>no "Only On Playstation" label on box >not mentioned at all in Sony's 2017 exclusives video >nowhere else in any of its marketing is mentioned as Sony exclusive, just that it's coming to PS4 >Sony could possibly only be front and center in marketing because the old games were on PS1 >come the fuck on, it's ACTIVISION, at worst it's a timed exclusive
Could we possibly see /WOAH/ on PC and the Switch?
huh, you know I never considered it since this series is so synonymous with Sony - but you're right, it's really odd they're not mentioning it as an exclusive title in any of the marketing for it,
Cameron Reed
It actually makes sense, it's also using Skylanders engine and Actibision is publishing it
Brandon Clark
>dont be a dumbass >when literally no evidence supporting the argument that it is PS4 exclusive other than maybe "the old games were exclusive!"
Julian Fisher
You sonyggers chose realistic movie-like games like Uncharted. Leave happy and colourful games to Nintendo
Nicholas Gonzalez
Sony owns the original trilogy
Asher Allen
It doesn't matter, the people who actually give a shit about the series will be playing it on PS4. It would sell like shit on anything else, too. PCfats and Nintoddlers don't like to buy games with actual gameplay.