Whats your most expensive item in tf2?

Whats your most expensive item in tf2?

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probably some of my old stranges with a few parts, like $4 on market

if you bought unusuals you're a retard

Sulphurous Hotrod

pic related
I think it's something like 7 bucks on the market

A vintage vintage merriweather

I unboxed an unusual once. Dunno how much it's worth. Something like $70+ when I checked it 4 years ago.

strange minigun mister cuddles with festivizer

worth 9 bucks

Medic unusual worth $200. It was my third ever unbox. I'm not trying again because I know my luck's not going to be consistent, but I got more than my money's worth

50 dollar Pyro beanie! I bought it


my weanus peanus... haha

nice those are in high demand

I don't think I own anything more than a couple of ref
>Tfw didn't convert to keys back when they were like 2 ref

>not getting unusuals
not everyone can be lucky enough to uncrate, neckbeard poorfag

I used to have a Strange Backstabber's Boomslang for my Dashin + Doublecross combo. I don't know how much it costs now but I sold my spy set to buy Witcher 3.

A Spy hat, not sure what it's called but it was like chapeau or something, 90 bucks.

>Soldier mains will defend this

hi guys I'm an upgrade to stock which makes one of the strongest, most versatile classes in the game even more versatile and strong lmao

I sold it for a disgusting amount of money

I have a strange gunslinger

The golden pan, that's right, you heard me.

I sold all my unusuals that I trade for metal/keys to retards who think that garbage looks good

got me a few months of rent

almost every unlockable melee weapon is a straight upgrade to stock, welcome to 2010


for starters there is only one "straight upgrade" in the game and that's Third Degree. If it has any downside at all, it's not a straight upgrade

secondly Demoman, Engineer, Sniper, and Spy all have very balanced melee weapon unlocks where stock is often the best option for serious play

oh, you mean literal straight upgrade

you missed the solemn vow

don't pretend that most melee unlocks outdo the original by a long shot though, like who the fuck is found with heavy fists, fire axe, ubersaw, baseball bat, kukri, or shovel?

at the moment you might as well run spycicle/jag/battleaxe too

I won an unusual heavy hat out of a raffle that was worth ~$35 and flipped it for about $40. I quit TF2 after I sold it, but I kinda want to get back into it

the kazotsky kick
>pick related,my total value

My strange festive spec ks Crusader's Crossbow which I have lovingly named,
The Festive Long-Range Heroin Injector

I recognize you from the /tf2g/ thread

>you missed the solemn vow
they gave it a 10% swing speed penalty. sure it's basically nothing but it's still not a straight upgrade.

>like who the fuck is found with kukri
literally the majority of Snipers by a 10% margin

enjoy being totally useless for your one job (killing the medic) as soon as your weapon fulfils its purpose. I'd rather get a stab on the medic and die to an alert pyro, than survive but be totally useless for half a minute. Also it leaves great big "SPY WAS HERE" statues everywhere
it has weak repairing, weak combat damage, and takes 3 hits to remove a sapper
makes you go slower and get kited, also equips slower. Since demo's melee is normally pulled in really clutch moments he needs to have it out quickly

anyway, back to the topic of discussion, my point is that Soldier doesn't need Escape Plan's additional mobility, it's basically a buff to an already powerful class

I had a professional killstreak gold botkiller flamethrower a few years back that I sold for around $20 on the market.

Haunted Crone's Dome. It's not much but eh.
I got an unusual back in the days, sold it for keys and some shit, it was very ugly.

I actually don't know how much it's worth even though I've had it for 3~ years, but I know there's people out there who would kill each other for it because of the level alone. I think the fact that I crafted it myself is another little price hike.

absolute filth. the worst thing to happen next to microtransactions.

Thanks for being the cancer that killed TF2.

>the cancer that killed tf2
>inb4 its actually what kept it alive for so long

The last 8 years are not what you can call ''life''.

Searing Plasma Soldier's Stash apparently.

I got it right when the first batch of unusuals dropped in like 2010. It used to be something that would people would offer me blowjobs for, now it's pretty much worthless.
>mfw this hat is older than some of my younger cousins

That's a nice hat user. Shit class though

Oh wow the memes and historical revisionism are getting really bad now.

If you seriously think that 2007 was the game's peak, with the state of its extensive bugginess, atrocious balance, and stunning lack of content, then oh boy, I have some bridges to sell you.

It's strange to think there was a time when I knew every hat and its name and market price. Now every day I see hats I've never even seen or heard of before.

>FN, Unusual and strange

>LUCK: 10

I have a Flair! that is Level 1. Been offered bills+buds by a guy that collects Level 1 glitched cosmetics.

I kept it, I have bills and buds already :)

there's something like 1200 cosmetics in TF2 now.
Some might say overkill, but on the other hand, it makes for some pretty good costumes
TF2 is like the Simpsons of gaming, getting on in age, and with a reference to everything under the sun

I pulled that hat of a snowman. It came in the smismass 2016 update

>TF2 is like the Simpsons of gaming
As in, it has dragged on for so long that it's making us beg for it to die?

>I have bills and buds already
They're worthless now my dude

Bills and buds are like 2 keys each now. There are some taunts that cost more than that.

even simpsons has some good new episodes, though most are shit. it's very hit and miss, just like modern tf2

>even simpsons has some good new episodes
False, just like modern TF2.

You obviously haven't watched or played either of them then, and just listen to Sup Forums memes.

TF2 has some downsides in its modern form, but many upsides over the original as well. Much more content, way fewer bugs, better overall class balance since Gun Mettle, and in general more shit you can do in the game.

In fact I would say my Simpsons example was flawed, TF2 has downsides but is not the same level of quality decay as modern Simpsons. In TF2, the core game still shines through as really good pretty often, whereas traces of the original writers are rare in nu-Simpsons, but still there for only a few episodes.

Modern TF2 has a lot of downsides over release or middle aged TF2, but it has a lot of upsides they didn't as well. Simpsons is pretty much way worse than the first 10 seasons now, but about once per two seasons, there is a genuinely funny and good new episode.

goodnight user