Am I supposed to know who this is?
Trails of Cold Steel III
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*telpeorts behind you*
pssh nothin personnel
>Hating on the Lean Mean Rean Bean Meme Machine's Edgestudent
Nope. Pretty sure the role for him and the pink girl is so they can do information dumps about the cast and story for idiots who try to start at the third game in a trilogy. Blue hair guy will likely also be butthurt when pink hair girl inevitably gains a crush on headpat man.
This is a Trails thread, user.
How is he edgy?
My bad, i wasnt aware of that edit.
Dual Swords McGee.
Guess that's the new uniform for Thors for both noble and commoner.
Will he able to smile again Sup Forums?
>Falcom still hasn't release pink and blue's names
I'm more interested in green.
>inb4 its older Mint
Is this confirmation that Lechter is actually the 4th Anguis of Ouroboros?
No, I am.
She'd be really filled out that's for sure.
>In before pink hair is Monica, Laura's fellow club member.
is that story about Rean the actual story in the game? If so, I don't even want to play this game because that sounds shit.
>Laura gets revealed next with shorter hair
My dick will be elongated.
Will Sharon rejoin Ouroboros again?
Some of it.
Like 3 or 4+ if it isn't true
The first sentence is correct.
The first part of the second sentence is true, but everything's obviously made up. At least for now; we don't know where CS3 will go.
>shorter hair
>not loose hair
It's mostly because of his mixed self, his other self where he'll go full edge where some of his moves have a "Fatal" in their name.
I like how one of his dislikes is Crow, but in the 2nd game, all he talks about is Crow that you'd think he was Rean's real love interest.
It's mostly bullshit
What the hell Falcom. Why aren't Fie and Millium included in this shit?
Arcane Gale is op
tfw never use it cause I spam Fatal Arc Slash for AT delay
I hope we get a prompt localisation and no two month wait between the US and Yurope release.
Looks like Jusis and Celestin had a baby.
Any comment from XSEED?
>Laura gets revealed next with shorter hair
Delete this shit right the fuck now
All I use Spirit Unification for is to set up a full 200 CP Termination Slash - Dawn.
And I usually just have Rean equip L5 Moebius + Chrono Burst to feed the other characters with CP so they can have a shot at the bosses.
We'll probably get nothing until more info about CS3 gets revealed.
I'm still playing the first one. This game is long as fuck. Been playing for months. End game, end!
Xseed still hasn't released Ys 8. It's gonna take a while.
People don't really care about Ys and interest is building for Trails, especially as a PS4 exclusive.
She never left Ouroboros.
You have a point.
Naw Kondo already said Ys VIII is coming to the west in 2017. Xseed just needs to announce it sometime this year. Probably when the PS4 version comes out in Japan.
I would call bullshit even on first sentence but who knows
Altina's new outfit y/n?
It's pretty cute, Discount Millium.
Pretty cute, waifu material.
Her previous outfit was retarded so yes I prefer this a whole lot more
How do you think Xseed will spice up Rean's dialogue this time?
>Crow, I'm already an ogre.
I finished the first one, but for some reason i can't bring myself to play the second
The party members are terrible, as individual and together as a group. None of them are interesting. Their designs are great though
And Rean is a wasted potential for an MC, he could be great but instead Falcom make him a self-insert harem MC
I'm still in the first game: Does Alise ever get bearable? I'm in chapter 2 right now. Every time she opens her whore mouth I want to punch her in the fucking tit.
Eh, she grew on me.
Then CS2 happened and everybody except Rean, Fie, Jusis, and Emma became interesting while everyone else got demoted terribly.
i think that you misspelled longer.
i'm using 95% evade fie with counter on crit, linked to either laura for maximum facemelt, or sara, for maximum delay.
Fuck, I suck dicks. Can't believe I managed to confuse that one.
What I meant was that except for Rean, Fie, Jusis, and Emma, everyone else are just waste of space since they barely have any reason to be there.
Hopefully CS3 fixes Laura and Gaius since those two have really good connections to the whole plot.
Only 95? Why not just go all the way?
How's my cute readhead shota in CS2?
so she can delay, sleep/blind and -spd/-mov too. she already moves 3-4 times per enemy turn so it is good enough.
I knew what you meant.
What happens here?
Are you implying Crow is somehow NOT?
His overall character plot was over the moment he met his dad at the first part of Act 1.
His entire thing was basically "waaah, dad won't let me go to a music school because he wants me to be a manly man of Erebonia." then when we meet Craig the Red, he goes "ahh, my sweet cherub gift from Aidios!" and goes gaga over his son. And then in the second game, he pretty much tells Elliot that after the war is over, if he still wants to go to the music school, he has his blessings.
He could have had some development when rescuing Fiona but Neitdhardt stole the damn scene.
Three guesses what Elliot chose in the epilogue and the first two don't count.
Jesus christ the character designs are getting even more generic.
What the fuck happened to the variety in characters?
I like my nigga Machias even despite the fact he's largely irrelevant, and CS2 pretty much forgot his father was imprisoned by the alliance until the last chapter.
As opposed to having literally everyone in the same uniform?
Considering Falcom was trying their damn hardest to have Rean be paired with Alisa for the first two games and yet here we are with Alisa being demoted after the Roer plot line, I'd say, yes Rean is the first Trails character to be canonically gay for Crow.
People told me in another thread that I was retarded for saying that the guy who has his back turned is Crow. Meanwhile, they insisted that it's edgelord Rean because of the white hair.
Speaking of Neitdhardt, will something happen between him and Sara?
Or does she end up being one of Rean's harem?
No you dumbass, i'm comparing cold steel saga in general to previous series entries.
The problem to me isn't the uniform, its the actual characters. They look horribly bland and generic, I was hoping CS3 wouldn't go that direction but now I'm seeing a fucking kirito in the OP?
I actually had her at 100% dodge tank so that Laura could attack the cryptids with S-Breaks, Jusis with Noble Command + Platinum Shield and Emma with her Art Shield plus refilling CP with the occasional Alisa CP support if I have her switched in.
Neitdhardt likes Elliot's sister
Neithardt lusts for Fiona and Sara is firmly in Victor's harem, Rean never stood a chance.
But we have a back shot of Rean in one of the screenshots and his back looks nothing like that. It's definitely Crow.
Rean is also the first Trails character that failed at saving his precious person. That'll do a number on your mental health.
If you look at the hair style the white hair is sorta side swept like Rean's. Crow doesn't really have that style and he should have his bandanna viable. I would say could be both but I'm slightly leaning towards it being Rean
So you want everyone to be in the same uniform then? Or are you one of the people unaware that Falcom has this trend of, much like Nintendo and Namco, of following current anime trends when they go about creating characters?
Neitdhardt belongs to Fiona. Sara meanwhile is part of Rean's choices but that's if you only pursue her.
In-game, she really likes old men. Even this guy actually.
Anime is dumb and no they don't.
>A commoner adopted by a noble family
>Strange powers he doesn't understand
>Master cuts his training because he's a mess
>Goes to a military academy to find his way/get out of his adopted family's hair
>Never plants his roots anywhere, the only Class VII member alongside Crow who doesn't join any clubs
>Has a compulsive need to protect his classmates and friends, fails at it numerous times
>The only that keeps him going is reuniting Class VII, especially Crow
>Watches his BFF die in front of him
>His real dad is a chancellor who forces his hand to become a war hero and fight for Erebonia
Rean's going nuclear in CS3.
>want literal whos in a picture
Didn't Fie land in the top 10 of Falcom's recent poll or something?
There was some guy at the xseed forums who actually gave a really decent character analysis on Rean.
What is she?
My guess is vampire.
Gimme some advice, do I buy this for the psvita or ps3?
PS3. Unless you're traveling, then Vita.
Otherwise, CS3 will be PS4 exclusive.
Yes, it's just Falcom shilling the "main" girls despite others being more popular.
Alisa is beaten by Towa and Fie in popularity
Ellie is beaten by Rixia
>his BFF Crow
Nice things Crow has done for Rean:
-Talk to him I guess
Downright awful things Crow has done to Rean:
-Kidnap his sister
-then immediately expose the sister to danger
-scam him out of money on their very first meeting
-force an incredibly shitty card game where the "strategy" is that your opening hand determines whether or not you win
-"kill" Rean's birth father
-openly join and fight for the faction that attacks Rean's hometown and severely injures Rean's adoptive father
-kidnap the best friend of Rean's sister
-support the faction that burned down the location of Rean's very first field trip with friends
-Lay siege to Rean's home away from home and new favorite place: the Academy
-Put all of Rean's friends (i.e. the single most important thing to Rean) in grave danger by attacking them with giant mecha and forcing him away before he can make sure they're okay
Why the fuck does the game for the Rean/Crow thing so much? It makes no sense.
I am seriously not sure how else to explain it to you That the characters themselves are the problem and are way to bland and generic looking. Thats one thing. I mean you can't look at that dual wielding MC and not say it doesn't look fucking generic.
Anime tropes are fine, but when i look at a large cast of characters and can't find any one I like something is wrong. Theres following anime tropes and then theres using the same exact tropes over and over and over again to the point were they repeat in the party.
Full HD pc release when?
Because love trumps all, regardless of whether or not the other guy is an asshole.
All kidding aside, I think it's a side effect of the ARCUS units amplifying their entire emotional need for friends. Remember, the entire thing is still in testing phase.
And considering Rean and Crow pretty much are foils to one another in that they're similar yet different.
Both are pretty much:
- two dudes who didn't join any clubs whatsoever
- two dudes helping out the other students in what they need
- two dudes who are Awakeners
- two dudes who feel strangers in their group of friends (Rean with his mixed issues and Crow with him being the leader of the ILF).
>-Kidnap his sister
>-then immediately expose the sister to danger
>-openly join and fight for the faction that attacks Rean's hometown and severely injures Rean's adoptive father
>-kidnap the best friend of Rean's sister
>-support the faction that burned down the location of Rean's very first field trip with friends
These were done mainly by Dukes Albarea and Cayenne, Crow had nothing to do with it. He's fighting for the Noble Alliance so he can end his "game" as cleanly as possible.
>-scam him out of money on their very first meeting
Rookie mistake since Crow is now in debt and Bank of Rean has the highest interest on the continent.
>-"kill" Rean's birth father
Deservedly so and it's not like there was love lost between them.
>-Lay siege to Rean's home away from home and new favorite place: the Academy
>-Put all of Rean's friends (i.e. the single most important thing to Rean) in grave danger by attacking them with giant mecha and forcing him away before he can make sure they're okay
These were the only shitty things done by Crow (alongside attacking Garrelia Fortress and trying to turn Towa into rubble), though I seriously doubt he was going to kill them.
> final game of series
> last dungeon, on way to beat the hell out of Grandmaster
> involves every group form every game taking on different parts of the dungeon
> everyone meets up in the end, all ready for the final battle of this decades long series
> hardware limitations force you to pick 4 characters
Who'll it be for you, /Sup Forums? I'm going Rean, Lloyd, Rean, and Calvards MC for constant morale support until friendship wins
No but rreal series MC Kevin better be in the final game
>beat the hell out of Grandmaster
>implying the series won't be cancelled before there's any sort of advancement in the plot
A man can dream though, a man can dream.
I think he meant Heimdallr when the ILF formally introduced themselves.
>picking Rean twice
>no Estelle
Plot twist where edge Rean seperates himself so you have 2 delay machines.
It'll be DLC
They need to nerf the fuck outta evade and delay
The last part made me not even wanting to spend a single day with Sara. I hope she remains single forever.
I just got to the last chapter in 80 hours which covered about 2 1/2 week of playing.
thats about right. CS3 is still a long way. Might aswell savour CS2.
Yes, he looks like Kirito. You yourself said this: Kirito himself is of a trope much like Stahl, Adol, Sigurd and Rance were of the same trope. As much as I dislike it, Kirito is part of the current trend and, as a result, we have, and will have, several characters in games and other anime who heavily resemble him.