I remember you guys making threads daily about this and calling it the "tortanic".
But why is this game bad exactly? I'm thinking about playing it because it still seems pretty popular.
I remember you guys making threads daily about this and calling it the "tortanic".
But why is this game bad exactly? I'm thinking about playing it because it still seems pretty popular.
Horrendous animations and brain-dead combat. The only reason to play this game is to experience the cheesy Bioware writing, which is a valid reason to do so, honestly.
>Horrendous animations
I remember seeing a webm a while back of a hilarious looking battle from swtor
does anybody have that webm?
BAHAHAHA. What's your idea of "popular"? 5 people in a capital city?
is at least the combat good or any of the story good?
If you're ok with the idea that out of the protagonists of the last two games, one got killed by some no-name sith, off screen. The other one gets beaten by a party of low lvl sith in a low lvl instance and then runs away. The best companion from both games also dies in a boss fight while standing completely still and just shooting at you, despite constantly telling you in the previous games what a retarded idea that is against force users.
Has it evolved past being a mediocre wow clone with mass effect alignments and awful rail shooting segments tacked on?
I think Sup Forums was just butthurt it was an MMO and not a new KOTOR single player.
>not hanging out on Fleet
The only thing that bugs me is how the general aesthetic tries to be too close to prequel-era Republic and OT-era Empire designs. it's like they think nobody would recognize it as Star Wars otherwise.
Everybody is, the only people who aren't are the people who never played KotOR, Kids who grew up playing SWTOR, and scat fetishists.
Being an MMO is part of the reason it's not very good.
>what's that? want to continue your class storyline? well first you need to go collect 20 tuskan asses.
You can get through the game doing only class and planet quests. And they aren't fetch quests.
animations are awful, most the stories suck shit, combat is copy and pasted from world of warcraft, all armour is fucking HIDEOUS, major content drought at launch, overall doesn't feel very "star wars" half the time especially with the most recent expansion
that said i still would try a couple of the class stories, there's a few decent ones
The planet quests still do that same shit.
They turned it from an MMO to a single player game with a chat
It's a shameless WoW clone with a huge budget that doesn't show in any of the assets. If you've played any generic WoW-killer MMO than you've played TOR.
The only gimmick it has going for it is the player stories, which begets the question why it wasn't single player and mercifully free of grindy MMO shit in the first place.
The Exile, Revan and HK-47.
Maybe now, but back in the day you had to do a fuckton of quests in between class quests so you pretty much forgot what the fuck the story was about and by that point you just didn't give a fuck.
thank you, this is what I was talking about.
Man that is really just so bad, is there any more examples of this or is this the worst one or something?
My cousin is trying to talk me in starting it up with him and I'm trying to tell him why its a bad idea.
is final fantasy xiv better?
Well, for starters, it rapes the two KOTOR games.
Besides that, I don't know much about its current state but when the TORTanic meme was around, the flak it received was entirely justified. It was an awful game.
It's a shameless WoW-clone that miraculously manages to avoid all the things WoW is actually good at (like responsiveness of combat, UI customization options or large open world) while being the worst of both WoW and neo-WoW in terms of design (like missing all the quality-of-life features and polish yet featuring all the garbage from neo-WoW). The technical execution was atrocious (using an unfinished undocumented engine not intended for games of that scale in the first place). The selling point was stories range from decent to horrible and such focus is fully incompatible with the whole MMO concept anyway. Content was awful (the final boss in the first tier literally consisted of walking down stairs etc). They literally had built-in 200ms delay to abilities at launch. It has disgusting aesthetic and is graphically awful. And so on.
Well, consider the fact that a supposed MMO has this kind of """"""cinematic"""""" nonsense to begin with.
>MMO gets shat on for not being a sequel or the multiplayer experience player's actually wanted
>bland and boring anyway
>eventually goes F2P or B2P
>defenders start coming out of the woodwork trying to convince people "It's good now guys, really!"
TOR and ESO seem to be the biggest offenders of this recently. What is it about low-effort MMOs that makes people stick up for them so much? Is it like a pyramid scheme for guilds? Is it the sense of superiority that new blood will start off much weaker than those who have played every day since release?
yeah but it's like comparing two types of piss
Well, you'd be hard-pressed to be worse
As if the planet quests are any different.
>Hero, go kill 20 Other Faction Soldiers and bring me 5 Other Faction Banners!
>Hero, go to X and destroy 5 Computers and 3 Ships!
>Hero, go to Y and collect 2 crates of Thermal Detonators!
I gave up on this game shortly after Imperial side Balmorra, any good that's in it is buried under piles of MMO crap.
destiny is the only good modern MMO.
While we're on the topic, does anyone else find that MMO RPing is just generally awful? TOR suffers from this especially if you're playing Sith. Guilds force you into roles since everyone wants to be a Darth and non-Sith probably aren't going to treat you with any respect.
it's shitty RPing in a game where you're a "main character" so to speak
That is somewhat true, but generally RPers on TOR don't allow for that shit, but I can see the issues with it.
>it's shitty RPing in a game where you're a VOICED main character
I'm pretty sure most people feel that way. Some sandbox games aside, I rather think they're openly hostile to playing in-character (and that applies double to "modern" games with every single player being treated as the greatest hero, all the unthematic mechanics like group finders teleporting you to places or characters losing their identity with multispec systems and such like) and that players would be better off roleplaying in a chatroom rather than roleplaying through chat while simultaneously having to ignore every single mechanic of the game.
I'd like it a lot more if the combat wasn't so bad. Like after act 1 ends in the story the combat instantly turns into a giant slog where every enemy takes forever to kill.
The combat is subpar in every way to any other mmo. You can use any type of ability to kill a single enemy and has an overabundance of abilities that are near copies of abilities you learn earlier. The graphics are stale and the stories are exactly what you expect them to be. Don't be like me user I played on release and picked up a 2 month sub in December and haven't opened it since I first played it.
It could be me, as I was a really, really shitty RPer when I played TOR, but last time I was on, I didn't think it got much better. I wouldn't say in character is the issue, it's playing your role correctly. A bounty hunter probably isn't going to insult a Sith Lord on the Imperial Fleet, but in TOR you can.
>game launches
>get it and play with 2 buddies
>enjoy going through the 3 different class stories with them
>enjoy open-world pvp ganking people
>enjoy killing them again when they try to respawn in the field
>enjoy doing rp shit like /me spits on the corpse and hearing those we killed cry in chat
>someone eventually reports a friend's name
>it's an alcoholic drink
>they force him to change it
>name change gets screwed up and causes his character to be deleted
>he loses interest in game not wanting to start over
>myself and other buddy play less and less until we stop completely
That and after a month of easily seeing what they could have done much better but didn't really made me disappointed
Hey guys
I actually enjoyed the game a pretty good amount. The update helped avoid some of the grinding if you wanted to stick to the story, but I didn't play much after that because they really botched the leveling system.
yeah thats the worst one i think...
but thats from vanilla, the newer cutscenes are more polished
the player support was hilariously bad for this game
The choreography is even more retarded
>flails and spins around like a drunken idiot
>some how beats everyone else
Yeah, its still shit.
There is an entire fucking novel detailing his story, it's not a no name just because you know nothing of the EU.
To be honest, it has good writing and bad writing, depending on what class you pick. I enjoyed Jedi Knight, Bounty Hunter, and Sith Juggernaut, while a lot of people enjoyed Imperial Agent.
I also loved Knights of the Eternal throne and Knights of the eternal empire expacs. But some classes are ass to play as.
>not even hitting the lightsaber part of the pike
>guys standing around watching their best friends get slaughtered
TOR has changed significantly from launch, even from free to play, whether good or bad changes, you have to decide yourself.
>As if the planet quests are any different.
They aren't quite that bad, but they are pretty terrible.
You can say it's a bad style of fighting if you wish, but it's literally all star wars combat. A lot of twirling and flailing.
>worst one
it ain't as bad as 29:30, the cutscene Bioware re-did like 2 times but still came out bad.
all of prequels you mean. bring back the slow baseball bat thwacking
Prequels, cartoons, comics. It's all showy and flashy, and in reproductions it's the style that stands out, whether you agree, like it or not. You're the minority here.
No. Not the original three. The original three movies the force users used actual Kendo swords style. The follow up three episodes I choose to forget even exists at this point ruined the whole shit with their badly choreographed stunt fighting. Thats when everything went down hill.
I don't think you know how to read. I've watched the OT. People generally prefer the flashier stuff, and I like it too. It makes little sense to add realism to a series that isn't grounded at all. If I wanted to watch something grounded, I'd go in more for game of thrones or some medieval representation? I mean, lets cast jedi and sith as these badass people capable of ridiculous feats, then have them fight like slow lumbering retards in suits of armor
>I liked it so that makes everyone elses opinions the same as mine
Yeah ok, buddy. No one I've talked to over the age of 16 has ever said "Episode 1, 2, and 3 were great movies!"
>Yeah ok, buddy. No one I've talked to over the age of 16 has ever said "Episode 1, 2, and 3 were great movies!"
Nobody is talking about how good the movies are, are you retarded? We're talking about the showy flashy combat, which people vastly prefer. You are literally retarded and lacking reading comprehension.
>people vastly prefer
No, YOU vastly prefer. Do you have any evidence to back up your claim? Most people I know thought the choreography of the fight scenes in those movies was terrible. Especially the part where Yoda starts hopping around like dumb shit during the Doku fight doing absolutely nothing but jumping off of things for no apparent reason. No, no you do not. So again, it goes back to my point.
>I like it so everyone else does too!