Has anyone here had tendinitis or simply your hands/forearms hurts when you play? Recently everytime I gonna play...

Has anyone here had tendinitis or simply your hands/forearms hurts when you play? Recently everytime I gonna play, after 10-15min my hand and forearm hurts... You guys have any tips, advices ? I'm little afraid...

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been fucking me up pretty bad for the last month or so in both hands. pretty sure we're fucked and just have to live with it

also, this is not vidya games, fuck off

See a doctor. Although someone I knew tried acupuncture for the wrist, they claimed it got better after that. Maybe helps relieve the nerves or someshit. Maybe it was just psychosomatic.

dude, what's your age?

Popper here.I do, and it hurts to live.
I don't know how people do this without having cyborg implants.

most of these types of symptoms originate from other bad habits, all of which are fully reversible, at least until you're in youre 70s or so

get plenty of sleep every day
drink water instead of sweet drinks regularly
take a walk in the sunlight several times a week
relax, ie take a bath instead of a shower
replace potato chips, rice, and sugar with dark green vegetables, beans, fruit

and just stop using that part of your body so much for a while, you dont have to stop forever

trust me all this shit is in your head, the body recovers amazingly if you take care of it

None of these things you mention are undeseriable to achieve, but it will not cure tendinitis.

Your shoulders are rolled forward from years of bad posture, and this branches out into your arms, and into your hands. Easily fixable with a little research and some personal responsibility.

I fucked my wrists pretty bad marathoning Rocket League over the x-mas break. I used hot muscle cream on my arm and the back of my hand, then put a Tensor bandage on it. Feeling better after two weeks.

No vidya allowed though.

>Buy one of these wrist braces
>Where it while you are sleeping for a few weeks
>Pain in wrists will be gone
>If it comes back at any point just repeat

you believe that because you're wrong

Wear** fuck

I've got a cyst in my right wrist and it's sitting on a nerve so two of my fingers have been numb for two months. Not having insurance or money sucks

Carpal Tunnel is a symptom of other mechanical posture problems, curing the symptom of a symptom is not a cure at all.

Great comeback, you aced it champ.

Came here to post this. At one point in my mid 20's I had pretty bad tendonitis in both wrists. I bought a couple of these from target, and wore them every time I would play vidya. I didn't even wear them when I slept, just when I would use my computer. I'm in my 30's now, and I can play for hours without issue. Now and then it'll start to get sore if I play all day, but I just take a break for an hour or so, and haven't had any issues in years.

If your primary problem is wrist pain, what the hell is wrong with focusing on getting rid of that?

Because it stems from somewhere else, yes curing the pain is good but only if you're also improving the root cause

>Got told about tendinitis from an early age
>Got so scared about not being able to vidya because of mind-numbing pain in forearms
>Made sure to keep a proper posture all my life, with proper wrist and arm support on my chairs

People that use chairs without armrests are asking for this.

Its best to wear them while you are sleeping, the idea is to keep your wrists forced into an ideal position for as long as possible which lets them heal up.

I had that a long time ago.
Turned it was my posture on my chair that put to much pressure on my wrist.
I had my elbow up in the air to move my entire arm and it was fucking up my wrist.
So now I rest my arm on my soft chair and move my fingers and lower arm and try not to move my wrist as much.
Also tons of water and vitamin D helps a lot.

thank god there is hope for me, just recently I fucked up my wrist and I hope this will help me

What are these called? Can you pick them up at Walgreens or CVS?

>play frenetic clicking games like shooters and osu all the time
>by he end of the day my arm and wrists hurt like shit
>5 mins later absolutely nothing hurts and I can go for 6 more hours
>been at it for years on end with no consequences

casuals, the lot of you

t. doctor of medicine in his own head

Turn down sensitivity/DPI and swing your whole forearm instead of resting your wrist on the desk.

I have seen some at CVS, but they look like they are lower quality than the ones I got at target. Not much mind you, but they just looked like they weren't as good.

They cost me about $15 a pop when I got mine.

Wrist braces, I would imagine drug stores would carry them but I wouldn't know. I bought mine on amazon, they are really cheap.

I have MS and sometimes my hands get really fucked up if I'm having a flare up. Heat rub really works, as does a wrist brace. You look like an idiot but at least you can still vidya.

This helps me most of the time

your problem is in your seating arrangement/desk
get a chair that has armrests you can adjust or invest in a better desk

I got mine from meijers/target. Try them on before you buy. 9/10 times the employees dont care, so get one that feels sturdy and not made of shit material.

just learn some exercises/massages that help with RSIs

it can actually help a lot

I've got trigger thumb, sometimes it'll kinda lock and painfully snap whenever I move it, but it's mild and kinda comes and goes.

Dont do this u will die instantly of cancer

I tried this and my nails opened up like a hatch and started venting out mustard gas don't do it

There's nothing wrong with it, but you're just going to keep getting it until you fix the root cause. Usually something like physiotherapy or in really bad cases, surgery.

wow, i feel an instant benefit from this, thanks

I use a cheap as chips (but with a bad sensor) Anker vertical mouse for browsing.

I uses a Steelseries Rival for games. I try to rest my hand on the right side of it, or at least hold it in a way where I never touch my whole wrist to the mousepad.

M.D. here. That user is right, none of those things are going to cure repetitive strain injury.

>M.D. here.
Where at?

>vertical mouse

Those things really are the shit. I have a gaming mouse and a vertical mouse and switch between them. The comfort I get when using the vertical one is ridiculous.

No problem, glad someone was able to actually not be a memeing faggot and try it instead of just posting le musturd gas XD

>Hi, I'm OP the faggot, my wrist hurts from too much vidya and bad posture, what tips do y




I didnt know bad posture could get you tendinitis

I had that or something similar from age 11 till 15 or so dunno why and I don't know why it seized neither.
but it's gone now so I dunno ask a different part of the internet.

Do stretches and strength exercises

Take frequent breaks, and always stop if you feel pain. Maybe choose games that are relaxing and strategic instead of frenetic and tense. Also I think exercise is good because it can improve circulation, but especially exercises where your hands are stretched back like push-ups.

Is rice that bad? Why? Also what's a good replacement?

>Also what's a good replacement?

>cybernetics are a good replacement to rice

Who'da thunk it.

Well, you are what you eat, so if you want to become a cyborg, you better start chowing down.

Brown rice is fine, white rice is one of the worst things you can eat tho.

>inb4 racial comparrisons

I just get unexplained chest pains. Doctors don't know why.
Putting it down to an anxiety thing.

I know why, but no one will ever believe you.

D you lean on your elbows a lot, or slouch? A back issue can sometimes transfer through to the front chest and be confused as chest pains when they're actually muscular-skeletal and can be fixed with physiotherapy and posture improvement.

I had a hand/wrist injury involving broken bones and torn tendons many years ago when in highschool. Now if I am writing for ~30 minutes my hand cramps and it is really painful.

To prevent this while playing vidya I have a large surface area and use way more of my elbow/shoulder when moving the mouse.

I use a trackball 90% of the time though unless I'm going to play an fps

>eating vegetables will cure your tendinitis guys, trust

It wouldn't be 10-15 minutes, but after half an hour or something I got some pains in my arms while I was playing on the Wii U, and it was starting to affect me while holding a mouse or typing.

What I did was stop playing the Wii U, easy enough because there was fuck all to play anyway, and 3D World was boring me to tears. After a week or two my arms were back to normal, and I even managed to play some more Mario without issue by swapping from A+B to X+Y.

I think it was probably just an ergonomics issue in my case, since I was fine after swapping control scheme. But I also made sure not to hold the Wii U GamePad one handed, as that probably stressed my arms more than normal. So I guess, pay attention to your posture while you game and see if there's anything you could change.

I do yeah, I'll try to improve my posture when sitting down, thanks

You might wanna get checked for carpal tunnel. It happens and it's not fun if it does happen to you.

Looks like Sony wins again cucks

>take a walk in the sunlight several times a week
How am i supposed to do that in winter when it's dark and foggy all the day

Even in Anchorage there's ~ 5 hours of daylight right now

That's actually pretty common if you do a lot of computer stuff.
Stabilize it with bandages and try to do as little computer stuff as possible for a while.
Also working out helps, but can fuck you up even more if you don't train correctly.

Just because it's cold doesn't mean it has to be dark
I live on the wrong side of a mountainous area next to a swamp, when it's not foggy the sun is already gone

>being swamptrash

Sure, whenever I use my hands for anything else excessively, like 8 hours of work or 5 hours of jacking off, I get considerable amounts of pain.

The solution is pretty simple, use your arm less.
I take some vitamins stuff specifically for cartilages which helped considerably, if I don't overuse it theres no pain.

You have weak muscles in your arms.

Stop clenching. Your body is overcompensating.

Pay attention to what your hands and arms are doing while you play.

Which can be a million fucking things user with no easy way to figure out bar assuming over the internet I guess.
Perfectly reasonable to treat the symptom.

stop leaning on your forearms and wrists dumbass

Dunno I only got tendinitis 2 times from playing too much Piano


>casuals, the lot of you

sub-25 tard who'll rue this practice one day

Excessively done this lead to tennis elbow

This is also a really good idea, I bought a trackball before to the same effect and grabbed the mouse when playing.
When I first had issues I simply used my left hand on the mouse at work, and my right at home.

**THIS IS A SERIOUS RESPONSE** do not do this it breaks the cartilage in your thumb.

You won't fool me happy merchant of high pharma
Fuck you and your overpriced "cures", you're just mad some literal who found a way to get the same results without all your shit

I had it, but then I switched from emacs to vim. Not joking.

I had it, comes back every so often but nowhere near what it used to.

You need:
-Full wrist support, get a gel mouse pad.
-A more sensitive mouse to reduce the amount of movement required for the same effect.
-(Optional) One of these will help develop general strength. I've used one sparringly but i've heard of several cases of "professional" gamers turning to them with good results.

its just carpal tunnel, faggot