this is the thing that bothers me bought msi 1080 few months back (replacing sapphire 290), and i cant see what the big deal is
game like d44m maxed at 4k (downsampling) running with drops below 60fps same with other games even at 1440p. barely hanging arround 60fps
is it the cpu bottleneck? old motherboard? or i just fell for the nvidia meme
before that i was amazed how durable the 290 was. for a midrange card
Jose Morris
also GTAV stutters like hell when driving (1440p, max, grass med/high)
Joshua Long
K procesor, not oc'd
Isaiah Cooper
Most of it comes down to your monitor being less than 60hz, which means you won't even be able to take advantage of higher framerates.
Get something with 120hz/144hz.
Cooper Morris
D44M at 1440p should definitely be a lot more than 60fps. My 980ti easily did D44M on Nightmare settings with over 90fps most places, sometimes as much as 165fps indoors on Ultra. And this was before the dx12 patch that universally increased fps, and especially so for AMD cards.
>799mhz RAM >Haswell i5
Too slow RAM could be a potential bottleneck. Prev gen i5 just might also bottleneck in a few games but generally should be fine.
Otherwise, 1080 really isn't up to snuff with native 4k on ultra in newer titles. 4k on high settings with AA off would be decent though (generally 40-50ish fps).
Ryan James
didnt even notice OP has 800mhz ram.
upgrade that shit asap
Ethan Wilson
Try overclocking the cpu and ram
Carter Roberts
Pretty sure that's a speccy bug
Owen Phillips
idiots, ram is ddr3 1600mhz >what is dual channel
Aaron Carter
Nah, I have the same issues. I am running a 4790k with GTX1080 SLI and Doom has issues with some of the Ultra settings in 4K (I know the setting the lighting on Nightmare drops it tremendously) or if I run the game in SLI it stutters like hell. 1440p is fine though maxed out.
I can run most games in 4K with certain demanding NVIDIA gameworks features turned off or some stuff turned down, but it just depends.
Adam Walker
no oc
Gabriel Martin
This whole thread is full of retards
Jaxson Jackson
hm honestly i cant even remember what ram i was buying. it was 3y ago
William Davis
Get some monitoring software to check load on your individual parts to figure out bottlenecks
Benjamin Lewis
This is now a speccy thread. Poorfag here post you shit
i mentioned d44m because it is magicaly optimized (1440p. mid AA. other settings maxed, around 100fps on amd290 vulkan)
other games run worse
Xavier Price
You're running single channel on your ram. Run it on dual channel and you will have better performance.
Jayden Flores
>vis it the cpu bottleneck? lmao, a i5 4670 won't bottleneck a sli of Titan XP.
As for your other questions: 4k is extremely demanding, the 1080 can run games at 4k, but not maxed out, and for the poorly optimised AAA games, you should be playing at low-medium settings.
For 1440p I don't know, my 1070 curbstomps everything thrown at it, but even my 970 could run AAA games at 50+fps high-ultra settings 1440p.
As for GTAV, could be a memory leak, it happens 1 out of 10 times for me, the game is just unplayable while the other times I max it at 1440p and run at a smooth 70-95 fps.
Jordan Lopez
go fuck yourself
Chase Martin
speccy is autism when it comes to ram. My old 1333mhz was 350 according to speccy.
Caleb Wilson
could run lot of older games, like dishonored, AI, f1 2013, SOMA, dead space 2 at 4k maxed with my old 290
i though i can do the same with new games w/ 1080
John Reyes
>i5-4670k >single channel ddr3 at molasses mhz
Enjoy your bottleneck.
Kevin Diaz
the game does run extremely well, but it's not that impressive considering it's all extremely static, no objects have physics, the hanging chains don't move, even the dead bodies aren't affected by bullets, and all those things are a huge strain on the pc.
But yeah, textures, reflections and animations are god tier.
Caleb Roberts
Speccy's got a glitch that refuses to show all 8gb VRAM on the 1070, plus I get the feeling the general RAM stats are off.
Brandon Jones
I just tried Doom again with everything maxed out, 4K (OpenGL, SLI turned off) and it ran on average about 60-70 FPS on the more open levels and 60 with some dips on some of the levels with more effects.
Which games are having issues? I can test them out and see how it runs for me.
Lincoln Phillips
You're both right and wrong DDR means double data rate, so 800 mhz in speccy is actually 1600 mhz But it's also running in single channel, so it's either one 16gb stick, or multiple sticks but in different channels
Isaiah Roberts
meant reply to you
Easton Adams
as i mentioned earlier GTAV stutters like hell at 1440p
f1 2016 below 60 at 1440p
deusex MD below 60 at 1440p
Nolan Jones
Might be cpu bottleneck, GTAV is pretty heavy on it
Carson Hernandez
can you spoonfeed a retard pls pic related, 2x8gb sticks
Joshua Hughes
Take one of them and put them in one of the other slots They're colour coded and should be on the same colour
Brody Torres
>1080 sli >XB270HU
Shouldn't you be going above 144fps in many games at 1440p?
Levi Cox
Anthony Ortiz
>dl speccy >x4 955 is running 60°c idle on an arctic Freezer 7 fugg Seems like I fucked up the thermal paste somehow
Kevin Collins
Dude Sex CANNOT run at 60fps no matter the resolution when contact hardening shadows are ON. The game is also optimised like shit, it's pathetic. Don't know about f1 2016 but for GTAV as I said in a previous post, could be a memory leak, it happens to me from time to time.
Adrian Morales
Yeah, that sounds like it might be the CPU. GTAV I was able to play maxed at 1440p with no issues and mostly at 4K with a few things turned down.
Mankind Divided is kinda poorly optimized and I know MSAA fucks it up badly, I was getting around 60-80 FPS at 1440p (average about 70, and a few drops to below 60) after patches. 4K I cannot even really play at 60 FPS, I know that one was closer to 30 FPS with everything besides MSAA maxed.
Henry Phillips
At 1440p, for the most part yes. There are a few titles that are poorly optimized that can't hit above 80-90 FPS sometimes, but a good chunk of stuff I can play 100-144 FPS.
4K, it depends. Stuff like Overwatch, CS:GO is usually in the 200+ FPS range in 4K, while stuff like battlefield 1 is like 100 FPS in 4K. I can play most titles in 4K unless they are bad ports around 60 FPS or so.
Connor Kelly
It's not the CPU, I could run GTAV maxed out 1440p on 8 y/o i7 920. He has a fucking i5 4670k.
OP, you can always overclock the CPU, if nothing or very little changes in all the games, then it's not related to the CPU.
Other thing you can do is go into the BIOS and see if there are no power saving settings on the CPU and disable everything, set it to maximum power.
Jason Miller
Run rivatuner OSD and check CPU and GPU usage. If GPU usage is not close to 100% it is being bottlenecked by something. If CPU usage is very high as well it could indicate a CPU bottleneck.
Mason Butler
thanks, will try this
Oliver Gonzalez
That sounds about right, you can't expect miracles especially if you're cranking AA up to max as well, that's gonna be the real killer and you don't need it at higher frame rates anyway. I don't get stuttering in GTAV @ 1440 as long as grass is on medium, anything higher kills fps on any card.
Dominic Miller
Ignore everything else in this thread, running RAM in single channel will cause HUGE issues in games and benchmarks. You need to check your Mobo documentation and put the RAM in the proper configuration for dual channel operation. How you've run this gimped setup for so long without noticing anything is beyond me.
Austin King
You don't need AA as much at higher resolutions I meant to say.
David Sanders
will look into that
Sebastian Richardson
Speccy doesn't register CPU frequencies dummy.
Grayson Phillips
What's my bottleneck?
The cpu is overclocked to 4.3ghz
Aaron Barnes
The game being shit
Wyatt Cooper
there is none. with your setup lazy developers are the main cause of shit fps.
Julian Evans
>1920x1080@60hz >1080
I'd say your bottleneck is your monitors.
Noah Williams
Just wondering. My ram is at 800 mhz (but with dual channel I guess it's 1600mhz?) and my friend just got a DDR4 that's at 3200mhz, which is quite a leap.
My ram has a lot better timings though so I can't say how much better his is.
Nah, I'm a graphics whore and am having enough trouble just getting 60fps downsampling from 1440p. I'd rather buy another 1080 than a monitor that requires more horsepower.
Jaxon Thomas
No bottleneck, but a full HD 60hz monitor with a 1080? Why would you do this?
Hudson Williams
holy shit i thought youre trolling but after i googled the same advice, i did it and pic related
also thanks feel like a huge retard running this setup for 3 years
Grayson Roberts
> he fell for the 60 fps meme
Cooper Williams
lmao I'm glad we could improve things Always read the manuals boys
Benjamin Nelson
thought its all clear when i read a1 a2 b1 b2
Jace Roberts
Are you me user?
Joshua Martinez
>reapply paste >didn't do squat I guess the cooler is shit
Brody Stewart
It's sometimes a case of not attaching the cooler properly. I remember once attaching a stock Intel cooler, but still getting 90C temps until I rotated it counterclockwise a quarter turn, then idle temps dropped to 25C.
Landon Mitchell
I wish I were you, but at least I got a new hdd coming tomorrow.