
Where did tf2 go so wrong?

When did YOU stop playing? If you are still playing, why?

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Before it, TF2 had this amazing feel of being a comfy game, where you could actually have fun and it didn't feel much if you lost or won.

Now, just like every other game that decided to add a sense of competitiveness into the main part of the game, it lost that feel.

try day of defeat source lads

Doesnt have matchmaking and not F2P, has old school servers to join. Community so small you recognize people sometimes. Feelsgoodman

Nerfing the Righteous Bison was the final straw in a frustrating series of pants-on-head retarded balancing decisions.

>Worst matchmaking implemenation in any game
the 2 things i dislike the most
i play comp so i still can have a blast playing (real comp not Valve's comp matchmaking garbage)


>Bison nerf

FUCKING THIS, i wasn't playing regularly anymore around that time, after that i knew the dev "team" had no clue what the fuck we need to keep this game healthy and alive, plus the joke that was matchmaking and other "updates" i think they just gave up, and so did i.

Been playing FFXIV and OW ever since.

whats the main difference from before and after the nerf?
i always thought shotgun was more satisfying than bison desu
>80 damage close range
>good for dealing with pro scouts jumping in random patterns

They reverted a feature saying it was a "bug" despite that said feature was in the fucking tips of soldier.

oh yeah it was in the fucking description for the gun right?
i remember people talking about it, valve devs are so fucking clueless
with a projectile that moves that slow you need decent damage or you dont do jack shit

I used to play on the sun(?) zombie mod servers back in like 2012

then, they changed the rules so that it was no longer first come first serve for being one of the two engies

I would always connect to the server first after a new map, so I was always the engie... and I knew all of the tricks and such on the various maps. Which they also fixed. Along with restricting stuff to level 2 only.

The best spot was on a big city map, where I could boost myself into a shipping container cubby

or that one floating islands map where you could make a teleporter under some stairs, and then push a bookcase model so that it got jammed up in the entrance to the hidey hole

zombie mode was so much better....

The problem its not even OP or mandatory like the shotgun or gunboats, why fuck with another weapon making it useless, god damnit.

When they nerfed the sticky jumper to 2 stickies, that was the beginning of Valve removing the fun off their games for profits.

what the fuck? why did they do that?

>dev team had no clue
>so I play ow

you do realize how fundamentally broken ow is? whole tank meme meta is because why pick a dps when a tank has triple hp and far better utility. also whats point of dealing damage when healers have more powerful ults. if anything dps feeds ults to enemy supports and if their ana gets ult before yours you just wipe. theres no 5cp maps and whole game revolves around chokes and muh teamwork and because of the low skill cap and only 6v6 it means a single idiot can fuck up your game.

I still play because the game is great.

They didn't like people propelling themselves in the skybox with 8 stickies for fun

because when are you ever going to sticky jump with more than 2 stickies

the weapon is literally suppose to match that

>you do realize how fundamentally broken ow is?

user, believe me i do how unbalanced and stupidly casual it is, i play it with my GF, that's what enjoy about it. Don't get upset.

when I want to, because it's the STICKY JUMPER

if you want to practice, then only put down 2 stickies

if you want to have fun and be an caber death demo, then use 5 or whatever


>friends switch to OW from tf2
>play a game last night and they all suck now

that's the worst thing about OW is that it caused a talent drain from tf2 even though it's an inferior game

I got a bit bored of it after thousands of hours and all my favorite servers closed down. Pub play doesn't compare to being in a good community server.

the thing i dislike the most is how oversimplified the movement is
you can do so much satisfying shit with movement in TF2, even if you are not playing soldier or demo (you can surf rockets or other damage with any class)

My biggest gripe from switching to OW from TF2 is the drastic drop in the quality of the writing and characters. Going from the amazing charm and witty banter of TF2's cast to the generic, unoffensive crap that makes up every OW character is daunting as hell.

I miss having multiple loadouts and weapons for every class.

oh yeah, i also think about the backstory of the spy and engineer when i see a sentry being sapped.
fucking autist.

My friends and I have so many fucking hours in tf2 we eventually wanted to play other shit.

Overwatch has been my friends drug lately

I went back to TF2 recently after only playing Overwatch since it came out. I destroyed every enemy team I played against as Scout, top of the leaderboards by miles and nobody could stop me.

I left the game because my favourite servers went to shit

now I can't find, for the love of god, a good server that rotates between maps and it's usually balanced between the teams

Same but with soldier and sniper.

TF2 never changes

for me the limit isnt the hours but my own skill
thats why when i started being a pubstar and getting top 3 every match i started getting in comp

After playing Quake 3 back in the day, the fact that people unironically praise TF2's movement is just pathetic.
Might as well kill all non-military shooters.

Stopped immediately after the first update. I think it was the Pyro. I could just sense that a precedent was set, and that the result would be a shitshow.

I even made maps for this game. It pains me to see the direction it went. It would have been so much better with just new maps and game modes. Maybe even just the cosmetic changes like hats or skins. But instead they flooded it with bullshit. I tried it again like a year ago and it felt like a completely different game.

I left the game because it just wasn't entertaining.
Played for about 20 hours.

whats pathethic is the fact that TF2 is the only original game in the past 10 years that has decent movement.
also rocket jumping in original quake 3 is stiff as fuck, no strafing whatsoever.

The fact that you consider it decent is the only pathetic thing here.
And no, rocket jumping is not advanced movement.

I'm actually baffled this game didn't die after a year, there's no appeal at all.

All the new weapons and upgrades ruined it for me. It just became what random shit you had not your skill

Have you played titanfall 1 or 2? The movement system in that is god tier

Titanfall 2 just has a mediocre and dull reminder of an actually advanced movement system.
TF1 has fuckall.

Not to mention that TF1 is dead, and TF2 will be in a few weeks.

i got bored with OW in a few weeks and just came right back to tf2.

valve just needs to let another team work on tf2 bc they dont even play the game they make patches for

>And no, rocket jumping is not advanced movement.
why not?
tell me of any other game with such a big jump community? if you dont find jump maps fun thats because you cant rocket jump properly
have you even played TF2 or are you just a nostalgiafag shitting on anything new

dropped it fully after they started requiring the stupid fucking phone app for selling items.

Was hanging on by a thread before that though. When they nerfed scout's crazy legs I knew they were on a never-ending path of fucking up.

When your entire argument for ''advanced movement system'' relies only on rocket jumping, it means it's no advanced.
It's a normal movement system that lets you rocket jump.

>not your skill
Stock is considered the most well-rounded pick for almost all the classes except maybe engineer. Any other loadout leans the class towards a specific area of the base class, like demoknight being a full spec based around demo's huge melee range at the cost of all long range.
No single item is overpowered to the point where a skilled player using stock weapons wouldn't be able to frag them in a matter of seconds.

>play some TF2
>goes to shit
>play Overwatch
>get bored
>back to TF2
>after a match remember that TF2 is still shit
>there's some half assed competitive mode now

What makes the movement in a game advanced then, Mr Quake Expert? Can you explain that to me?
running very fast? bhopping ?

I didn't stop.
I tried playing Overwatch, but a polished turd is a still a turd. I went back to TF2 the next week.

>When did YOU stop playing?
When CSGO came out.

Early days on tc_hydro when everyone was a noob were the best though.

Fast movement, wall running, surfing, bunny hopping.
For start.

>Where did tf2 go so wrong?
hats and f2p

Why no longer plays Quake?

>rocket jump
>sticky jump
>detonator jump
>sentry jump
>quad jump
>medic piggybacking

Because it's an old as fuck the game.

stopped playing around 11pm

Very advanced.

>using pubs to measure skill

I'm still playing this and db and titanf2 because no other fps games these days have skill-based movement. Baby's first fps has nothing but jumps and dashes on cooldown, and it feels like you're drivinga vehicle with the ASSFAAGGOTS movement acceleration. Hell even Arkham city imposters had better movement

as in, surfing damage or literal surf maps ?
>pressing space at an specific time

can you name one (1) game that has all those movement mechanics?
Hard mode: not a Quake clone

Because all of the older players have moved to CS;GO or OW.

It's mostly F2P kiddies left now.

det+sentry is a gimmick.
no idea what the last two are.
only two out of 9 classes have advanced movement.

Yeah it's depressing as shit fighting people with question mark avatars whose usernames are .

>Hard mode: not a Quake clone
None of them do because only Quake has something that could be defined as advanced movement.

No, it is advanced. It has a fairly realistic retention of momentum, whereas others games like OW artificially cap your momentum to limit your mobility.

>Because all of the older players have moved to CS;GO or OW.
>source: my anus

>fast movement
Define 'fast'. Almost every class has a means to move faster than their base movement speed.
>wall running
Soldiers do this.
There are entire servers dedicated to surfing.
>bunny hopping
Literally soldier 101.

CS:GO made a small, but unpatchable wound on TF2, from which it'll slowly bleed out.

wall jumping is a quake mechanic? explain
for all others, TF2 applies. you're just being a salty dog for the sake of it

You're right, the dramatic collapse of the TF2 playerbase over the last few years is from all the F2P kiddies leaving.

>more move
>more jump
>move while jump
What else is there to movement?

Tf2 has all of those, and instead of wall running (LITERALLY WALK NEAR THIS WALL TO CHANGE MOVEMENT AXIS) TF2 has surfing, which actually takes skill.

you're actually retarded if you think you could hop in a game right now and be considered "good" by even half of the community in just one of those skills. This isn't ow, none of those abilities are on cooldown and there's actually airstrafing and time required to get good at it.

>Implying F2P wasn't the best thing that happened to the game

I made so much dosh from newfags, goyim

realized that quad jump is atomizer+fan.
that's 3 normal jumps+1 gimmck. not advanced.


>wall running

>TF2 has surfing, which actually takes skill
which doesn't take place in the actual game unless you are talking about 1 or 2 curve strafing

>the dramatic collapse of the TF2 playerbase over the last few years
Try again.

Still waiting for that comic...

You can't bunny-hop in TF2, Valve disabled it in 2007. This:

And TFC had more advanced movement that TF2. Valve limited the movement to Rocket Jumping, Sticky Jumping and Pipe Jumping so they could attract people who were new.

>det+sentry is a gimmick
But it works. You can't dismiss it because you think it's not viable.
>last two
You can quad jump as scout with the atomizer and FaN. All mediguns make you move at the speed of the person you're healing. I'm not sure if it was changed at all, but the medigun that originally had this feature exclusively also let you travel with any soldier/demo explosive jumping.

bad company.

i never played this gay silly epic meme hat game

>donk jumping
>bazooka jumping
>sentrygun surfing
>crouch jumping required for all the good spots

just adding to the list. Does bfb count, since it gives you the fastest movement in game but if you take damage you lose all your speed?

You can still bunnyhop with rockets by using splash. It's like you've never progressed past the 'rocket jump to high ledge' phase.

Why would anyone play the Hat Simulator.

Scout has the best movement. Instead of bhopping like a retard you just go fast. Double jump is great too.
Also the default weapon kit is one of the best in the game.

bunny hopping is the only thing I miss from the old hl1 days. The rest like tribes surfing and shit can fuck off.
When will they release a fucking big patch again?

Quick-fix is still in the game

Looking back, tf2 never had any cringeworthy memes come out of it until the brony/furry population moved in after f2p. There was Gentlemen, but that was about it.

thanks for stopping by

The game never really went to utter shit.
Integrating the cosmetic system just added a different layer to the game of what could be called an "economic simulator" and honestly it's just another facet of the game.
The problem is that Valve has decided to abandon TF2 in favor of Dota 2 and CS:GO, which both have flourishing competitive scenes that can rell in big bucks for the company.
Bringing the """Competitive""" update to TF2 was a last ditch effort to salvage it as a moneymaker.
TF2 "died" when Valve realized it was no longer the mass money machine it used to be.

Yes, but it used to be the only one that had the piggyback function, which is now on all mediguns. I haven't played in a while, so I'm not sure if they kept the rocket jump piggyback in, because that's probably the fastest way to the frontline.

I know you can but that's technically "rocket jumping" because you are using your rocket to do it, you can't do it with your character freely.

I played TFC back in the day and yeah it was okay but it wouldn't work in TF2 - the maps are smaller and the classes are spammier, despite not having nades.

>doesn't take place in the actual game
what is slope surfing while RJ
what is surfing damage to get away as med or any other class
you just dont see it often in pubs but its very common in 6v6

>But it works. You can't dismiss it
i dismiss it because there is nothing advanced about it.
>move at the speed of the person you're healing
you're just faster. fucking nothing advanced about it.
>travel with any soldier/demo explosive jumping.
the soldier/demo has the advanced movement, not the medic.

>>donk jumping
>>bazooka jumping
>>sentrygun surfing
it's just air strafeing
>>crouch jumping required for all the good spots
the fuck does advanced movement mean in your opinion?
99,9% of the time by soldier/demo, if not ok
not in the actual game

I stopped playing it 2 weeks after it came out when I realized it was casual garbage, and shit on everything tfc and tf1 did.

I fucking love MvM, its seriously the best game mode for me. I put 1000 hours playing TF2 after they put tour tickets on sale but fuck paying a dollar for each fucking map. I also maxed out steam wallet from all the gold weapons that drop from it.

>what is slope surfing while RJ
>what is surfing damage
it's airstrafeing

Not him, but it is easy to get into the comedy of TF2, especially when the comics are full of crazy stuff like Heavy suplexing a bear or Scout wearing a hotdog suit. You imagine them in this insane little world where nothing makes sense, and they are the most practiced killers in that world working for irresponsible rich people who don't really know what they want.

Then in Overwatch, it's a list of sterilized character tropes fighting for justice or affordable ziplock baggies or something. Tracer is gay, but once the hullabaloo died down over that, it didn't matter, because who the fuck is Tracer anyway? She's the cockney one with big stupid cuff-links. Blizzard never really decided if Overwatch was funny, or serious, or anything. They threw a bunch of leftovers into a stew with a pinch of gay pride for flavor and that's the "feel".

>arguing that bunnyhopping is advanced when it's just jumping to go faster
>dismisses the medigun piggyback because it 'just makes you go faster'
I think we're done here.

Are you comparing bhopping to the Quick Fix? Really?