Ok you fucks, can you tell me, WITHOUT MEMEING, why do you think this game is not god tier, and a worthy successor to the original Doom.
Ok you fucks, can you tell me, WITHOUT MEMEING, why do you think this game is not god tier...
It's a garbage game that's hallow with flashy graphics.
The original DOOM set the stage for modern FPS, it didn't invent it (Wolfenstein 3D is credited for that, but I'm not sure even it invented the genre), but it popularised it, and really got FPS going, as well as multiplayer gaming.
What did DOOM 2016 innovate? Maybe it can get some credit for bringing "arcade" FPS back, but it isn't comparable.
Shitty multiplayer, no mods, takes up 783 yottabytes of space which at the very least makes it not worthy of the hefty price tag.
>No mods
>What is snapmap
You don't even own the fucking game
Let's rephrase that, "no real mods".
how can you innovate in 2016 when theres so many developers making all kinds of games? its just impossible to be as innovative as back then
>Let me rephrase this "I have special snowflake syndrome"
okay buddy
You move slow.
They messed with the fov to make you look like you're going fast, but you aren't.
Just answering OPs question.
>another thread full of people who have only played either the new game or the originals but not both, arguing for eternity
D44M is really good, though arguably not using the exact same formula as the originals because of its map design. What it lacks in map design and ammunition management it makes up for in enemy complexity and use of vertical space. Some would say that makes it not a worthy successor to the originals, which is fair. I personally disagree, but again it just depends on what you think is most important in a DOOM game.
It still doesn't support proper mods though.
Denuvo is deduvo now, we could see actual mods at some point.
like h-nu-doom
Fuck you stop being reasonable
Hell never looked so pretty.
>he thinks snapmap is anywhere near as versatile as the things you could do while creatings wads for original doom
It's a fucking level editor, not the same as mod support.
I'm playing it for the first time now. Going through it on ultraviolent or whatever.
Overall it's pretty decent, but it's astonishing the number of people on here who genuinely think this is some kind of masterpiece. I can only assume it's 15 year old console kids wetting their pants because it's the first time they've ever played anything with movement speed faster than COD.
>glory kills are terrible as a mechanic regardless of how much I try and look past it. People here basically just defending takedown animations baked into the gameplay when it so easily could have just not been designed like that
>it trickles down to the rest of the design. Loads of enemy types that aren't at all interesting and basically just seem to be there to facilitate glory kills
>the overall design is cramped as fuck
>locked in these tiny arse rooms where it feels like I've basically got demons spawning on top of me
It's about as good as it could be if you HAD to design it around consoles, but still.
-story driven game
-objective based gameplay
-weapon upgrading
-monsters look like generic spoopy tryhard aliens (as opposed to demons, with horns and tails)
-music is generic dark ambience shit
-too many fucking cutscene. it was fun to see doomguy rip someone's arm off to get a fingerprint, but it gets boring after the 10th time.
-doomguy can rip an alien in half but can't break a glass window to catch olivia while she overclocks the argent towers to open ANOTHER portal to hell.he just waits quietly.
was it memeless enough for you?
>in b4 nobody replies and some fuck who posts a meme reply gets 500 yous.
Invoking any subjective valued qualities of games, i.e. what we generally consider "fun" in games, is a meme, since it has only a memetically transported meaning.
So it is impossible to explain or indeed judge this game, or any game without memeing.
For console?
Most of the updates were for a multiplayer that I never used and was dead when I tried to.
Add-on packs were nothing special and were for the multiplayer. Snapmaps were always mediocre or outright terrible.
The single players is a good romp but I went for the highest difficulty I could and after I didn't see much of a reason to go back, even if exploring the stage was nice to find secrets.
Don't get me wrong though.
It's fun, I just don't think it's god-tier.
>another thread full of people who have only played either the new game or the originals but not both, arguing for eternity
So which one are you, and why should we care about your opinion either?
You should be playing on nightmare. Glory kills are bad, yeah, but they aren't game ruining. Every one of your points past that is either patently false or was part of the original games designs as well. Like, you think 1&2 didn't have cramped as fuck rooms 24/7? Especially 2.
But thinking the enemy designs aren't interesting mechanically is probably the most egregious piece of bullshit in your post.
Worthless fucking post, thanks for wasting my time.
>(as opposed to demons, with horns and tails)
What are the things coming out of this guy's head?
Is that from the new WoW expansion?
But what are the things on it's head m8?
WoW expansions.
it's because you're a faggot yodge
-story driven game
Why? Because two times you have to sit through 5 minutes of dialogue? Big deal
-objective based gameplay
What does that even mean? In Doom you shoot stuff, isn't that an objective?
-weapon upgrading
I don't see how that's bad, especially when nobody is forcing you to do it.
-monsters look like generic spoopy tryhard aliens (as opposed to demons, with horns and tails)
I can give you this one, tho most of the redesigns are pretty good IMO, especially the imps and those laser dudes.
-music is generic dark ambience shit
Music is 123463456 better than in Doom, and has nothing dark ambiant in it.
-too many fucking cutscene. it was fun to see doomguy rip someone's arm off to get a fingerprint, but it gets boring after the 10th time.
Ok for this
-doomguy can rip an alien in half but can't break a glass window to catch olivia while she overclocks the argent towers to open ANOTHER portal to hell.he just waits quietly.
What if it's super mega unbreakable fortified glass?
>-story driven game
>-objective based gameplay
No more than the originals. This one just has HUD popups instead of keys in the bottom right corner.
>-weapon upgrading
The system was bad but the alt-fires themselves were great.
>-monsters look like generic spoopy tryhard aliens (as opposed to demons, with horns and tails)
It's a mixed bag, like the originals.
>-music is generic dark ambience shit
First of all, wrong. Second of all, the originals music, barring a few exceptions like E1M1's theme, were boring and generic as well.
>-too many fucking cutscene. it was fun to see doomguy rip someone's arm off to get a fingerprint, but it gets boring after the 10th time.
>-doomguy can rip an alien in half but can't break a glass window to catch olivia while she overclocks the argent towers to open ANOTHER portal to hell.he just waits quietly.
I mean, yes, but that's more a story gripe than anything.
>inb4 you don't reply because it's not meme ridden enough for you
I hate that Golem boss
No, they're not. But can you tell me what they are?
You only have to use some dudes hand twice, and one of those is just him laying on the console right there.
I'm pretty sure you haven't played the game and/or are baiting.
It's the best shooter i've played since half life 2.
Bad multiplayer
WoW expansions.
I bet this game would be better received here if Reddit hated it.
No, they are not. But can you tell me what they are?
WoW expansions.
Are you being ironic because you were wrong about something and can't handle failure? You're only making yourself look worse.
>glory kills are terrible as a mechanic regardless of how much I try and look past it. People here basically just defending takedown animations baked into the gameplay when it so easily could have just not been designed like that
I think a lot of people who played the game end up forgetting how bad glory kills are because, when fully upgraded, they're a pretty different beast. You go from having to run up to someone and pressing e to watch a one second cutscene to looking at an enemy on the other side of the stage, pressing e, and teleporting in front of them before instantly exploding them into a rain of ammo and health.
Its pretty nuts.
No, I think this game is pretty good
> hey, look at me! I'm a snot face contrarian trying my hardest to stand out by being an insufferable cunt
Are you being ironic because you were wrong about something and can't handle shitposts? You're only making yourself look worse.
Who the fuck cares about multiplayer? Go play overwatch or CSGO or some shit if you want to meme with strangers.
But you were wrong about what was on the cyber-demon's head. You could shitpost the entire site to oblivion but it wouldn't change that.
It's my first time. Everything beyond the difficulty I'm on is locked.
And yeah after 13 years I was hoping to no longer have overly cramped rooms? That maybe modern technology could be leveraged to avoid that?
But I guess games design is in a place now where not actively moving backwards is cause for celebration and having your game called 'god tier'
>the entire planet considers HL2 to be the second best game ever made after HL, THEREFORE, I have to say it's bad. How could I have have the same opinion?!
Personally I found the new enemy types to be the most dangerous. The Hell Razors and Possessed Soldiers do a lot of fucking damage, plus in enclosed space their attacks can be difficult to avoid.
With the exception of the Cyber Mancubus, FUCKING Imps, and the Barons, returning enemy types were not that dangerous. Cacodemons too I suppose, but only if you let them get close.
Knights, Revenants, Mancubi and Pinkies weren't very threatening, although points to Pinkie for most goddamn blindsides in the game. Even more than Imps.
I like this game and no one here can stop me from enjoying it, no matter how much you shitpost about it
Gonna let you in on a little secret user.
I'm not the same user you initially replied to, I'm just shitposting, no fucking shit the things on the golems head aren't mmo expansions
Reddit is not the entire planet
I didn't like the world design, the story telling, the forced melee, or pretty much any of the gimmicks and upgrade systems they added.
I wanted mazes, corridors, spooky scary lights, not just a shoot 'em up high score speed run spring and kill type of game.
Let that evolve from the gameplay, not make it the gameplay.
What? You wanted more open maps? Wouldnt you fags then complain that isnt doom like? That doom was always about close combat in claustrophobic environments?
You fucks are just like sjws. You are never happy. Always complaining about everything
Most of the arenas are quite spacious, with sections of them being cramped, but a majority of the big fights occur in large areas. The hallways leading up to them are largely cramped or narrow, of course, and most of Hell's interiors were somewhat cramped, but I'm having issue beyond those recalling any sections where my movement felt claustrophobic.
It's a more worthy successor to Quake than to Doom.
Doom was not really an arena shooter; it was the progenitor of arena shooters but it really had as much in common with dungeon-crawling adventure games as it does with the contemporary shooter as a genre.
Nu-doom is fast and _____fun___ but it lacks a lot of the slower pace and exploration that made some of the best Doom maps so memorable.
So if you were really into Doom for hunting out obscure secrets and creeping past enemies with low ammo, nu-doom's DMC-esque "locked in a room until everything is dead, double-jumping around with a grenade-launcher-shotgun" gameplay loop is probably frustrating.
What exactly makes this game god tier?
I mean imagine an alternate timeline where FPS had constantly followed the design of things like DOOM rather than moving off into super slow, sticky cover, regen health shitfest. In that timeline this game would basically be a 6.5/10 because it doesn't actually do anything particularly special or interesting.
Does that make any sense?
These autismos would complain even it was a literal copy of doom 1/2 game play and map style with new graphics.
>This thread again
I can't believe how well this game runs. I don't think I've gotten a single dip below 80fps at max settings. Also is there a way to make it so the music doesn't get muted when you do a glory kill?
It's formulaic as fuck and has zero variety, just walking into a monster arena every three minutes like clockwork. After you get the BFG the game has nothing interesting left to show you and you spend the remaining 1/3 of the game just waiting for the game to end
I was able to play on nightmare the first time, so either you messed up or you just said the wrong name, cus' you can't play on ultra nightmare until you've beaten the game once, but that's permadeath mode.
And they did change how cramped rooms worked, they gave you a z-axis and platforming mechanics to constantly move around and avoid enemies with, when in the originals you just had to run straight through, dance back and forth behind a wall, or just hope you had enough upgrades and ammo to chew your way through. It's a far more "tailored" experience, which could be seen as worse.
Has a seriously bad case of repetitive bullet sponge syndrome. Locking the player into an arena, forcing them to backpedal a dozen laps while tapping away at the same mob sets, over and over again.
My solution would be to make big fuck-ass huge maps that let me at least make progress forward while I kill things.
On another note, I think the tech behind the game is fucking amazing. Such a smooth experience.
Which games that have been inspired by DOOM do you consider to have done something particularly special or interesting?
>What did DOOM 2016 innovate?
A game doesn't need to be innovative to be good.
>a worthy successor to the original Doom.
well idk if i'd go that far, but it was definitely an excellent game. probably one of the few i've played in a while where i actually look forward to the combat encounters instead of thinking of them as a chore
I wish BFG ammo was either more rare or it wasn't an instant kill. I largely avoided using it and the last fights were fun as heck but whenever I watch people playing on Nightmare they're slamming it every fight with the improved ammo drop rune.
Human eye cant see past 5 fps. Enjoy bragging about you 80 fps expensive computer that offers nothing noticeable
there's always new ways to innovate, dummy. people were probably saying the same kind of things back when doom released.
>Ok you fucks, can you tell me, WITHOUT MEMEING, why do you think this game is not god tier, and a worthy successor to the original Doom.
Because its very fun and keeps the attitude of the old games
I didn't like it until I played it. My brother is family sharing it right now and after actually playing a decent chunk I see why people like it so much. The first level isn't very fun though, so I see why people would just play that and get a sour taste. I'm going to buy it next time it's on sale.
Of course not, that wasn't the point of my post, but I don't think it's a worthy successor to an innovator, because it didn't innovate.
Again, just answering OPs question, new DOOM isn't a shit game.
And here it is, the shit posters here probably havnt even played it.
I do agree about the first level though.
Innovation isn't always a positive, and no, people weren't saying the same thing when DOOM came out. Back then they called FPS games "Wolfenstein-likes", which goes to show how sparse the market and genre was.
>What? You wanted more open maps?
Yeah? I know that there's a lot of memeing about open world shit on here but I don't think anyone would complain if levels were just 'bigger'
>monsters look like generic spoopy tryhard aliens (as opposed to demons, with horns and tails)
Pretty sure the imps, cacodemons, archviles etc. always looked more like aliens than anything else. If anything, horns and cloven hooves were the exception rather than the norm.
Doom 2 didnt innovate jack shit. Do you also think that isnt a worthy successor? What about Quake 1? A lot of people accuse it of being Doom 3. Quake was also unoriginal.
You can be a worthy sucessor without the need of being original.
Then it would Serious Sam:doom edition.
Most of the 'golden age' wave of shooters from the early 90s through to 2002 or so
That's very vague, could you be more specific? I'm looking for specific mechanics you had in mind, not just namedropping eras.
And fags would complain it isnt faithful to doom and just a painkiller/serious Sam rip off.
Doom was always about corredor. Close combat. No place to run. Thats what Doom 2016 feels like. A Doom game
parts of the soundtrack sound absolutely horrible. The wide open areas dont feel like Doom, it feels like Im playing halo or something. Doom was better because it used tight corridors but still had really good level design. the regular shotgun is fucking horrible. the melee sometimes misses enemies(even if theyre glowing for glory kills) and I end up flailing at empty air like a dumbass and wind up behind them, even if Im right next to them and facing them. Then theres the pod rooms: I know doom originally had rooms where you ha to kill everything for the door to open, but areas specifically designed for the player to come in and think "ok, here's another horde room, hope I have enough ammo to get through" isnt fun, Id rather be surprised by it.
and remember that specific segment where they just lock you into a room with a computer and dump the ENTIRE PLOT on you for 5 minutes, without being able to skip any of it?
If you're going to be a prick I'm not going to argue with you. I never said any of the shit you're implying. OP is asking if it's a worthy successor to the original DOOM, but here, let me do some dumb greentext so you can feel you're in the right
>getting upset
>missing the point
>lalalalal ur mad lol
i dont like shooters
This fag complains the game is shit because of "no open areas"
This fag complains the game is shit because of open areas.
I fucking hate this place
I really did love using that verticle space and actually had a reason to use all the weapons (one from each ammunition anyways) as much as possible. I never thought I would use the Rocket Launcher primarily, especially with the remote detonator.
>that last upgrade that actually promotes directly targeting enemies.
fuck i love Hard Times
Bad level design
Unnecessary shit like weapon upgrades tacked on
Brown, muddy artstyle compared to the colourful original
Terrible multiplayer mode made by the people who made CoD: Ghosts, which is not a worthy successor to Doom, the ancestor of all FPS deathmatches
Slower-paced to cater to consoles
Excessive reliance on the stupid QTEs, this is meant to be doom, not god of war
music is not as catchy
probably more I'm forgetting
>futuristic arsenal of highly advanced weaponry
>strongest one (besides bfg) is the old boomstick
My only complaint is glory kills. It's such bullshit and annoys me so much that i can't finish the game.
>But just ignore it bro
>Just play on a harder difficulty bro
Both bullshit excuses for a stupid mechanic
Just like the old doom.
If you look at things like movement speed for example and the need to be fairly dynamic in combat I think you can trace a pretty clear path all the way through things like Half Life series until the point where everything just suddenly becomes ironsights based and has a load of other design decisions that stem from that
Berserk and general rip and tearing during the later battles actually went pretty seemlessly.
It's a good and solid game. With great doom flavour over all. Pretty good for a 2016 AAA game.
There isn't a single QTE in D44M.
opening doors that have something crushed under it