Post your honest-to-goodness vidya opinions that Sup Forums would accuse you of baiting for having.
Undertale is legitimately one of my favorite games of the decade so far.
Post your honest-to-goodness vidya opinions that Sup Forums would accuse you of baiting for having.
Undertale is legitimately one of my favorite games of the decade so far.
Twilight Princess is the worst Zelda game.
The Soulsbourne series is overrated as fuck.
Fallout 4 is a good game.
Kid Icarus Uprising is garbage
Modded skyrim is my favorite game ever
I liked Star Fox Adventures, Assault and Command.
My favorite Zelda is Twilight Princess.
I like Dynasty Warriors, especially Hyrule Warriors and Pirate Warriors 3 (also, more anime games need English dubs)
The Smash Bros. games consistently get better with each installment.
Spyro 3 is the best of the original trilogy and A Hero's Tail is good.
Same with Crash Warped and Twinsanity.
I second this.
It's a cool concept that is poorly-executed
Tales of Graces has the best combat of the Tales games.
Zestiria was a step back and Berseria was yet another step back.
Witcher 3 has good, enjoyable combat.
I Don't Like RPGS or the smash bros games.
kill yourself
All first party gamecube games are overpriced
I like english dubs in japanese games the most
Skyward Sword was fucking fantastic.
phantasy star online is the greatest co op game ever made.
DMC4 is the best DMC so far.
I honestly think the kiddos used to hack and slash and action rpgs are the only ones that fucking complain about the combat.
I'll suck your cock.
I will say that it's different from most Zeldas, and that I hope a game just like it gets made in another franchise.
Nintendo's output has been great this generation, the best since the 16 bit era.
The only way to have fun and not fall into console wars and shitposting Sup Forums is to actually be idort and have money to buy whatever you want.
Smash 4 started out as a poorly balanced unplayable mess that was worse than Brawl but became pretty good after all of the patches.
Smash is not a fighting game.
Mario 3D Land/World are close relatives to the Galaxy games, all of which are mediocre.
Witcher 3 is a master piece.
GTA 5 is actually the greatest game, too good for its price.
It really does
I enjoy MGS:Twin Snakes
I also enjoy pixelshit indie roguelites
A lot of us would agree on that. Except Meleefags who derail their own threads by shitting on the game anyway.
Souls series are OK.
I liked watch_dogs more than GTA 5 because of the slowmo shooting and stealth encounters, and aiden pearce looks cool.
Death by Degrees is a great game
Final Fight Streetwise is a great game, except for the last bossrush and the cody bossfight
Ape Escape 2 is better than 3
Onimusha 3 is one of the best PS2 games easily top 10
Uncharted 4 is the worst uncharted
I think that's mainly it
TW3 is seriously one of the most overrated games I have ever played. I enjoyed it, I played through it three times, but the amount of absolute fucking dick sucking the game gets boggles my mind.
From software is a terrible developer
Majora's Mask is a chore to play
The last two Rayman games do fast platforming better than Sonic ever did
how can you play through the game 3 times?
the game has 0 replay value
Metal Gear Rising has better story than MGSV
Different difficulties, playthroughs with the DLCs. I never bothered exploring the worlds after the first playthrough though. When I realized the world was full of nothing but random loot chests in the way of "?"s my opinion of the game dropped. Open World was a mistake, should have just used the "section" style they did in TW2.
brawl is the best smash by a mile
GTA games have always been boring shit to me. Games like Hulk: Ultimate Destruction and Prototype are far more entertaining open world games. is alright if you do not fantasize about being cucked
agree with all of these
Mirror's Edge is a nearly 10/10 game.
Did people not like Mirror's Edge?
Bloodborne is a shit game with horrible bosses and I've always hated the souls system
The whole uncharted series is horrible and the story isnt engaging in the slightest
Wii U was the best console this generation.
Witcher 3 is boring and has a bad story
Xenoblade Chronicles is honestly one of the worst Wii U titles I've played.
The voice acting is dull, and the story is meh.
The open world is nice to look at, but there's nothing in it.
Nintendo is objectively better now that Iwata is dead
I liked Star Fox Zero
I liked Bioshock Infinite
I liked Sonic Unleashed
I liked Skyward Sword
I liked Skyrim
I actually agree with you, the story was great, and the environment was nice and lively.
My one complaint is the Motion Controller, but even that wasn't as bad as some people made it out to be.
Shit, meant to say Xenoblade X
I don't like Nintendo
I liked all those as well, SF Zero to a lesser extent, I feel if Nintendo didn't shoehorn in their gamepad it would've been liked more.
FFX-2 is a good game with good music and insanely fun gameplay.
1000 words makes me tear up everytime.
Halo ruined millennials.
>Nintendo is objectively better now that Iwata is dead
Agreed, it's a party game, not a fighting one.
i third this
The ATB system in jRPGs is shitty because, especially in early game, you sit around doing nothing.
Yeah, I feel the same.
The dialogue tries way too hard (and fails) to be funny.
Lords of the Fallen was Game of the Year 2014.
HATRED was Game of the Year 2015.
BUTCHER was Game of the Year 2016.
Only Devil May Cry worth playing is the original.
The Evil Within > Resident Evil
Kane & Lynch: Dead Men is a good game.
Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days is a fucking masterpiece.
Manhunt is the best stealth game ever.
Mortal Kombat is the one decent fighting game franchise.
waifufags/2dfags are cancer
gta5 > gta4
>Nintendo is objectively better now that Iwata is dead
Wrong, they will be objectively better if they die completely. Or at least they abandon videogames completely.
don't give shit about gta, but you sound like a cool guy
Nintendo is absolutely worthless and nothing will save it
FFX is really bad
I'd rather have a new FF Tactics game than FFVII Remake
FFXV is really good but main villain is deviantart tier
The Witcher 3 is dull and mediocre, there's nothing amazing about its story and characters, gameplay is terrible, writing tries to be mature and utterly fails at it and comedy is cringeworthy.
Oblivion isn't better than Skyrim, they're both shit
Iron sights in FPS games are great
FPS games would be much better if the devs put more emphasis on movement (Destiny, Titanfall 2, Doom)
Weebshit is just as bad as cinematic experiences and excuses like "but I'm playing it ironically" are fucking retarded
Dead Money > Old World Blues > Honest Hearts > Lonesome Road
Adachi was right
Persona 3 >>> Persona 4
I wish there were more licensed tracks in games, MGSV is a great example
>waifufags/2dfags are cancer
That's actually true, but the site is full of weebs so they try and ridicule you because it hurts their small tiny egos to know the truth.
I absolutely loved bioshock 1 played through it multiple times, not even for the different ending just because I liked it so much.
Dead Money is my favorite New Vegas DLC
It's completely acceptable to post Pokemon topics on Sup Forums as long as the subject is about the video games
Ace Combat 5 is pretty meh.
6 is better.
Souls franchise is just artificial difficulty made acceptable somehow.
All three Team ICO are overrated and poorly made and use "artistic" as an excuse to get away with it. SoC had cool bossfights though.
Undertale is in my top 5 best games of all time
I think FNAF 1 is a well made horror game. I remember when I first played it I was nearly pissing myself BEFORE I knew about the cheap jumpscares
Unreal Tournament is a better MPFPS than Quake.
>artificial difficulty
When the fuck will this meme die?
SSX 2012 was an amazing game, especially multiplayer.
never, it's an artificial meme
Seconded on twin snakes
I never understood why people freaked on the "over the top" cutscenes as if they never played 2 or 3
Is this real??
It was great, I added a bunch of dudes from Sup Forums and it was a blast chasing down scores and times.
I miss it.
On topic:
Miyamoto hasn't done anything good in years, he's holding back nintendo.
Estival Versus is the best game released in 2016
Dark Souls 1 is the worst game in the series.
Morrowind is shit and no amount of make-believe will make it better
Video games are for children and losers. No self respecting, functional, grown man would waste his precious time with something as retarded as video games, unless he's making good money from it, REAL money, not virtual currency.
Iwata was a great man, but you're probably right. That company desperately needs some new blood.
>HATRED was Game of the Year 2015.
How do you sleep at night?
Overwatch is okay
i legitimately think bayonetta is a boring and extremely overrated game
Trump pls, use your power for good, kick out the Muslims, don't hurt my poor mother.
Kid Dracula > Castlevania III
DmC is the best game in the series.
Heroes 4 is the best game in the series.
Medieval fantasy is what defines RPG genre.
I love league of legends. Games I play:
- League of Legends
- Shadowverse
- Dark Souls 2: Scholar of the First Sin
- Overwatch
Games I will play in the future:
- Dark Souls 3 complete edition
- Nier Automata
- Quake Champions
- Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord
- Camelot Unchained
- Crestfall Vanilla WoW private server
- Nonary Games
- Cyberpunk 2077
Will probably puck up a PS4 in the future to play Bloodborne, Nioh and IF the FromSoftware new IP dark fantasy and armor core reboors are exclusive + Death Stranding and Spider-Man reboot by Insomniac.
2017 and 2018 will be amazing.