why do autistic people throw their controllers and break shit that their parents paid for?
Why do autistic people throw their controllers and break shit that their parents paid for?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Letting my friend use my GC controller for Smash 4
>He comes last place
>Tosses my controller across the room in anger
Last time I let him use it. Surprised he didn't break it
Stealing doesn't make it "yours" you dumb monkey
>Lose a regular match some fighting game
>throw $60 controller in rage, potentially breaking it
Why do people do this?
Because it feels good, I used to do it all the time.
You realize you sound like a beta orbiter right now, right? You're probably a cuck, too.
>implying niggers don't chimp out at video games too
>implying Low Tier God isn't one of the most autistic video game players on the internet
>breaking a controller
How? with retard strength?
>when your white friend takes vague posts personally