Are they fucking serious?

Are they fucking serious?

Yeah its fucking retarded but you can turn those ads off.

When you have only 3 games released this year for the console, your choices for top picks are severely limited.

I meant the fact that Color splash would even DARE t be called "Game of the Year"

Nintendo is that full of themselves? It's a notoriously bad game, and one of their worst this year, and they're calling it one of their best? What the fuck.

Kirby: Planet Robobot came out in 2016, and it's a signifigantly better title then fucking Color Splash.

Fucking PAPER JAM came out in 2016 and its better then fucking Color splash. This is seriously not an argument. Everything, even Fed force, was better then fucking Color splash.

What else is Nintendo supposed to list as top pick of 2016? It was just one long drought.

not like there was much to pick from

2016 was the worst year for Nintendo

>Planet Robobot
>FE: Fates
>Paper Jam

A lot of good shit came out this year, mostly early, but it still tops fucking Color splash

Nintendo only released like three Wii U games this year and it's not like the other two were any good either.

All of those are 3ds games

Just beat this game yesterday.
Definitely good game in terms of adventure, fun characters, good stories amongst most of them

Only problem is the requirements of things. Real retarded you can start a boss fight, but not have the necessary thing to beat him.
Sticker Star had me concern they'd skimp on characters and plot, but I guess sticker Star was just a quick hand held cash grab.

Still though, I'd vote for Star Fox Zero as Nintendo's best game this year. I hope it gets a sequel, needs more levels and bigger open areas, those invisible walls are way too close

aka cutscenes: the game, they were pushing metal gear levels with that shit

did mario maker wii u come out in '16? if so, that'd be my goty for wii u. i think it might have been last year, though.

Wasn't that like their only fucking Wii U release this year? When the only thing you're offering is shit then of course your ____ of the year is gonna be shit.

Paper Jam is as terrible as Color Splash but that's not even the issue. They need to list something on the Wii U side and Paper Splash is the wheelchair bound autist that won the race because nobody else bothered to show up

That was 15

This was unironically the best Nintendo game of 2016

2015 was such a better year

>Paper Jam is as terrible as Color Splash

Not with that battle system it's not. At least PJ is a game that has fun battles, even if the world and story are bland as shit.

-Twilight Princess HD
-Pokken Tournament
-Sarfox Zero
-Starfox Guard
-Tokyo Mirage Session
-Paper Mario Color Splash
-Mario and Sonic rio 2016

Nintendo probably published as much games on the Wii U in 2016 then Sony and Microsoft on the PS4 and Xbox One.

Thats atlus buddy. Not nintendo. Thats like calling PXZ2 A nintendo IP just because it had Fiora and the FE characters

>Counting a port of a GC game
Ha. No.

Lets test this cause now I'm curious:

Nintendo: 5
-Pokken, Starfox Zero, TMS, COlor splash, Rio

Sony: 4
Ratchet and Clank, Last of Us, Uncharted 4, Last Guardian

Microsoft: 2
Titanfall 2, Gears of War 4

It was a decent bootleg Persona that forgot to include the better parts of Persona.

Tokyo Mirage Session was by Atlus and Intelligent Systems, Twilight Princess is a port of a 10 year old game and half of the list is crap that nobody likes.

The consorship thing was absolutely terrible. That said, it wasn't just the best Nintendo game of 2016. It was almost the GotY of the 2016 all systems considered. The game is honestly great.

-Twilight Princess HD
Port of a GC game.
-Pokken Tournament
It was okay
-Sarfox Zero
-Starfox Guard
Both included in the same package, both are shit, Guard is just a minigame that you'll play once.
-Tokyo Mirage Session
Not Nintendo, it's a good game though
-Paper Mario Color Splash
Fun writing, horrible gameplay
-Mario and Sonic rio 2016
Obligatory olympics game, made to get a quick buck.

>It's a notoriously bad game
lol no its not you fucking dumbass
just because you dont like it doesnt mean its bad

>Paper mario fanboy thinks he matters


You know the year was bad when you need Mario & Sonic at the Olympics to pad the list.


Look at this newfag.

Holy shit, I didn't know retards who couldn't greentext actually exist.


I don't know anything about Color Splash.

Why is it "notoriously bad"? What is wrong with the gameplay?

I imagine it's not a Paper Mario game in truth, but is it actually bad?

It really wasn't, especially judging by his image.

what game ?

What a shitty year...

At least Fates came out.

>What a shitty year...
If all you own is a Wii-U, sure.


It's a good game only contrarians hate. This is coming from a die hard PM64/TTYD dick sucker.

>defending Color Splash AND Star Fox Zero
Whelp, didn't take long for Cody to find the thread.

>Description lists it as "a waifu simulator"
>Cant date/fuck anyone
What fucking degenerate browses Sup Forums, makes a game, and doesn't include those basic features?

The one that includes a loli sexbot that loves her job.

ofc color splash is the best pick of 2016...
it was the ONLY pick of 2016


But I can't fuck her or go on 2d dates so what's the point?


it's one of the only wii u games in 2016

To be a bartender who listens to people talk about their lives. It's not even trying to be a dating sim.

>FF Explorers is good while MHG is bad

I already do that though? Only difference is the patrons in -halla don't make fun of my baby face and drunkenly rabble about how they want to touch my ass.

>thread full of people shitting on game
>no one will say what is wrong with it
I'm starting to suspect the game is fine and this is just shitposting.

Okay, so let me get this straight. You call people "faggot sony and MS fans" for pushing ports, sports titles and fighting games for their systems, yet you've just done the exact same thing?

Eh. Not everyone is one, though. I can't imagine wanting to play a game where you simulate your actual job. That just seems masochistic to me. That or you REALLY like your job.

If I did say what was wrong with it, you'd just cry about me being entitled, or some other buzzword. why bother going through that?

>five rereleases
>shitty chibi robo spinoff

Are you feeling okay, user?

Based Venezuelans.

Took you that long to figure that out?

Cody is right. They are just pretending.

>color trash
>good writing


Combat is terrible, and is the main gameplay element of the game.

Let's not count ports and digital only title.

Nintendo 5
Pokken, Starfox, Tokyo mirage, Olympics, Color Splash

Sony 4
Ratchet and Clank, MLB 16, TLG, Uncharted 4

Microsoft 4

Gears 4, Recore, Quantum Break, Forza Horizon 3

You are actually right.... 2016 was a terrible year for those 3 publishers. Out of those games there are no great games and only Pokken, Tokyo Mirage, Ratchet and Clank, Uncharted 4, Gears 4 and Forza Horizon were decent games.

What are you referring to?

Are you guys illiterate or anything?

>Top Nintendo games of the year

2016 was an absolute shit for Nintendo, and crap that they released is enough to be "top game", since there is no competition at all.

Color Splash is a rather unique Mario title in that it portrays it's story as being simultaneously being serious and satirical. The game does take the core concept set forward by the original game (Peach is kidnapped by Bowser, go save her) but takes it in such a silly,creative direction it is impossible not to love it.

>it's impossible not to love it

Then I'm a master of the impossible, since you could not pay me to like this trash.

You play AS the waifu, stupid. What do you think happened in Goat Simulator?

>muh persecution complex
Fuck off retard, I asked why the game is bad because I literally know nothing about it. No one answered. This being Sup Forums that tends to mean that there is no reason, just shitposting. As you just proved from your own post, you'd rather cry about imagined wrongs than do any research into the thing you claim to hate but know nothing about.

What is he pointing at?

What's wrong with it?

I'm not asking for an essay here, just the reasons for why it is bad.

It's honestly not that bad and it's literally one of the few nintendo games to come out this year. Of course it's apart of their marketing "best of" list, OP.

LOL at Stardew valley being better than Pokken Tournament and Paper Mario: Color Splash. Sony persons keep tellin on themselves that they don't play games.

Also, LOL at Super Mario Run being low-tiered on this list, but a bootleg Harvest Moon for non-gamers is the height of art. Hilarious.

SMR is a solid game that detractors who don't play games bash.

nowhere does it say Paper Mario is the game of the year you spergburgular. It implies that Paper Mario is on Nintendo's list of Top Nintendo games of the year. Considering it was one of the only wii u games and it was pretty good, I don't disagree with this.

>mhg and r/c in bad
>FFXV in ugly

Yea, I am not sure either why Sup Forums does not like Pokken Tournament.

It was published by Nintendo, idiot. That's like saying Paper Mario is technically Intelligent Systems.

Harvest moon is better then TTYD and Melee combined, so your argument is invalid.


It's just a picture of Nintendo's mascot, Mario, in the current design which is Paper Mario. They aren't implying it's the 2016 winner, they're just showing the mascot. Good fucking lord you people don't understand context.

I just let my GamePad die. The next step is turning it into GameStop on January 12.

partly because the devs haven't added any of the new characters to the Wii U version and the tournament scene is pretty sad

I mean you can just play your friends online... It's really a non-issue imo.

You want to know why the game is bad? Then let me count the ways:

>casualized battle system with everything wrong from Sticker Star
>shallow characters
>forced unfunny 4th wall dialogue
>paper thin worlds (lol) with no sense of exploration
>unoriginal, unchallenging bosses

Just to name a few.


Stardew Valley is a PC game, it only just came to PS4 like a week ago

Thank you for being the person who finally fucking answers.

What is wrong with the battle system though? Just saying it's casual doesn't tell me anything. And, to my own "fault", I didn't play Sticker Star either so that's not a good reference point.

I've only played Mario RPG, Paper Mario, Thousand Year Door and Superstar Saga.

ps4 and xboxone really are waterdown pcs though. my point still stands that whoever made that chart doesn't have a clue.

Post your save file or delete this

okay. rank action card battle systems: phantasy star online 3, baten kaitos, lost kingdom, etc.

Paper Mario is trying to be charming, not super challenging; it succeeds in doing this.

look up a gameplay video and I think you'll immediately see what he means

TLG was great for non-retards who knew it was going to be ICO 2

>Thinking I own that attrocity

I rented it via gamefly and it was still complete and utter shit, and a waste of 3 days and $16

Has there been any Wii U games released in 2016 besides Color Splash?

of note: Starfox 0, TMS
Shit nobody cares about: TPHD, Pokken, and Olympic shit

Friendly reminder: Wii-U will be long forgotten come march

What else is there to pick from on the Wii U? Star Fox Zero? Mario and Sonic at the Rio Olympics?

Haven't gotten to combat yet, but why the fuck are ALL NPCs toads?



It says top 2016 NINTENDO games, not NINTENDO WII-U games

They could pick must better shit then fucking color splash

>Mario Maker 3DS
>Can't even share your stages online
>"""more""" content

>Fatal Frame
>likely to be ported