Cases where the console version is superior to the PC port

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Saints Row 2, easily.

>piss filters

I want antposters to leave.

Apparently they fixed it in GoG re-release.

>remove cinematic effects for PC

A ton of people absolutely fucking hate those filters and are glad they're gone on PC.
And if you're one of those autists that want them back, there's a mod that restores them.

I wouldn't say superior, but the Xbox version of Serious Sam The First & Second Encounter has, in my opinion, better textures for weapons, additional songs and a more memorable UI and font.

Luckily most of these can be added to Serious Sam on PC via mods

>lens flare
Kill yourself

Fucking retard

You do realize that all those differences between PC and PS2 are deliberate except of missing reflections which can be fixed with a mod right?
PS2 has fake shadows, PC hass real shadows.
PS2 has fake weather and lighting by just using color filters ove the screen (while the actual lighting itself never changes, it's just covered with a color filter to give you an illusion of change) while PC has actual lighting.
PS2 has overdone bloom and motion blur that PLENTY of people complained about back in the day which is why they were drastically reduced on PC and in all future ports (Xbox and then mobile).

I'm absolutely baffled that people actually prefer the inferior version.

I'd rather have shittier graphics if I could get 60 FPS gameplay out of it.
Also PC San Andreas has mods

Really? How "fixed" exactly?
I completed the Steam version with Gentlemen of the Row but now I'm wondering if they fixed the shit audio and shit controls (with broken rebinding).

pic unrelated

Lawl enjoy your chromatic aberration and your lens dirt you fucking pleb.

>moving golapost

>Steam version with Gentlemen of the Row
GoG adds the gentlemen of the row(which "fixed" framerate by limiting it properly if memory serves) by default or some shit

>all are related to the simulation of camera artifacts
Shove a golapost up your fag ass, nigger.

dark souls

Zero exist

Just mod on PC

Eh, both versions are comfy in their own way.

ps2 era gta games also play better on consoles
this, before dsfix

In San Andreas you are sadly forced to have restricted shit FPS, because if the framerate goes higher it starts fucking with lots of stuff like driving physics and other movement.

it still needs more fixing than Gotr can fix

Dead or Alive 5 (PS4 version)
Guilty Gear Xrd Revelator

Not on the objectively superior mobile version. The only downside of it is some songs being removed but you can restore them easily, while everything else is better.

At 60fps the physics shit seems to be minimal

Still depends on CPU clockspeed and stuff though

Spiderman 2 was actually offensive on PC

Just you wait!

There are mods that fix it though:

And you might not like SkyGfx, but I higly recommend the SillentPatch

Who would want to play as a black guy?

This video was faked though, the final game isn't the best but it didn't look like that and there were mods to improve it. Overall PC is best when you fix it.

>Blightown is literally a 10fps zone
>other areas bad too
No. Even before DSfix Dark Souls is objectively better. It was a bad port, but the console version was absolute shit.

PC has high resolution and you don't have to rely on the retarded lock on

Shovel Knight? The other versions besides the PC version gets some exclusive content as far as I'm aware of.

No online required, god tier couch coop

>inferior graphics
>paid for online
>diablo 3

>fair point but the game is so ulgy so who cares
>needing online when there's based local coop
>the game being bad doesnt mean that the console version can't be better than the pc one

>>inferior graphics
You're thinking of the PS360 version.
PS4 version has identical visuals to PC on max in Diablo 3.
As in same amount of enemies on screen, same amount of gibs, same viewport and so on.
Only the lastgen versions had toned down everything.

>so it's worse
>so it's worse because lan parties etc, >literally wanting to split your sceen in half
top pleb
>even playing the shitty game.

Except PC always by default looks better sorry 1080plebby kid.

>Except PC always by default looks better sorry 1080plebby kid.

Thanks for proving you're a shitposter.
I wasn't talking about resolution, I was talking about the graphics themselves.

I'm sorry you're just a braindead platform warrior.

>Prefer GTA on console because it's a TV game, not a monitor game

Get on my level faggots

Diablo 3

>resolution doesn't count
Thanks for letting us know you're the shitposter.

Soul Reaver and Rayman 2 on Dreamcast, the PC versions are based off earlier console versions.

>I cant do a simple TV to PC set up so I'll just play it on a console and say it "feels" right.

I'd get on your level but I'm afraid of going that low.

>paid for online
I mean you'd be playing last-gen but I'd take that over arbitrary online-only.

The visuals are better on PC and it also has a wider FOV though. Putting resolution, AF, and AA aside.


>Before dsfix
dsfix came out in the first hours after the game launched.

>TV game
What? The only games that would be objectively better on a bigger screen are party games. I never even realized GTA were originally on console at first, I played III, Vice City and San Andreas on PC.

>Taking the time to attach a PC to an inferior television

Are you genuinely retarded?

Deadly Premonition
it actually runs on console's_Cut

Left looks better. Nice strawman thread though.

isn't console GTA SA simply superior because they didn't remove a bunch of the music?

That's the dumbest fucking reason ever to say that the PS2 version is better because you can import your own music to both the Xbox and PC versions

only digital versions got changed
disc versions are fine

coop multiplayer
and some other shit

>silent hill 2
not found

anyhow, silent hill 2 was better on ps2 than pc

PS2 GTA III and VC are almost unplayable, PS2 San Andreas is fine and I prefer the filters to the clean look of the rereleases but overall the PC version is a bit better once modded IMO.

fucking how

It can run at high resolution with no video compression with basic config editing without even needing a mod

Not him, but PS2 has better shadows and fog. Not really enough to fully outweigh the benefits of the PC version but worth noting.

DMC3 and RE4 used to be better on consoles.

The reason PS2 has better fog is because the console was faster at alpha blending (transparency) than any other hardware available at the time.

They had to cut it down on other platforms otherwise they would be low framerate.

>game.exe has stopped responding
>driver updates
>oops sorry that driver made things worse please reroll

All of them

console games crash more than pc games these days

Don't forget PC version is missing like 70% of the songs on the radio due to R* patching them out of the game when the licenses for the songs ran out while the PS2 versions remains unfucked by dumb patches

>for 10 years this wasn't the case
>steam version only got patched randomly
>it's a simple fix
>the entire time the game supported custom radio stations unlike ps2

>mfw playing new vegas on a ps3 and it just keeps fucking crashing
>mfw can't even install unofficial patch

This. You can easily just add the removed songs into the custom radio station, plus fucktons more if that's your fancy.

>Guilty Gear Xrd Revelator

It's exactly the same as PS4

what do you expect with 256MB RAM

Still, better than Skyrim which simply becomes unplayable after too much game time

>STEAM version
I don't use that shit lol. Another thing about the PC version is the lack of pedestrians in certain areas, frame rate being capped to 25 instead of 30 with the FPS limiter and some misplaced assets. The first two are fixed in the SillentPatch and I think there is a mod that fixes the object placement.

Spiderman 2

I'm reinstalling GTA:SA soon.

Other than SilentPatch and the PS2 reflections, what other mods do you need to get the best out of San Andreas on PC?

Diabolo 3 doesn't split the screen in local coop you just share the one which works fine.

That's even more retarded.

that explains so much i bought sa for ps2 the day it came out and hated it cause you couldnt see a damn thing. for years i thought vice city was the best ps2 era gta. tried the pc version of sa years later and loved it.

It's ridiculous how unstable bethesda games are on console. They run on low-mid range pc's easily And you can't even properly mod them on consoles

Try this:

You could also try the "Things to do in San Andreas till you die" mod.

Came here to post this

Also try the GTA San Andreas Ultimate Editor. It allows you to do stats editing(Cars, planes,weapons etc.). Don't forget a good save game editor

The battlefield 2 ps2 thing was really fun.

Any online game where I don't want to deal with the hackers.

Seriously better to just have computers right next to each other. UI is terrible for console version, especially if two people are wanting to use it at the same time

Seriously, this and immature fanbase is the reason I don't play on PC

What does this even mean? I play on PC and whenever I organise a game night with friends it takes me about 30 seconds to move my PC to the living room and no "setup" is needed, all you have to do is plug in an HDMI cable and you're gold

It's not too much of an issue for me. The main multilayer games I play are TF2 and Overwatch, where there's very little problem. Although shit like GTAV is console-only as far as I'm concerned.

I think he meant that TV's suck for gaming since LCD TV's have absurd amounts of input lag. I feel bad for consolefags since TV's are shit for gaming and all controllers are wireless now. That combined with console framerates and I don't see how console games are even playable nowadays.

Audio is still fucked. They used a free version of a program to convert and it made the audio shit tier quality. CD Projekt was a bunch of shit heads back when. They talked about re-releasing it with everything fixed but nothing ever came of it.

Well, whenever I play on console I usually do it on my monitor, it has two HDMI input ports for a reason

Diablo 3

It's a shit game on all platforms. The game could literally be made of cocaine and blowjobs, those flight school missions are unforgivable. Superman 64 handled better than this shit.

Invalid reasons for a console version being "better":
>"but you can use a controller for the console version"

>flight school