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I'm lazy.
What'chu gonna do about it fgt?

but i already have a girlfriend

Because I'm busy learning Javascript.

Also, I need to flesh out my idea more.

You realize you sound like a beta orbiter right now, right? You're probably a cuck, too.

I don't know how to code, draw, write or make music Nenecchi.

I, however, decided to start learning how to draw and code as part of my new year resolutions. I already started with drawing and I'm gonna organize my resources this weekend to start on coding next Monday.

Talking to my gf

I don't know how to program or do anything!

I wanna get ecchi with the Nenecchi

Because only faggot ass bitches make video games and I like fucking bitches bitch

I have absolutely no talent in any area

>He fell for the talent meme
Just work your ass lad.

Notice how all the people that are "talented" are called so after they got shit done. No one is called "talented" when they've done absolutely nothing in their life.

Stop making excuses.

im sick

I have no talent for working my ass off

At work atm

Gotta go to work in 30 min and won't be back until late at night. Though thankfully I got two days off starting tomorrow. Hope I don't piss it all away shitposting.

>go to work, fuck around
>get home, fuck around
>go to bed, start to hate how much I fuck around but surely tomorrow I'll do better

Way too real

Gimme a tutorial on how to do Doom-tier pixel art.

because i cant code or draw and its hard

Dumb Neneposter

the monsters were made by photographing clay models

Nene a cute

>Work all day
>Daydream about finally starting up that vidya idea I have
>Get home
>Fucking exhausted
>browse Sup Forums before going to bed

I miss being unemployed

I already knew that but what about other 90's fps like Duke or Shadow Warrior?

Employed people always think they'd be so much more productive if they were unemployed but they almost always just end up exhausted all the time.

Im trying to get matchmaking working right now :'(

Its hard :'(


>Unemployed for 1.5 years
>Spend everyday feeling guilty about wasting my life playing games or doing anything fun
>Now gainfully employed
>Spend 80% of my day dredging through work, no time or energy to partake in any of my hobbies any more.
Why is life awful

I bought a bass guitar about a year ago. If I kept at it up to this point I could at least be able to play a little. I'm never going to learn

we exist as a child
our only purpose is to become a parent

that transition between the two is designed to be enjoyable because its how humans become the most receptive

your life past the point of being a parent is meant to be spent being a parent and providing

your not meant to enjoy yourself past that point

>tfw no artist and musician bros to make a game with

Don't know how to make fully working mirrors :^)

pretty much this.

point a camera at the direction of the mirrors normal

render to texture

bling bling bling
you achieved your goal!

I am kinda. Im practicing animations, but my character designs are fucking awful. Every character design major in my college is also an insufferable cunt of a cow too, so that doesnt help. At least I didn't fall for the meme of "getting a group together" of ideas guys/writers. I have one other friend whos helping (a programmer) and that's because it's a mutually beneficial relationship (I proof his code and teach him what I know of art/writing, and vice versa).

Well, shit, thanks. Now i need to find a suitable engine for specific AI, and actually learn to code.
is Unity good?

You losers are just pathetic. Talent? Just work your way into the vidya making world, fags.

is she gonna shoot up a school or something

Nene has big tits for her frame.

Too lazy to write down the story mode script.

I'll probably forget important stuff and end up with a lot of plot holes when i actually get down to doing it.

Shut up Nene. Ahagon is best girl with Haime and Aoba following suit. You're 4th place at best.
Honestly, it was surprising for me too.

unity is fine :)
it aint perfect but its the easiest and best documented of the competent engines

Javascript shouldn't be the best thing in the world to make games out of tho

It's just a quicker way than saying "I have no ability or will or previous experience in bettering myself in any relevant ways or sometimes just any way in general"
"Talent" is an acceptable shorthand to most people or a way of not constantly devastating their own self esteem.

I can't into art.

i've given up

> :)
I'm not sure if I can trust you.


im doing
im not the best dev
but i feel like i accomplished quite a lot in the 3 weeks i used unity :)

fuck nene


I wonder if Sup Forums would be interested in a heisting game that's more like R6's and not horde shooters like goyday 2

I am, but on boring stuff like reverting your unapplied settings when leaving a menu.

But I am working on my game. I made a simple tool to more easily return dropped loot to players who have abandoned it due to dying places unreachable without dying.


Plenty of interesting ideas, too many ways to start learning. That always puts me off from doing anything, ever. Putting months of my time into one route of learning only to find out that another was way more beneficial to me would just destroy any motivation I have left.

I'll just stick to writing down all my ideas and continue working on their stories, gameplay mechanics, characters and lore with pen and paper

Watch someone disagree with this.

But I am.

Fuck off vidya losers this is an anime thread

This looks like utter shite though

Just saying this to help thicken your skin, all games look like dog shit in the beginning. Keep it up and do what 99% of us never accomplish then rub it in our faces when you're done

Having trouble thinking of boss attacks.

I got the flu and haven't touch my computer in 3 or so days

Then how are you posting right now?



i forgot that filthy phoneposters are a thing


Would Sup Forums like a metroidvania with a female brown elf as the protagonist and also VN elements on the side?

I am.
I'm trying to fix the slope collisions.

Why the fuck would you try to mix a metroidvania with a visual novel.

Not if made by you, you're terrible.

Actually that could work pretty well if you use a dual world motif like every atlas game ever and have the VN, or lets not beat around the bush, dating sim, work in a separate hub world with the inter connected metroidvania world being like the shadow world, tatarus whatever.
Could be relatively unshit, but not at an indie project level.

Thanks for the pep talk guys, Now I know this is a good idea.

The only thing I can do is art and write, and even then I'm shit at both.

Into the trash

That's a good question, I'm currently surviving on autismbux.

Because I can't come up with a start of the story. Most other systems are done.
It's a JRPG. Send help.

>Cant come up with the start of the story
>It's a jrpg
Jesus man, you're not writing a novel just have the protagonist be woken up by his visiting childhood friend because there's a festival or coming of age ceremony or dying/leaving parents where shit goes down like every single jrpg ever.

Working on the story for my RPG. I'm impressed that it's going pretty well.

Do you like main quests in RPGs to be long or short? Also, does it make you feel in a hurry when in the main quest someone says "There's no time to lose, go to X place immediately"?

>female brown elf as the protagonist
Only if she gets raped by enemies during gameplay. Otherwise, what's the point of a fapbait character as protag?