Are you ok with product placement in games?

Are you ok with product placement in games?

It kinda breaks the immersion.

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good thing i dont play weeb shit like a retarded faggot


It depends on both the game, and the products.

A realistic racing game using real cars? Sure.

Guitar Hero and Rock Band using real instrument brands? Don't see a problem.

The fucking Subway Uncharted promos? Fuck no.

Yet, the Mario Kart Mercedes DLC is so stupid, it wraps around to awesome.

Sure, if it isn't overly excessive like Pepsiman.

>not appreciating the greatest hero this era has to offer
baka user

Pepsiman was literally a marketing game made by Pepsi themselves. You can't really complain about product placement if that's supposed to be the entire point of the game.

I think it's cool and adds to the immersion as long as it works in the game's lore.

i liked the mercedes mario kart dlc . it was free and it gave you 3 new cars with 1 new set of tires

Cup Noodles and the associated quest in FFXV were so brazenly over the top that it became absolutely surreal. Truly product placement kino

I thought that was bizzare.

I think product placement in real world games is fine since they are things you might see in the real world. But futuristic or fantasy games shouldn't have it IMO. Imagine if Nuka cola was just coca cola.

that is not product placement,
this is a product placement in the lowest from...

Is it a brand name? I thought "cup noodle" was a generic term

I haven been to every shop in the game. I haven't noticed that.
You have to be really looking for that.

I don't remember seeing any AmEx logos in-game, or was I just not paying attention?

Nissin is the brand. Cup Noodle is the product.

Instant noodles is the generic term.

That looks shooped i don't believe you.

Apparently it's real.

>American Express
>in a world where America doesn't exist

Never in my life I had a Cup Noodles that looked as good as this, is it a Japan thing? Are their Cup Noodles better?

yeah im 9 hours in atm and didnt notice it yet.


that's why it is worst because you won't notice but your brain does...

It depends. iirc FEAR Perseus Mandate had Dell PC's in all the offices, which makes sense because everyone in 2006 had Dell PCs. American Express in FFVX is retarded though, primarily because America isn't in the universe of FFXV.

>weebs will defend this

Their instant noodles are marketed as a noodle and soup base on which to make actual noodle soup with eggs, veggies, leftover meat etc.*


I'm ok with it if it's funny and over the top like that, or if it fits with the world like with the Yakuza games

It's extra retarded because only ~7 businesses outside of america accept amex

Cup Noodles gimmick is that it comes ready to be eaten, you just need to pour some hot water and wait a few minutes.

I don't see a problem if the game is based in the real world.

Apparently not if I didn't and I plat the game.

If there's one game that seriously needed some product placement is Planet Coaster, would make the game 10 times more immersive.

What if it's a fantasy based on reality?

they could have at LEAST named it Altissian Express

God, this game was doomed after the big change.

>movie worse than spirits within
>lowest quality anime
>joke of a phone game which is already shutting down its servers

imo, i like when product placement is melded with in game lore/world and not just a blatant ad.

Yakuza turned me into the whisky man I am today

google subliminal

>joke about Walmarts in FFVII

Yeah? What'd be weird about that?

depends on the game
In yakuza it makes it more immersive, for example

I don't count stuff like thps because it was more licensing than product placement there

To be fair that would just be plain inconsistent with the lore. A Mercedes car being in MK doesn't clash with anything in MK

Wish the extra adverts would shave a few bucks off the top of the price of the game. Adverts are used to sustain many "free" services like public radio stations, Wouldn't mind seeing that extra income affect the price of the game.

It's fucking cup noodles so who gives a shit

No problem if Planet Earth exists (or existed) in the game. Imagine seeing McDonalds in Witcher.

I don't like them if it is handled like the Cup Noodle placement was in FFXV. If it was more like Coleman I wouldn't care.

I think one publisher tried this years ago with a couple of games.

Got a free digital download but loading screens and billboards had ads everywhere, or something.
It didn't last very long.

Japanese aren't contented with that. Neets are okay with it as it is.

I didn't know it was a real product. Never seen them in UK.

I remember now eating some in Japan but when Gladio was talking about how great they are I sat there bemused.

I live in Japan, and people eat this shit as it comes all the time. It's a convenience thing, nobody is falling over themselves to make their fucking hundred yen cup noodles from the conbini into some culinary treat.

yup Nissin cup nooles are fucking great.
Cheap knock offs that you find in wester countries are fucking poison.

I can't help but feel that the reason it didn't last long had less to do with its actual efficacy and more about wanting to make more money.

I think it's pretty good.

That's not how subliminal advertising works.

Only if it's done in a way that's realistic with how ads are done in the real world and fits with the world of the game.

Don't want to see ads in Zelda or anything, but if there was a billboard with a real ad on it in a game like GTA then that's fine.

The reason product placement is usually stupid is because they only ever use one product or brand, so every flyer and billboard is identical.

>No shrimps
>No Leviathan

Thats because you bought chicken flavor, retard

Square Enix is pure cancer with their ads.

its how the recoup cost after taking 100 years to make the game

>No カップヌードル

i have 60hrs in that game and have never seen an ad

>tfw poop 56 chicken nuggets

Same with movies, it completely depends on the tone of the game. If it's deadly serious realism, it's practically a necessity because SPRUNK and MOOGLE.COM are awful outside of parody.

Big video games can't into subtlety though so whatever.

They were removed because people complained.

We must remember to stock up on some delicious Cup Noodles washed down with a Coleman grill!

why would I like ads in a product that I payed money for to get entertainment out of it

I block all of the ads everywhere, get fucked adcucks

>I block all of the ads everywhere, get fucked adcucks

so youre blind, yeah? or you just dont go outside apparently.

>American standard

Best example. It really works in Yakuza. Since part of the appeal is getting to explore authentic Japan and you can't even buy most of that shit.

The games would actually be worse without product placement.

what the hell, fried chicken

Yes, especially when /ourguy/ produces more content because of it.

Thing is, all the descriptions on all the food and drinks made it all sound so fucking delicious.

and they weren't lying when it comes to the japanese whisky. shit is good.

Depends on the game.

GTA, for example, it makes sense. Modern city and such. FF XV was borderline as its essentially science fiction; some of it makes sense, some of it doesn't. Witcher and other pure fantasy is just an outright no.

No, what breaks the immersion is that the vendor is unmistakably hot.

Good thing the xbox one version is so low resolution you cant even discern any textures :)!!!

>minimap on
>but product placement breaks immersion


>Ace Combat takes place in an alternate, slightly fantastical world
>still uses real world planes
Got me into slav planes so yeah I'm okay with it I guess

What's wrong with experiencing the Ultimate Flavor Experience in video games?

Tell me you did pick the best ingredient right?

I wouldn't have been bothered by this so much if it weren't for how much I hate vehicle manufacturers.

They're always placing their cars in commercials where they are shown doing so many crazy things, and they play up each and every car like it's the last one you'll ever need....Until they release a slight variation of the model 6 months later, and in reality, you aren't going to drag race with it, or drive it 'round a beautiful mountain pass in the middle of nowhere. No what you're going to do is drive it back and forth to work every day, and occasionally taking your shit spoiled kids to soccer..

This combined with the fact that one of these car companies actually tried a tie-in promotion with a movie about environmentalism, and taking into acount that car company CEO's are even greedier than bank owners. There's no fucking way I want this game. I don't care if it's DLC, and I simply don't have to buy it if I don't want it, because the fact alone that it exists is enough to send me over the edge.

NFSU2 was chokfull of ads but it never bothered me, made it feal a bit more real
the American version has best buys wich became generic houses in the EU version

Try this on for size: NHL 17

Has ads all along the boards. The same ads that are in all the arenas IRL. Marketing, or realism?

>go to gamestop

Crazy Taxi where I can't drive niggers to KFC with Offspring blasting isn't Crazy Taxi

Depends on the setting and the advertisements.
Yakuza games have advertising all over the place, but it doesn't really bother me


Depends how it's done. FFXV was so overt it was entertaining.

Pikmin 2 is the only time I'd argue otherwise.

At first I didn't even realise that Cup Noodles were an actual product because of how generic the name sounded. Coleman stood out more to me

But the Cup Noodle quest was so bizarre it just doubled back and became hilarious, so I can't really complain

David Lynch gives the best answers
This is a bit excessive.

It's shit

To be fair the best way to watch any movie is in an empty theater.

But what about finding the perfect blend of meat, egg and shrimp?

t. user "maruchan" ymous

>It kinda breaks the immersion.

nah if anything it adds to the immersion because its exactly like real life

I was personally torn between meat and egg, since I'm a big fan of both. But I caved in for egg

I don't like shrimp


Phones have better picture and sound than anything he used for 80% of his life.

>nah if anything it adds to the immersion because its exactly like real life
i hope your just pretending to be this retarded

to be fair, I assume all of those advertisers already are signed in with NHL, as well as other sports