>copy-paste enemies >new final boss is literally a .jpg boss rush [YouTube] The Binding of Isaac Afterbirth Plus Final Boss - Delirium + Ending [Spoilers] >just fucking compare it to all of this from Antibirth [YouTube] The Binding Of Isaac Antibirth All Bosses Compilation (Fan DLC)
>the last level "Void" is literally just a copy-paste selection of other levels, including normal enemies, AND it is locked behind Hush, so good luck doing speedruns every time you want to go there
>mandatory achievment that permanently makes soul hearts into half soul hearts if you reset too much
>bullshit enemies like the fucking portal
>bullet sponges
>last new level is literally a mashup of previous ones
>shit items
>not wanting everyone to know to not waste hard earned money on this shit
Matthew Mitchell
>Didn't buy this because didn't trust them after Afterbirth and their shitty childish attitude
Seems like I made the right choice.
Wyatt Wright
I hate feeling like I need to not have fun to unlock half the shit in the game
I hate feeling like I need to keep buying edmunds "I'm making it harder because fuck you" content or I'm missing out
Jonathan Campbell
>Reminder that edmund took items from a mod
Joshua Thompson
>people actually talking about newly released games on Sup Forums >trying to warn others of a shitty video game
kill yourself
Joseph Green
Henry Edwards
it's edmundshit as well as nicalisshit, by this point it should be common knowledge
Hudson Moore
bought afterbirth during the christmas sale refund or nah
Juan Martin
I stopped following Isaac after wrath of the lamb But is Edmund the saltiest developer out there? The data mining item, the reset too much achievement, the constant balance changes to make things not fun anymore
Carson Rogers
Afterbirth is alright.
Wyatt Scott
AB is fine AB+ is an abomination
Ayden Sanders
I don't get it, why would you work so hard to make your game less fun?
David Richardson
modders are idiot if they believe they own anythin the make.
Hunter Walker
Anyone have a link to the antibirth discord?
Christian Thomas
Tbh greed mode was fun when there were blood machines because it was pretty easy to break it. In a "im going to just do one quick run and call it a day" sort of way. But that was apparently too much fun for his players in a single player game.
Charles Rivera
that track alone is better than anything in Afterbirth
Isaiah Nelson
afterbirth adds some good item synergies and greed mode was ok. afterbirth+ is what you want to avoid.
John Edwards
Anyone have a completed antibirth or afterbirth+ save file?
Nathan Moore
>took items from a mod that is for his game
Xavier Ortiz
Some of these like Electricity are from the Isaac item suggestions in the Reddit thread. So it's totally possible that both sides took ideas from same source.
Gabriel Gonzalez
>completed afterbirth+ save file You mean 3 completed AB+ files. Because STEAKmund decided that the new 1001% was to get the AB+ 1001% on all 3 save files, and only THEN do you get the real new 1001%
Noah Carter
although it's lazy and some might even say morally questionable, it still beats recoloring pre-existing items with different numbers or yet another shitty +stats up item
or, hell, diluting the item pool even more with literal shit
Gavin Sanders
Does anyone have the sprites of the Delirium boss fight?
Easton Rodriguez
it's not anything new, some stuff in rebirth was from the community remix
Jayden Miller
So I can't even have a separate file to mess around on?
Justin Lopez
no fucking way this is true, what the fuck
Luis Wilson
Guys, you won't believe what happened to me. I didn't believe in either. So I was walking into this room and there was this treasure chest. And I was thinking hella epic! It's a brimstone or a tech x, something where i can finally win a game for once. But do you know what it was? It was a stupid bomb. And not one I can pick up either. It actually sploded. It didn't just hurt Isaac, it hurt me too. And you'll never believe what was on it. A troll face! There's two things very problematic about this. I mean first, it's a meme. They've put memes in Isaac now. Reeeee, amirite? I hope they're paying the artist royalties. And second, who the frick does this? Edmund is literally trolling his players with this new update. Once I collected myself and stopped crying, I went back to Steam and got a refund and my two weeks of allowance back. I spoke with my mom and she's going to call our lawyer to talk about suing for damages. I know I feel damaged.
Isaiah Powell
Three times the playtime Literally nothing wrong with this
Anthony Foster
Oh cool, 3 steaks for the price of 1!
Chase Bennett
You know, loooking back at the Delirium boss fight I don't think it's too bad
When it transforms into the different bosses it actually behaves like them but faster and throwing way more bullets while still acting like them
Jace Gomez
Or, the mod wasn't really that creative.
Oh wow, an item that activates damage-based powers without making you lose health. Surely only one man on earth could have thought of such a thing.
Matthew Reyes
>install AB+ >re-roll over and over looking for some new items to fuck around with >half soul-hearts unlocked >refund
Angel Ortiz
that would be true if the game was enjoyable
thankfully we have portals and empty treasure rooms just to make sure most of your playtime are weeks worth of holding down the R key
Robert Cook
How the fuck am i beating ?? bought game but cannot damage ?! i roll dug n duck HARD but keep getting killed by flied ? i am frustrate n hatred !! niggers !
Nathaniel Phillips
If this is true then this game is officially dead to me.
Wyatt Long
The ''an entire new chapter + final boss'' is so disappointing it's unreal
Carson Perez
I actually really like Dilirium
Cameron Cook
>People bitch endlessly that the game is too easy >Game gets harder >Everyone mad
Sounds like you all should just find a potion seller who sells weaker potions.
Elijah Clark
Don't worry, they're going to fix EVERYTHING
Anthony Cox
it didnt get harder, it got tedious and annoying
Jack Russell
Not harder in a good way, harder in a "you just paid money to fill the game with more artificial difficulty and more tedious bullshit" way
Lucas Myers
kilburn said he's going to exhange emails with tyrone and figure out how to proceed with antibirth
Connor Martin
It honestly should be $4.99 tops, without the discount. The sheer lack of good content is pretty appalling and it is not at all worth anything close to $10, this is a fucking embarrassment of a DLC for a game as simplistic as Binding of Isaac.
I remember when people were talking shit about Afterbirth, that was semi-justified but at least it came with some actual good content, it was at least made the game better in some ways, Afterbirth+ is just pure garbage though, seriously considering a refund.
>tfw based Edward intentionally gave us crappy pieces of meat to chew on to make the steak all the more enjoyable
Aiden Torres
The game isn't harder, it's outright shittier, just play it yourself and see.
Easton Brooks
keeper will eventually be ported to antibirth, kilburn not sure about a rework for him ytet though
Camden Watson
>rebirth launch : waaah waaaah the game is too easy >ab+ launch : waaah waaaah the game is too hard
Nathaniel Sanchez
I'm inclined to believe this is a joke but i'm not sure and it makes me a bit sick thinking about it
Chase Butler
The other option is that he picked four utterly random items, not even the best ones, and programmed them into the game in one or two days before it launched.
Carson Cruz
What about Lilith and the Eve buff?
Jace Harris
nothing has been said about them
Kayden Hughes
people have literally never bitched that the game was too easy. the game has always been hard, unless you got some gamebreaking combination that made you cheese through everything.
the problem is that as the game went on, it got more and more unbalanced. Afterbirth was the pinnacle of it, you either roll badly and get fucked halfway through cathedral, or you get giant screenclearning scythe tears and nothing is challenge.
Think about it. AB+ literally added the "you either get 2 items or nothing" treasure rooms, so you either get fuck all or everything. How is that good design?
Julian Morgan
Liam Peterson
Not that guy, but I have played it and it's fine.
You're just a whiny bitch.
Sebastian Taylor
the good old "artificial difficulty" excuse. how about you git gud, faggot ?
Jaxon Clark
Kayden Sullivan
Kayden Long
I swear to god they gave rag man even more health
Jackson Gonzalez
come on,even Hush had better animations and attacks than this new one
Dominic Robinson
Total fucking noob here. Some questions.
1) Is it ever worth bombing big clusters of rocks? 2) What does depositing coins in the ATM thing do? 3) After I get an item in the lower right that's marked ???, will its name show up every time I pick it up from then on, or will it always be a mystery? 4) How do I cross pits? Is there an item that lets you jump?
David Parker
The stone fatties on first floor are insane in some cases, I'm glad he is at least acknowleding this. I got a room on a recent run with 2 champion fatties, 2 regular fatties and 3 stone fatties on the first floor, that's practically impossible.
Landon Martinez
Nathan Harris
Reporting in, sir.
Lincoln Cook
the good old "GIT GUD!" defense
go choke on edmund's fat cock and defend this garbage some more
Charles Johnson
Someone thought damage scaling was a good idea.
Cooper Long
same thing happened to me
Evan Moore
Honest question:
OG + wrath or rebirth + afterbirth?
Jaxon Powell
On it right now. Tastes delicious. Like a delicious steak.
Caleb Brown
rebirth + antibirth
Levi Harris
Rebirth + Afterbirth
Aiden Jones
Rebirth + Antibirth
Oliver White
it's true but you can just press shift-f2 twice to get it
Lincoln Baker
Colton Martinez
1. No, unless you can get an item to destroy them for free. Look for rocks with a different color or an X on them.
2. Unlocks a bigger store, increases angel room chance
3. You will have to use it, then you will know. It changes every run.
4. Yes. Also flight items exist. If you really need, you can blow a rock into the pit with a carefully placed bomb.
Ryan Myers
Rebirth base
Antibirth once you need more difficulty and not a moment sooner
Benjamin Perez
rebirth + antibirth
Xavier Garcia
1. No, look for different colored rocks, they'll have soul hearts and bombs in them. If you find a big collection of mushrooms you could bomb those too, they sometimes have pills or items in them.
2. The ATM in the store? Acts like a sort of bank that lets you store coins between playthroughs. The more coins in your bank the more rewards you get in the store (increased store inventory, etc.). Basically if you feel like you're gonna die soon, deposit those coins whenver possible.
3. That's the pills. Pills have a random effect every time you start a new game. 90 percent of the time the pill's adverse affects aren't too bad, so it's recommended that you eat every pill you come across. After you've eaten it once it'll show what it does when you eat it again.
4. There's a card called the Hanged Man that lets you cross, there's a SMB cartridge that lets you jump, there's flight powers, you'll find them soon enough.
1. Sometimes you get pick ups that give you money for bombing rocks. Then it's very worth it.
Sometimes, on each floor, there's a secret cellar with rewards underneath the rocks.
Look for "tinted" rocks. They're a slightly different color and have an 'x' on them. There's always rewards underneath there.
2. Unlock items, more stuff for sale in the shops.
3. That's a pill. Use it and it will reveal the name. They're randomized in each game, so it will reset when you restart.
4. There's an item that lets you jump, the ladder from LoZ, and many that let you fly.
Austin Bell
After this crushing disappointment at least I still have the supply drop update in Gungeon to look forward to
Jacob Morgan
>more difficulty >game winning items around every corner user, please.
Liam Harris
refund it now before it's too late, it only gets worse the more you play.
Xavier Russell
I mean, I won't argue that the "animations" for Delirium are shit
But I actually really like how it changes between so many different bosses in such a fast and erratic way while basically behaving like a harder version of said boss
I just love bosses who behave like multiple bosses, it could be done better tho
James Scott
Does it fix the problems of guns feeling like wet noodles, bosses being fucking bullet sponges, and slowly running around with your pistol the entire start of a run? Genuinely asking
Daniel Ortiz
>teleports on top of you >multiple times >teleports you into tears
year no the boss is trash
Austin Phillips
adding bullet hell elements (in a game not designed well for bullet hells) to old bosses =/= harder
Julian Bennett
someone post the webm of """"""""slowed"""""""" delirium angel to shut this guy up
Hudson Martinez
Friendly reminder that Indie Game: The Movie and Steakman don't give a shit about you until they have your money.
Bentley James
Nah but getting good helps
Jonathan Campbell
>tfw you can put .exe files in Afterbirth+ mods There are lots of possibilities with this one, even if the game can't run .exe files directly.
>Pack a mod with a ransomware, a bitcoin miner or another kind of Trojan horse >Write "To install this mod download from the Workshop and then run the "Totally not a virus, trust me I'm a dolphin.exe" file" on the Steam page >User, even if he's a bit tech savvy and knows that he shouldn't run random executables, runs the file, thinking "It comes from Steam anyway, what could go wrong?" >PC gets infected
Cooper Martinez
Thanks a lot for the answers, guys. I pirated Rebirth + Afterbirth to try before I buy. It's fun as fuck, so I should probably pay for it.
Blake Edwards
Evan Long
always "GIT GUD" to defend shit game design, it's great
reminds me of some of the people munching down the shit edmund is feeding them and enjoying it