Powerlevel Thread

Who should I add?


Vivec as yellow

what is this autism?


my dick carving out your mom's vag





>DOOMGUY that low.
>Samus that low.

Add all of the chaos gods from wh40k, several C'tan and the big E.

>Didn't leave a note to exclude 2hu's since they're overpowered as all fuck
You're fucked now, kiddo.


Needs asura and dante alsoToo

well, firstly, you should start over since your chart is currently retarded

He should be lower.


you forgot Mariel Kinuko Cartwright

Vivec and Talos as yellow

Get bunny out.

bugs bunny isnt a reality warper, hes toon force and toon force >> reality warping

Why do faggots like you feel like you need to reply to everyone in the thread

at the top, obviously.
name one character that can beat him

Shouldn't Link be a magic user as well as a weapon user?

fug, it's added but I didn't play any of these games. heard there is a galaxy-destroying attack in disgaea but not sure.
who is this guy?
they are all in a nearby powerlevel to mario from the same series so no point in adding waluigi, wario, luigi, waldo, etc.
not video-
> pocket morty

Fuck you Zech

Are you seriously putting doomguy above pit? Please stop the memes and think about the games. And laharl this low? He destroys fucking planets, and Dante is too high.

Can we do the same image for the LGBT spectrum? I feel that since its 2017, it should be just as important as something arbitrary as a "power level". I mean, the LGBT image, would actually benefit people and help them find the games for them :)

White fatalis, monster hunter, harbinger of storms and calamity
Bayonetta, you should stab yourself with something blunt for not knowing this one
The Wonderful 101, 102 power rangers at once who run on friendship and willpower on giant robots

This OP is a newfag, forget about it.


Add Christopher Robin

Vivec can literally rewrite reality at will as long as it's what his dick wants
And his dick wants nearly everything


Where's Reimu


That's Soma, not Alucard, you dingus

>not a Physical WorldofSTR User
you fucked up OP

>2hus in power level debates

Why not?

Does the player from earthbound really need to be at the top instead of special or something?

>come sweet todd

Op as fuck. Reimu by herself has a "im immune to everything forever fuck you" ability and she probably isnt even the strongest one.

Mr. Rogers

laharl is above goku so it's fair, he's below seiya but some guy has a "galaxian explosion" attack in the same series. dante is high because he fought and helped demifiend who is strong. I'll fix Pit, as I said I didn't play his game (I put Jim this high because he beat hell in his second level).
added phoenix wright
why does the wikia say you can beat him?

I second this

>Doomguy below Illias and other deities
>Doomguy below anything

>Ilias above Goku
What the hell is this shit?

He's merely pretending, he says so as much that if he dies he can wake up whenevr he wants

>Not Susanoo

>divine beings
>when holy powers is just above that
Also reimu runs on all kind of hax, she has her own powers, imports powers from the gods, her own reality hax imitating yukari warps, and even alchemic power if we include the ultramarine medicine from little girls vs the moon: the game
Giygas wouldnt really be a demon, but there's no category that encases him properly either
Bayonetta should be way, way above
Olimar and rob would be good additions to remark the lowest points

Change Reimu and Giygas into special tier and raise doomguy a little bit

Add Yung Venuz.
After all, he is an immortal gun god who kills giant throne+spider hybrids for fun.

Add Shulk, HA Dio and sephiroth

Micolash, Host of the Nightmare.

Why the hell is the earthbound player there?

I've played Earthbound and I don't think killing giygas in such a state in even half as impressive as the powers a lot of the characters in that image have.

Also, why isn't this a vertical ladder, what's the point in having the characters scattered?

Either around Link and Mega-Fug or in the Special Tier as Rance lacks any sort of level cap in the story whereas everyone else has an individual maximum level and can achieve infinite power if he was motivated to grind.

Some people could be equal in power, I don't know. Itd be hard to map them all out in perfect order because theres always someone who would object and say "BUT _____ HAS DESTRUCTO BLAST WHICH KILLS THE UNIVERSE IN THE PAST". Plus it would be a really tall image. Not op btw

Isn't the Ultramarine Orb Eirin's creation?

And it was given to reimu and company.
In the pointdevice mode you use it, but the true ending goes through pointdevice without reimu using it nor dying, so she's likely to keep it saved somewhere

>falling for the doomguy is omnipotent meme
>arceus being so low

Gameplay isn't canon.

>raise doomguy

Fuck no, he's already too high

Add the Precursors from Halo to be slightly above the Chaos gods, pic related is the image

>Base 720 stats
>Can be beaten by a Choice Specs Weedle and caught in a poke ball.
>Mega Rayquayquay has Base 780 and a better ability.

Arceus a shit.

Add Rimanah

>Gameplay isn't canon.

Canonically Arceus can create universes and can spit out a Giratina, Palkia, and Dialga at will, and each of those are reality warping gods on their own.

>Muh gameplay isn't canon
Nigga please.

Go jerk off to some sonic porn.

The DK Rap states that being shot by DK's Coconut Gun is going to hurt. The ability to inflict pain onto any target by using the Coconut Gun with homing ammo makes DK an extremely powerful character on par with the likes of Charles Barkley and Doomguy.

He can also punch the moon out of orbit and survive in space.

>Blue Jesus weaker than Link, Samus, Ryu,Megaman and Mega-fug
What the fuck?

>I don't have an arguement so i'm going to just shitpost

You should add Hulk.

>Implying this thread isn't about shitposting.

Powerlevel shit belongs to DBZ threads and only DBZ threads.
This thread should be on

>Wonderful 101 that far below Dante
They have the strength to move the entire Earth and destroy planet-sized monsters.

Add please

There are a number of video games about The Donald and considering how powerful his meme magic is in real life, he is easily in the top tier of most powerful characters of all time.

His Twitter can cause billions of dollars in damages and he will soon have the ability to launch nukes on a whim.

>can punch a crocodile 3 times his size (bear in mind he is an enormous gorilla) into the atmosphere with one arm
>can breath underwater for an indefinite amount of time in his native homeland
>can fire coconut-sized ammunition full automatic, without a stock, without loss of accuracy
>seemingly unable to fatigue, he will beat his chest literally all day if left to his own devices
>superior gorilla brain renders him immune to all forms of mind control
>can go on adventures in any environment and still have enough situational awareness to keep his necktie pristine
>has the voice of a chocolate angel
>can beat drums so hard it obliterates the consciousness of any nearby foes
>can transform into various animals
>capable of flying through the air at rocket speeds using only a barrel and (I assume) sheer force of will
>was playable in Mario Party but deemed too powerful, soon put on the level of universe-altering Bowser
>has a 10/10 blond chimp babe as a girlfriend, stole a 10/10 italian broad from the most powerful video game character known to man because he felt like it
>has uncovered the secret to keeping bananas ripe and unspoiled for eternity

Donkey Kong is the most powerful character there is.



Dante, samus and doomguy are all weaker than Goku.

He's top tier and can beat the likes of Bayonetta, Sonic, Cloud, etc.

Put most stronk and based Lord up high please

>Le Reddit XD

Spotted the commie.

And also Heaven Ascension Dio

Aren't trumpkins literal poorshit plebs? Muh jobs and all that?

Is this a JoJo reference?

>le trump
Spotted the underage

Put her around the level of the Queen, Special Power. Unless anyone can justify her being placed higher or lower on the list.

>defending Reddit

Ur waifu is shit.

Doomguy spent the best part of eternity fighting an entire demonic force. Goky died of old age, eventually.

Dante has the same cartoon physics bugs has while on cut-scenes, so he's nearly unbeatable.

Samus destroyed planets. She can destroy the planet Goku lives in, and he would die because he can't breathe in space.

That's not my waifu.

Sol Badguy, entire new graph just for him


Sure, buddy.

We both know about your doujin folder.

I'm going to need some explanations on that row with Bayonetta.

Pretty sure Rick isn't stronger than Vivec on account of CHIM, and death spell is pretty garbage since it has a high miss chance and a lot of monsters can resist it.

Based on this post I don't believe you are adequately knowledgeable on the subject of video game power levels. Bayonetta is closer to Dante than link for one, and White Fatalis is in no way weaker than Canadian bear.

Nebby should be at least mid tier as he can't be restrained.

Are these characters randomly place,because Bayonetta should be above Dante.and Sonic is way too low for a hedgehog that can beat a being that destroys multiveres on a whim

>Goku died of old age

When? He does spend most of his free time being dead, but I don't recall age being one of the things that killed him.

GT isn't canon

FF should have at least some representation.
Ultimecia might not be the best choice, but she's pretty powerful.

Should Digimon be included? They're pretty powerful, IIRC.