Nintendo's Lightning.
Nintendo's Lightning
user's sage
Still don't understand this Lightning meme, never played Final Fantasy
What makes someone a company's lightning?
Pet character that companies force down everyone's throat when most of the fanbase doesn't particularly care for them
Usually some director's waifu
>not Samus
user pls
Semi recent female character of a studio. Shows up everywhere from that point on in said franchise.
You mean like Yoshi?
whored out waifu hentai fetish bait only praised by people who care about the shitty fapanese porn instead of the quality of the actual game
Rosalina single handedly killed the Mario franchise
She gets priority over fucking Wario and Donkey Kong
Being the best girl, so Sup Forums don't like because it's cool being a contrarian.
Rosalina is best girl, Lightning is best girl
Don't people actually like roselina in comparison to lighting though?
>Lightning is best girl
if we're talking FF, its either White Mage or Rydia
Wrong you posted best gurl
>killed Mario
You're fucking stupid and I don't even care for Rosalina.
What killed Mario was peddling low quality 2D games then releasing a 3D version of a 2D styled Mario game. I enjoyed 3D world but it was certainly less impressive than it's predecessors if nothing else. Rosalina being unlockable had nothing but a positive effect on the game.
She's not even present in many spinoff games and this cannot be responsible for their decline in quality, and the games she is present she doesn't bump off any existing cast. Nor is she forced to the forefront. The issue with games like Mario Party or Mario Tennis being worse is the gameplay is worse and has less content than past entries. Not because they have tall Peach.
>Rosetta has been with us for (just about)a decade
>She's not even present in many spinoff games and this cannot be responsible for their decline in quality
Mario Kart with fucking BABY Rosalina, and the other Mario party game, AND Smash 4
You aren't a jap. Her name is Rosalina.
I fucking hate Rosalina
>looks like she's about to pop out four (4) kids
That's some uber-pregnancy fetish tumblr has there.
overused and exploited by a franchise
user fetuses grow in a woman's womb, not their asses or thighs. Don't you kids have to take health classes anymore?
Her inclusion does not bump off preexisting characters in either. She's not what made Smash 4 worse than Melee, although fuck her in that game she's bullshit.
If you take in to account how many main line titles shes in versus lightning its like 1% to 15 %.
If you bring side games in its still the same as since there are less FF games and FF side games the number lightning has been in is still a larger percentage.
She's Square Enix's Rosalina.
Are you retarded
When Rosalina periodically births Lumas, would you describe it as a litter or a clutch?
fetish fags pls go
More like Lucario, although I suppose he's more of GFs Lightning.
Please don't even pretend for one second this isn't yet another asinine waifu thread. Might as well have some fun with it.
I would call it a litter, sounds cuter to me. Post more.
Past galaxy and party games, what has she even showed up in? I'm pretty sure daisy has been in more games despite being a literally who. Why bitch about Rosa, who is one of the very, very few Mario characters to actually do anything in the first place?
A lightning would be a character they force outside of its game.
Etna is Nis Lightning.
So, the Toads?
dude everyone loved samus back when she was just sigourney weaver in a robot suit
it took a serious investment of effort for nintendo to ruin her
How is Rosalina Nintendo's Lightning if Miyamoto doesnt like her
Any new Major Mario character gets used in Mario Spin offs
Her inclusion in 3D World was because they wanted an excuse to use Galaxy mechanics
Her inclusion in Smash Bros was because Sakurai wanted to represent the Galaxy series mechanics as well
The D1 trio is forced into nearly every NIS game though, not just Etna. She hasn't even gotten her own spin-off game yet.
DD2 could sort of count since a large part of the plot revolved around her, but Laharl was still the main character.
A few salty Daisy and Smash fans does not dictate the entire fanbase. It took a whole console generation for them to start using Rosalina more and it was in direct response to the fans liking her.
Baby Rosalina was a bit much of course, but MK8 had a shit roster aside from the mainstays.
Wario and Donkey Kong have their own franchises separate from Mario made by completely different people.
she was playable in 3d world
She got in Smash and 3D World. After that she became a regular playable character in spin-offs instead of just the occasional cameo (and Mario Kart Wii), and now even appears in promotional material alongside Mario and Peach.
Basically, it's people mad that the recent "blue Peach" is now a regular and not their favorite older side character, so obviously it must be a biased creator shoving her down everyone's throats.
She's playable in 3 Mario Karts, 3 Mario sports games, Smash bros, Mario 3D World, and Mario maker. Out of the 9 games she is playable in I want to believe that most people probably own 2 or 3. How does that make her Nintendo's Lighting?
Etna and flonne gets an edge since they were in Triniy Universe
Etna is also in Prinny games.
So Nis Lightning is either Etna or Prinnies.
She really isn't
Outside of Sup Forums
Rosa is really liked
if she's used as the face of the franchise, then you'd have a point. rosalina is just a popular recentish character. i'd argue that bowser jr is a bigger "lightning"
shiggy got over his dislike of her actually
read the iwata asks for 3d world
Don't see Rosalina in Super Mario Run and Daisy's in the Mario Sports Superstars promotions over Rosalina.
It is kinda weird that Rosalina isn't in Super Mario Run. There's even a very obvious use for her skills since there's a midair spin function.
Maybe they listened to the few complainers.
Or maybe they just didn't have any existing NSMB Rosalina assets to throw together.
How? He actually has a role, unlike Rosalina.
I love DK, but when was he ever in mainline Mario Games, unless you count the original Jumpman, o Yoshi's new Island