keeps comparing based on the value of their dollar. It's nothing more than greed because they think they can get away with it, EB games here in Australia has always charged ludicrous prices for shit, even when the australian dollar was more than the us. I don't know how EB games has any customers if not for the fact that the mostly children and uneducated moms letting them get away with it.
>Planning move to Canada this year for obvious reasons
Fuck off we're full.
We gotta pay for those refugees somehow right? After all it is the current year!
>he fell for the STEM meme
What did he expect?
Well you have to consider what's worse: living under a facist regime or paying more money for video games
your dollar is worth less than the fucking canadian's
maybe it's time to switch to emu's as a form of compensation and trade
A 5 sheet gets you any game older than 3 years in the maritimes though.
>a facist regime
Hmmmm, obvious reasons you say? Maybe we don't want your kind here.
Make no mistake, Trump will run this country like a dictator.
>Sonycucks don't like Donald
Leaf here, Donald will annex us eventually
Taxes and mapledollars. Have fun running from your country for no goddamn reason, you freedom hating traitor.
>a dollar worth more buys more
That's the problem, it doesnt
>Planning move to Canada this year for obvious reasons
Keep in mind that its hard to move there and that you have hoops to jump through and
no you're not you're shitposting on Sup Forums for attention
When all your shit is made in china, then yes, it does.
C'mon OP, either you're baiting or a dumbass.
Too bad for canada
There's nothing inherently wrong with dictatorship, first of all. Especially when democracy is under control of career politicians and the elite, which basically makes our country an Oligarchy at the federal level, with some semblance of a republic at the state level.
Trump will no doubt let little stand in his way of rebuilding our country. He will stop at nothing to make America the most powerful and feared super power in the world. He will more than likely eradicate ISIS off the planet, and set a warning carved into the earth and written in blood that the next group of terrorists that want to challenge the US will be met with punishment 10x more severe than their predecessors.
Which, I think, is what most Americans want.
>Canada's currency when their biggest export tanks
What killed the Canadian dollar? Legalization of weed in some states?
DUDEWEED MAN, refugees and the keystone pipeline being held hostage by mountain niggers.
10,000 union coal miners had their pentions taken away because of trump, he put some terrible people including Goldman Sachs bankers in his cabinet, and he isn't going to put Hillary in jail. How can you still support him?
>ere's nothing inherently wrong with dictatorship, first of all. Especially when democracy is under coh basically makes our country an Oligarchy at the federal lemblance of a republicat the state level.at the state level.at the state level.and written in blood that the next group of terrorists that want to challenge the US will be met with punishment 10x more severe than their predecessor
listen to a fucking book on tape you dumb dick
OP, if you don't understand the concept of exchange rates then you are officially too stupid and also probably too young to move to another country.
t. antifa
is this spam?
I'll give you points user, this is a fairly good bait. Crossed both Leafbashing as well as "obvious reasons"
Decently memed
All that socialism
I hope your "planning" realizes that Canada actually has immigration laws
I don't really care about Trump or Hilary or whatever anymore, I don't get particularly butthurt either way about all of this. I just think you need to realize that Trump is as much a part of the machine as Hilary and all we're going to see is another 4 years of the same political game just with different players.
We didn't elect some random guy who's going to "shake thing up." We elected a billionaire who plays the system just like politicians do. Anyone who doesn't see this is being hopelessly optimistic.
Trump's main thing is becoming more isolationist. that's why Putin likes him.
Fuck off we're full
Actual reason: crude oil is down and Canada is a not-quite-but-still-nearly a petrostate. There's nobody to blame but like decades of economic mismanagement by nearly all major parties.
It is true that he could run it like a tyrant, but it's very likely he'll reserve the power to stomp on the necks of GOP members that sperg out
Cries in Spanish
>his governmenet manages the economy
Whenever I read stuff like this I sit back and think
>The government can't even manage roadwork well. Why could it manage the economy well?
Lmao no you're not. Spread those cheeks, leaf friend.
I think you need to realize he hasn't even been sworn in yet and he's retained ten's of thousands jobs. (gop.com
The dude is putting in some serious fucking work. There's a reason he has such a huge internet following, especially on Sup Forums.
It's less "the government manages the economy" and more "the government gives grants and tax breaks to oil companies", but it's the same sort of crony capitalism.
Political fanbases are the worst really. I'll wait until he actually gets sworn in before judging his implemented policies in either a negative or positive light.
Thinking Trump even *can* run this country like a dictator is placing way more faith in the power of the presidency than it even has.
For the past 20 years our presidents have hardly been able to do much of anything, regardless of political party. There are so many checks and balances and partisanship is so extreme that the absolute only way our country is going to actually advance is for us to have a moderate congress, moderate house, and a moderate president, not extreme right/left for any of them. And now we have a president that is is hated by half of his own political party. Whether you love Trump or hate him, we're all screwed to just float dead in the water.
All we do anymore is elect everything on one side of the spectrum, get annoyed that nothing happens, then elect everyone on the other side and get annoyed when it's the same shit. Anyone thinking Trump is going to radically change things has apparently not been paying attention to the way our system works.
>making min wage working full time
Get a new job
Maybe one where you dont work with/for high schoolers
>this is what Trumptards actually believe
I can't wait until Trump reveals himself to be a bumbling idiot who has no idea what he's doing, or an average president at best. Then I'll see how many excuses you retards can put out.