Perfect women don't exis-

Perfect women don't exis-

I love Reisen!

Post the SUPERIOR Homura. You know the one. The one that we all worship.

Im not following you user. You are talking gibberish. There is only one worthy Homura

End it.

End what?

Don't play dumb.

We know who the real Homura is. Our queen. Post her now.

Ikaruga is way better



I love Mirai! She's perfect!


I'd nail Yumi Hara

Fuuka is my prefect angel.

How can other girls even compete?

Perfect girls don't exis-

What a cute little boy.

And thats loli Homura

This is gonna be a Senran thread but Fuuka is my favorite purseowner too

i thought homu got her tan from training in the sun all the time, why is she tan as a kid?

A. She's been training since she was a kid like most shinobi
B. The drug turned her into a kid but resembling her current state
C. New Wave cards not making any sense as usual

Is new wave actually a game or just ecchi baseball cards?

Will Homura actually do something in PBS or will she be nothing but a shopkeep? Take your bets.

>boring-ass Yamato Nadeshikos
>better than anything

is ok though.

why do I still visit these threads? I always just end up fapping

Best Homu card

>can swap between flat and titty monster
>has a great ass
How can anyone else compete?

>those big juicy tanline tits
>that delicious fat-ass

>cute feet
>possibility of her dominating you in bed if you like

>his waifu needs to have fake tits to make herself feel superior
>still one of the least attractive girls because of her ugly hair and personality

>not loving the ability to change breast size
>not loving the twintails
>not wanting to bond with Ryoubi until she shows her sensitive side
>not being up for some kinky femdom on the way

well, to each his own

This cutting your own words off trend is fucking shit.

That's what Haruka is for.

That fucking bitch has gone too far.

Haruka is great too but always gives me MILF vibes for some reason


Homu is my wife!



Even for a Senran Kagura thread this one sucks. Sup Forums was a mistake.

It's basically a glorified digital card collection.
It has some story and dialogue, but the "gameplay" is just going through menus and watching some simple cutscenes. Not to mention it's heavily p2w like most mobage.

Best thing is you can even turn the tables on her too.

Perfect implies she can't get better and boy, can she

I really liked the backstory for Mirai in Burst.
I just love how much she got ignored and bullied in school.

Remember when Haruka used to be thin?

I love these two. Why is Crimson Squad the best group?

Yeah, when drugged.

I've just created a room to do Yoma Nest in senran kagura 2

Will anyone be so kind to join me?

Every girl with tan is perfect. Proof me wrong.

I would but I don't even think I have it installed anymore.

>yamatos are automatically boring
This is why Homura is being forgotten.

>pirating senran kagura, made not by a huge company but by poorfag marvelous

And we wonder why they think western hates then


YNs default to boring because that's what Japan wants. Homura is being pushed aside because they don't want her getting any screentime that could go to Yumi.

Think of it as ninja training. You need to learn to make or steal the drug and apply it to her.



too bad she's stuck in a horrible garbage series

I bought it digitally dude.

You deserve to get shot.

>boring-ass Yamato Nadeshikos
The only way I can think someone could find Ikaruga boring is by totally ignoring all the silly things she has done, specially on Burst. The same can be said for Yomi, Yozakura and Yumi, even if the later side story is literally waifu pandering.

You can reduce Homura to just "another hot blooded tomboy" and to some people that would be boring too. In the end it all comes down to what kind of cliche do you like the most.



Lets hope SK3 on PS4 will make the story and character development just as good or better than Burst and SK2.

Shot by Mirai's massive milky cannons?

Ever since Yumi debuted people now every yamato is bashed because "muh favorite character isn't popular so Japan has shit taste!"

I like Yumi yet don't like the oversaturation. But I don't think it's fair to bash on the others like Yomi and Ikaruga or other popular girls like so. SK has pretty much turned into a whole popularity contest.

Not him but I can see how they'd come across as boring due to the Yumi standard. You say even she can do silly things but that isn't really true. Yumi pretty much never partakes in anything that the other senrans do because she needs to always look perfect and waifish.

The point of it isn't just being a Yamato, but to do something that establishes you as more than a textbook case. Ikaruga sometimes does this, and Yomi has her beansprout obsession, but Yumi plays it totally straight, as does Yoza to a lesser extent. Likewise, Homu has numerous traits outside of just being a hot-blooded tomboy.

I think what it really comes down to is people getting sick of that single archetype dominating so much. Not everyone likes the perfect Japanese housewife after all, and are probably afraid of the archetype taking over the series and pushing other characters out.