This game is really easy compared to the other ones
This game is really easy compared to the other ones
>he never played challenge train
only the first versions of past games
The game ramps up difficulty really fast
Keep playing
Also keep in mind your not forced to use shitty tapping mechanics, the difficulty of DS isnt actually difficulty as it is the controls
what this guy said, just keep playing. they get harder and much longer. go for superbs and then get all the perfects. it will keep you occupied for a while.
and again, challenges
>still hasn't cleared all remix challenge because of the fucking tempo of remix 3
>implying it's possible to get all the perfects
That sentence is the 3DS library in a nutshell, sadly
The tempo changes can really fuck up some of the games. Trying to do Second Contact without fucking up on perfect is pretty much impossible, gotta hammer the A button ludicrously fast at the end.
When I was really tired I got in a zone and perfected lockstep and cosmic rythm rally without even thinking, it is possible even for a scrub like me
yeah high tempo cosmic rhythm rally requires you to be in a zen
Study second contact on youtube if you consistently miss it, thats how I did it
Nigger this game is one of the hardest games on the system
>the Ladies! challenge
Fuck you monster hazard. It's easy to hit the rhythm but hard to "ace" them.
it's a shitpost user
>tfw perfected every game but still can't finish the red train
red train is the most sadistic shit I've ever encountered in a video game before
>do this minigame
>but 3 times faster
>also there's this fucking monster trying to eat you if you don't do it perfectly a couple times
>oh and this is just part 1 of 7 minigames in this challenge
>alright now do lockstep like this
If I can perfect it on the DS touch screen you can do it with an A button
>Red train
>3 times faster
>unlock monkey watch
>get a fucking perfect on my first try
>can't get a real perfect again
God, this is the thing that I hate most about those games. The game should just award me a fucking perfect If I fucking did a fucking perfect run for fucks sake.
Have you ever tried lockstep with the A button?
Your thump won't last bro.
But how will the developpers know it wasn't just a fluke?
>any monster related challenge
Yeah fuck that shit. You either get so fucking lucky, or Thats it. You got fucking lucky. Theres no other way.