I love Skullgirls. It's just dead.
>anime reaction image
>speed matters
By your logic UMVC3 is the best fighting game since it's the fastest.
>muh walkspeed
how is this even a SFV issues? There are other games where character speed are changed. And also, the entire cast have different walkspeeds, it's not like only one character was changed so it's now slower than the rest, making its footsies worse.
When you play SF2, Third Strike, 4, and 5 the speed are different but during gameplay you don't even notice as long as you aren't constantly comparing them (and why would you?)
I don't play Guilty Gear and constantly think "oh man MvC2 was so much faster paced than this". Because in the middle of a frantic fight, they're all pretty much the same. As long as it's not a trainwreck janky slowness like in Jojo ASB, speed barely even matters.
>input lag
Again, other fighting games have this, even your precious anime games. Go on Dustloop and ask the actual pro players if it has input lag or other problems. You'll be surprised. But since your an anime avatarfag that doesn't play fighting games you probably wouldn't.
>lower price means its flaws are forgiven
SFV was announced in advanced to be the way it was, that content was going to be constantly added. That way there's no more constant "ARCADE SUPER HYPER MAXIMUM EDITION"s and it's all just packed in one game. But again, casuals wouldn't know because they don't keep up with fighting games. They just want to fap to anime tiddies.
Funny because I actually made a youtube video a while ago on why SFV is worse than USF4 and I also play KoF. But hey whatever keeps your hipster contrarian Sup Forums cred amirite?
"fuck your mainstream games11 tips I like my weeb games with no playerbase better1111"
Absolutely hilarious. Im done with you plebs.
That's like saying