Tell me what game you're playing RIGHT NOW

Tell me what game you're playing RIGHT NOW

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Resident Evil 4. I like it.

lisa the painful

Jedi Outcast

Shitpost and see how many yous I get

League of legends

This desu. I spend more of my free time on the internet than playing games these days.




Battle square grindan for my W summon



Why lay such obvious b8?

Honestly this

Replaying Crysis 2.

Man the soundtrack is dope af as I remembered it.

Skyrim SE, PS4 pro

Psychonauts. It's pretty good, feels like a Ratchet and Clank/Silicon Valley hybrid. It's fun but still feels a little like a chore

Kotor 2

So cute


I've just blown the rebel flashship in FTL
Feels good.



I'm playing the game of caressing my balls 2


EVE Online

game of picking my nose

Saints row 2

you deserve it


Weeaboo youTuber pre 08', got semi popular, moved to Japan and got knocked up by yakuza.

Castle Crashers

Dorf Fort Adventure Mode

Fleeing from zombies


Fallout 2



this is that asmr cunt with the left eye cancer


Tapping on the metal of the case of that mic is objectively the best trigger


Just got a new gpu

What is a beautiful game that doesn't suck ass?

Later, probably Alien: Isolation
After that, Honey Select: Studio

>Sup Forums
>playing games

orc inn
i find the balancing too high/low at places but its was for free so sunk some hours into it already
screenshot aint mine, my inn looks like shit atm

F-Zero GX and Star Wars Battlefront.

implying we play games here
we are all fat fucks that play minecraft

I'm browsing Sup Forums while my gf is playing Spyro 2


Flower Knight Girl
neat little waifu collecting game, can only recommend


recommend me any game
into (c)rpgs and short experiences

currently in the middle of 3 games, but have not touched them in a while. started the division, but got kind of bored. played 1 chapter of tales from the borderlands and stopped. then started tomb raider and played that for about an hour.

what I really have been playing is last of us remastered multiplayer. now that is an intense game. it is very slow and tactical which is probably why I love it.


Spoopy Aliums update is great

Lovely Planet. it's p fun.

????????? what is a gpu?

>(c) rpgs
Summon knight, swordcraft story.
>short experiences
Nuclear Throne

dunno, have this dank meme


Avernum 2 CS


stardew valley, mhgen, and about to finish up dark souls 3

Resident Evil 5 with my brother.

I can't enjoy single player games anymore.

Also I don't enjoy playing online with strangers.

Do VNs count or no?