Have you ever cried because of a videogame ?

have you ever cried because of a videogame ?

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To the moon after 24 hours of no sleep.

No because I'm not a limp-wristed faggot.

FFXV ending
You guys... are the best


Didn't cry but I was upset for days.

how the fuck do you cry over a video game

look at this man

do you think he's ever shed a tear over a fucking video game?


XVs ending.


I cried during Chrono Cross when I got the true ending (didn't even know about multiple endings) and heard that music when kid and schala became one.
>i'll find you some way, some how. though you may not know it's me and you are you... ;_;
will I ever find my Schala "Kid" Zeal anons?

Chrono Trigger (you know the scene)

I also teared up a bit during the "Snake... had a hard life" scene in MGS4.

he's too busy shedding twinkies from their wrappers.

you take the game's casing and proceed to drool over it using your eyes.

shut up ez faggot

P4 with Nanako, although it was more to do with Dojima having the worst day ever

>wah look at me we're fat and jaded that means we have good taste even though we don't even play games

I'd rather faggots being excited over vidya jumping on tables than fat unlikable fucks trying their hardest to be as jaded and edgy as possible.


better than an overemotional autistic manchild unable to remain respectable in a professional setting


wow so fucking professional video gaymes

this is why giant bomb will always be better than ez faggots

is that why no one here likes Giantfatbombs?

>oh man how will the normies ever respect us unless we act like jaded cunts who shit on any video gam- i mean professional?

yeah Sup Forums hates giant bomb so much that they have a thread dedicated to discussing giant bomb every day since 2008


>if you don't scream and jump around like a juvenile chimpanzee with shit in his pants you're a jaded cunt

I had been a huge MGS fan for a long time but never got PS3, so I never got to play MGS4.
6 months ago I borrowed my friend's PS3 and bought MGS4 used for 5€ and played through it.

When I got to Shadow Moses and "Best Is Yet to Come" started playing, I got nostalgy'd so hard that I teared up. My gf saw me tear up for the first time after 2 years of living together and it was from a video game and she thought it was weird as fuck and made an unnerved chuckle. Later she called it cute though.

Silent Hill 2 near the end, and several points during Nier. And there are a bunch of other games that got me to tear up. Better to be a weak ass bitch than to be a heartless shitter.

Guess you missed the thread earlier today where everyone on Sup Forums is shitting on them.

>wow how juvenile he was excited about a video game, good thing we act professional and show no emotion or even like video games because that is the only way for the normies to like us!? please normies please like us!

if you actually READ the thread most people are just criticizing 1 member of the GB team and praising the rest

but of course you just skimmed the OP like a little retarded faggot and proclaimed the whole thread was "shitting on them"

you're pathetic

why can't I hold all this damage control?



>hurr durr damage control
why can't I handle your inability to fucking read past 1 post in a thread.

So damage control it is.

retardation it is

I never played the Metroid series before and somehow managed to avoid spoilers about the series. This past summer, I decided to sit down and play the series. I played Zero Mission, AM2R, and then Super Metroid. I cried when Mother Brain killed the baby and felt pretty sad the following couple of days.

Says the guy shilling fat jaded cunts:the site

What are some good gaming podcasts that aren't fatbomb and EA?

says the bitchy teenager defending rejected disney channel hosts

>mfw your thread would've long 404'd without the GB crew

MGS4 microwave hallway and "he had a hard life"
Beyond that, all I can think of right now is when you see the horse limping at the end of Shadow Of The Colossus

When you hit somebody in the new Yakuza



When Geralt finds Ciri... Gets me every single time.

I was 9 yrs old and leaving Father Grigori behind was the saddest thing ever

Mechagamezilla's mean bean machine
that's it.

Chrono Cross - that moment when you have to leave kid all alone after her family has been killed

"Then this mark is my prayer that we make it together."

The end of Telltales The Walking Dead

To The Moon

felt really down after finishing Mass Effect Trilogy

thats it

Oh fuck yes and not even embarrased

In homeworld 1 In mission 3
In Shadow Tactics In mission 10, in Mugen cutscene

got so fucken hooked on the game cause i played it through in almost 1 sitting

Why was the cuck crying?

The Rune factory games have some touching moments. A few made me tear up.

NieR is one of the only games to ever make me cry.

Where's my podcast, Huber?

Same here. This is the only time I cried at a game, and I cried like a little bitch. The photos showing up in the credits whilst Stand By Me also made me feel.

Probably just MGS3, but I was playing it late, played it all in one sitting and was drinking too.

I don't think I've ever cried because of vidya.
But I did feel quite upset when I got the B+ ending in iDOLM@STER.
I just need more time to make this right, make it true, why are you taking her away from me man. And I don't need your pity "+", B is not an A or S I get it

No. I don't cry at movies either. I did cry after a book once.

I admit that I have gotten angry and yelled at a game a few times when I was a kid. As an adult I just get frustrated and turn the game off for a few days.

TLoU is shit

Buy any souls game.

Asura's Wrath

This whole scene

>you can lean on me if you have to!

>get up Lee! The door's right there!

Yeah I know I'm a bitch

and no I didn't steal from the car

Do VNs count? what about Ace Attorney?

I cried bitch tears after beating Super Paper Mario, and I cry bitch tears after listening to Bounding Through Time every time.

Yeah playing minecraft after 1 month without sleeping, I wanted to die so I cried of cancer

spec ops made me depressed for a month

yeah this basically cause it was a movie

but it was so good.

>When I got to Shadow Moses and "Best Is Yet to Come" started playing, I got nostalgy'd so hard that I teared up
Yeah, that part got to me pretty damn hard. It's one of the few almost redeemable parts of the entire game. Also, the end fight.
