Post Toobs AND discuss gameplay.
Near a Tomato Thread
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i love her gameplay
We all know it's just an excuse to post 2b ass.
I propose a question:
Has there ever been a better modelled ass in a game? Has there ever been a better modelled ass in a game that wasn't explicitly a porn/hentai game? I honestly can not think of a better modelled ass.
why haven't you fucks moved over to /vg/ yet?
tfw can't play the demo because I ditched my PS4 fund when Steam version got announced
At least all the videos are hype
All I care about is the soundtrack
It is truly the finest ass gaming has to offer.
I think that people who expect Cuhrazy are going to be somewhat disappointed with this one. It looks miles above the first Nier game in terms of combat, but it seems limited in comparison to other spectacle character brawlers. People are going to have to face the fact that it was made first and foremost as an action RPG instead of a second coming of revengence/dmc/bayonetta.
The gunpod being able to shoot out a constant stream of bullets without any cooldown or reloading doesn't really quite endear to me since, outside of the bulletproof enemies, the gameplay plan could basically boil down to "shoot it until it dies". Hopefully, maybe, the full game would prove me wrong in that regard.
Still am eagerly anticipating the title just to see where Taro's wild ride goes to and listen to more Emi Evans/Keiichi Okabe music goodness.
>People complaining about enemy diversity
Yeah,because original Nier had a fuckton of different enemy types
So I just read the yohra play
Is no2 2B?
>spectacle character brawlers
The fuck?
Also it's fine. Dodge is a little too good and there's no scoring, but it's not like MGR was super complicated either.
I just want a boss diversity. Nier had the right ideas if poor execution.
Shadowlord fight is honestly helluva fun if you're playing on hard and the scaling doesn't allow you to steamroll the faggot.
the demo is one fucking early game area
it's like you retards never played a demo before
We couldn't protect her smile
They probably haven't
Kids are everywhere nowadays, user
I guess she has gone rogue then
K I S S 2 B 9 S
So there was like maybe 10 costumes/palette swaps in MGR.
I hope there will be at least that many in Automata.
Does anyone have a link to the Grimoire Nier artbook?
It's on sadpanda.
I'm out of the loop. Is there some sort of connection to a tomato? The past few Nier threads have been referencing it.
She can dance at least
It's just Americans being too dumb to spell "automaton" correctly
Phonetic bastardization of Nier: Automata.
The gameplay's a huge improvement for Taro games, but I think the expectations of something "crazy" might be in relation to the story.
Is this the MLP of vidya?
What are they fighting for?
Glory of Mankind.
Who are they?
No, that's $your_favorite_game.
Gotta get our land back from those dern machines.
Something tells me the MLP of vidya would be an actual MLP vidya gaem.
This isn't that, so fuck off.
>different attack animations depending on whether the weapon type is equipped in the "light attack" or "heavy attack" slot
>different attack animations depending on whether you press the button or hold it
>Pod can be customized to turn on/off elements of the HUD yfw you find the Pod program that unlocks the Combo Grading System
>gatling gun is on the Gatling Pod, implies other base pod attack-types are available on top of the more powerful "Spells" like the laser
I think we've been given just enough of a taste in the demo and other promotional materials to assume there will be plenty of CUHRAYZEE to go around.
Didn't you watch the trailer?
*and Steve
Anyone got the full image with Nier Automata included?
ib4 fight for nothing
11945 is such a long fucking time.
Did we really need such a time gap?
Did it really need to be the 14th machine war instead of like the 3rd of 4th?
Is the implication here that this cycle of war between machines is going to continue forever?
npc found
How to take better pics? I feel like I'm not doing the best I can.
so how is the ffxv engine blade going to be available?
secret item hidden somewhere, or a promotional item I need a code for from ffxv or something?
Toobie's character designer HAD to have known what level of fap fuel they were making.
It's Yoshida. He designes top-tier noseless waifus ever since Final Fantasy Tactics
Ah, now I get why there was something familiar about her! Thanks, user.
Probably some side mission loot.
I wouldn't mind something like that crazy jumping + traps only FFXV endgame dungeon.
>Are you done, 9S?
>Ah.. Not yet, Ma'am, I must make sure that nothing is leaking or wedged in!
>Be quick about it, we have a lot to do.
>Y-yes Ma'am!
>not knowing his shit
A skin stripped android.
9S, you bad boi!
I've never actually finished Nier but have read most of the extra stuff
Is there any translation o 1.3 besides character info?
If you've watched The Big O you'll realize that tomatoes and cute gothic robogirls go hand in hand.
omg did she died?
No, but she will surely. This is Nier.
Were where you for the endless Bloodborne/Final Fantasy/Dark Souls/Witcher threads?
No, but she was all happy/scared in the stage play. Until the red girls started fucking with her and killed everyone.
>stage play
>itt newfags from Sup Forums can't talk epikly
Holy shit you people its A2.
>It is truly the finest ass gaming has to offer
>not pic related
Command planning for it to be a suicide mission for the sake of data collection and weapon experimentation probably didn't help.
Yeah why did Taro write a stageplay?
Did he do it purely just to meme us all? I mean surely if he wanted to just get his story about waifu robots out without having to making a video game he could've just like...written a light novel or something?
I need some clarification from Lore Fags.
Are Devola and Popola mechanical beings or biological?
Some anons mentioned them being androids and I remember something about them living thousands of years but during the fight in Shadowlord's castle Popola was freaking out about Devola bleeding, and how she can't stop the bleeding so now I'm not sure if they're meat bags, androids like 2B or something different.
>written a light novel or something?
Why not?
I have to assume stageplays are not that popular in murrica.
He is making manga too, his options are plenty.
>Murricans in charge of having any culture
Stageplays are great if you want to get characters, music and performance but not get distracted with cinematography and directing tricks
Help, I like 2B but I dislike 9S, he is a short twink faggot with girl lips and a shitty dub voice and I don't want to have him following me the whole fucking game. This could actually break my purchase.
Stage plays seem incredibly limited to me. I say this as somebody who considers themself a """"""writer"""""" In terms of scope a stage play seems so limited, you can't really have proper setpieces of locations, you can't use cinematography and the pacing would feel more stilted wouldn't it?
I mean I want to point out I don't disrespect theater, I may not like the artform but I respect it and its totally cool if Taro just wants to make whatever shit he wants as an artist without having to be tied down to one artform but I just feel as if stage plays are such a limited means of expression when he has the resources to literally make a movie if he wanted to.
I'm willing to be redpilled on stageplays though, I'm perfectly happy to admit that I just haven't seen whats possible in the medium yet.
>dub voice
They're androids. But like . . . super, bleedy, mostly-human-ish androids with feelings and stuff.
During a part of the game has been shown that Pascal follows you and 9S is nowhere to be found, cheers.
Seriously, he is too effeminate and submissive. I cannot self insert into this crap.
When the fuck will it be done?
>with feelings and stuff.
And able to drink alcohol.
Why haven't the annyoing VTMB faggots moved to /vg/ yet?
He just wanted to get qt (young) girls to play his waifu androids.
Is Drakengard worth playing before this? I looked at some gameplay and Drakengard 1 & 2 look like complete pieces of shit so I'm wondering. Drakengard 3 looks decent but I don't think it is very important to Automata because it takes place in a different universe and all.
So, some asistant androids from the moon base have weapons and stuff... We're gonna kill them at some point of the story, right?
>effeminate and submissive. I cannot self insert into
t. masculine and dominant man(child)
The only attractive things in this picture are those outfits
The difference between me and 9S is that I don't embrace it, he probably puts on lip gloss.
>That one autist in the first post who always posts the same thing
Yeah, because 9S and 2B are going to go rogue.
After watching clips and reading YoHRa you are honestly pretty accurate.
It works for the smaller scenes, not so great for anything bigger. Really should just be the game's opening or some flashback.
Ahm... Guys, why the have a fucking record of the fight with the goliat weapon? Look at the screen. Confirmed the rebuild
Well where the fuck can I read YoHRa and or watch the play? Is it worth watching?
I'm more curious to how well Taro does it.
>when he has the resources to literally make a movie if he wanted to.
Why would you think that?
Its a wonder someone is letting him make games.
I'm not into it myself, but I think it actually works pretty well for the vague kind of storytelling Taro does, and obviously he didn't aim it to be some massive thing, the stageplay barely covered more than the damn demo if you think about it, and their message was pretty much the same too.
In the end, the way I see Taro's mind works in a manner of having a massive sprawling world full of stories, and he goes around coloring in, filling out just spots of it, some in games, some in novels, some in drama cds, some in a stageplay. I'd assume, just like drama cds, modern stageplays like this are more popular over there.
Probably a pretty comfy way to live life, just making your fantasies true in some form of media.
>Well where the fuck can I read YoHRa and or watch the play?
also foreword/terminology
the squad
>Is it worth watching?
I couldn't find the whole thing, but the clips I saw not really
Stage play torrent
The mission was to eliminate that thing, so it would make sense they know of it, this could be the mission briefing you are looking at.
Or the start of the VR mission.
Also, in this one Goliat appears again in the screen. The 2B of the demo will not be the "same" one of the full game
After defeating the first arm 9S asks if that was the Golliat weapon, so, they don't know how it looks. Also, in the screen you see 2B.
>3 doesn't actually lead to 1 you have to read a novelisation
Taro wears that mask cause otherwise someone would have punched him in the face by now
Theres a torrent for Ps4 games now?
This is after the demo. They get rebuilt.