ITT: Celebrities who (are rumored to) play/have played World of Warcraft
ITT: Celebrities who (are rumored to) play/have played World of Warcraft
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Based Sup Forumsin diesel
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Dave Chapelle
The dude is big into DnD as well here check this shit out,
Based Vin.
New Superman
What a guy.
Rhonda Rousey
Reminder that he oversaw the development for the riddick games and even funded a large portion of them himself.
I was really hope of a new one after the last movie, wait is there 4th movie yet?
Didn't Vin Diesel himself fund a video game company just to publish the first Riddick game?
Yeah. He also had that one game in which he was the lead. A title similar to Driver, "The Chauffeur" or something.
Most people don't actually know this but Vin Diesel was always very deep into RPGs, especially table top RPGs, he's basically a massive nerd living a normie life.
Mila Kunis
Didier Auriol played WoW?
Hiding your powerlevel is patrician.
lmao this is so sick
IIRC he's also got a Warhammer 40k tattoo so he might play that too. Dude's pretty based.
I have never met anyone who played DnD IRL.
Is it mainly an American thing?
dave chapelle
char name was blackiechan
this guy from breaking bad has several max level characters in wow, also he is a turbo console player
would not be surprised if he posted in Sup Forums
Imagine running into him on ventrillo lol
I played it a bit in college, it's really fun as long as you get a good group together along with someone who's good at telling stories.
he''s a stand up guy
me and my friends play it
but mostly it ends up with us getting piss drunk and just yelling nonsense
so eh
>stand up guy
>cant stand up
Why are most teenagers so bad at spelling?
He created a guild back in Vanilla called "Children of the Korn" anyone could join that would start raiding but he was on tour most of the time.
Also, all his fucking gear on his Warrior were BoE epics he must have either paid a shitload of gold for or fans giving them to him.
That depends what you mean by D&D. Do you mean specifically the game Dungeons and Dragons or do you mean roleplaying in general.
Cause Dungeons and Dragons is mostly American/European, while Asia mostly plays its own games.
But hell, most people that play D&D only play it for a little bit before getting into better games. D&D is a gateway game for tabletop rpg and isn't very good.
She got paid 3 mil to lose her last fight but yeah, I'm pretty sure she's done now.
wow she is really one of us.
The Neverwinter Nights games are completely based on D&D while KotOR and Dragon Age: Origins are loosely based on it.
>KotOR and Dragon Age: Origins are loosely based on it
What I think you mean is those games use 3rd edition D&D as their engine.
Which isn't necessarily true. They use the d20 system.