Right click on someone to inspect his gear

>right click on someone to inspect his gear
>accidentally click on invite to group instead

makes me want to go in the guillotine desu.

>Accidentally pull boss and wipe the group
>Immediately log off for hours to avoid shame

just laugh it off like who gives a shit.

>write "Hey" in the beginning of the dungeon
>nobody writes back

>spend 6000 years coming up with an IGN I'm happy with
>Guy in starting zone has almost the exact same name

Social features need a comfirmation query.

>Go to report a dude for harassing you
>Accidentally hit duel instead
>Duel starts in 5..4..

>Accidentally make post with stupid typo
>Someone quotes you before you can delete it

>play dps spec for a little bit
>forget and say I'm a tank
>immediate group invites

it was meant to be. you need to beat him in order to earn that right.

>this didn't use to be a problem before WotLK when we actually had to communicate, pick our team members for the dungeon, and cooperate.

Server merging, and auto match making ruined WoW.

>whisper from a rando
>try to go to their profile
>send them a friend invite by mistake

>join new guild
>"hey, anyone want to do a few dungeons"
>say I'll go
>no response

>finish dungeon with a good player
>add him as friend
>"Sorry my flist is full"

>he's an 880 unholy dk
Just fuck my shit up

>Accidentally hit duel as a healer

>just sit there and heal for three minutes

>mess up /whisper in town

>bloodlust during the trash before the boss

>/whisper Mom'scharacter Can you bring me a cushion ? My haemorrhoids are acting up
>Forgot the /


>Herosim when running from dead trash to boss

>make a pf in FFXIV for A3S when it was relevant
>accidently fuck up job slots and the are 3 healers slots
>nobody says anything nor joins because I'm not even competant to even put a proper ad up

>watchoo lookin at my gear for, faggot?
How do you respond?

my response to most things

>mess up /whisper in town on purpose because you have no friends to whisper

you look pretty baller to be honest senpai


>guild brings along le hambeast female guild cumdumpster to tank the hard dungeon despite being undergeared and not skilled at her class at all
>says it will be "good tanking practice" while the other guildies in the group agree aggressively while touching their crusty, mutilated, cut cocks looking at her disgusting nudes that were """leaked"" into guild discord by a """hacker"""
>her HP pops from 100℅ to 25% almost immediately on the first trash pull
>the damage control begins almost immediately as she begins screeching into my ear over the discord channel, using the DSP defense of "uhhhh IM PRESSING BUTTONS AND NOTHINGS HAPPENING"
>guildies sprint to her defense, saying she's "doing fine" and at least we didn't die! haha!
>I'm the healer

>target somebody targeting you
>log off immediately

You are causing much more trouble and cause to be embarrassed by leaving them behind you fucking faggot.

I don't.

>accidentally add someone to your group
>he likes death grips

>Have UI frames that tell me when people are targeting me
>always go out of my way to /pat people who are clearly inspecting me

Feels good man.

fucking germans

There's nothing worse to be imposed a shitty under geared tank as a healer. Especially with new contents when you didn't have time to gear properly to make the dungeon way easier.(Not meaning undergeared, just not geared enough to carry a bad tank)

>Make DG quote that's appropriate
>New guy continues with lyrics
>Both hobo duet Hacker in the middle of the street

>someone passes by
>he's feeling it

>someone on /world is acting like a smartass about something
>right click, inspect


>look at where your internet crush/gf is
>/who for that area
>keep track of who she is playing with at all times.

Unhealthy, I know.

well you're self aware of it so the hope is you have no delusion of ever being together

I didn't have the hindsight I have today that I did back then.

>Target enemy to stick my drones on him
>Fight continues
>At some point I realise that I forgot to un-target him and I've been healing him up for a few minutes

>right click to inspect gear
>challenge to PVP accidentally

>doing a quest
>someone else is doing it too
>switch world to avoid them

>waving emote to new person in group
>they send me a pm telling me they want to suck my cock

>spend 50 hours on character creation
>start game
>character looks like shit and you wanna restart

>that one guy you added who's nice but keeps linking you shitty normalfag facebook memes

I've experienced silent autists in retail vanilla/tbc a lot. Most peoplr want to get content done and not tell eachothers lifes stories in dungeons

>friend won't stop sending me links to college humor and 9gag
>too aspie to tell him I hate these place more than life itself

More like
>that one guy you added that's nice but is an ultra weeaboo who sends Nip emotes in every conversation, RP's as women characters exclusively, and has audible weeb music in the background of his mic when he talks

Stars really went to shit.

>People rolling out red carpets, /wave-ing and thanking just because you're a healer

>start MMO
>in starting area
>surrounded by max level people standing on stuff with glowing gear

>that one guy who over the time you've known him went from sorta jokingly flirty to complete sexual desperation and you just wanted to play video games

>start group chat on steam
>inviting friends
>misclick and accidentally invite some random guy I traded with and never deleted instead

Changed to discord that day. Never looked back.

>walk as naked female in forest
>everyone is inviting me to guild and giving me free clothes
WTF don't they understand that I'm not a girl?

>Every time I hear somebody say something retarded in global chat, put them on ignore
>Get angry comments from player's guildmate since he tried to send me (a priest) an unsolicited invite for his PUG and I was ignoring him.

>not accidentally pasting your gay erp on the in-game chat and then playing it off as a joke

Report him for using offensive speech

I was jerking off to your character retard

>Make lore appropriate name
>It's unique
>No other name exists on other servers

>that one friend that sends multiple short messages in the matter of a few seconds constantly
>tfw too nice to tell him to stop

How hard is it to put your thoughts in one coherent message? I'd like to enjoy my games without the constant steam notification bleep.

back in my day, steam didn't have an in-game interface and we used X-Fire, which shared the same sound notification as picking up items in Doom 3.

>random people invite me to their party
>join and listen to them talk

>that guy

>Make the most generic name possible just to see if I can
>It's not taken

>tfw bread, lamp, citizen

Oh I remember the good ol days of Steam and using X-Fire. I remember being an admin on a CS:S server and the only method of communication between me and other people was admin-to-player messages, which was a pain in the ass to do constantly.

How archaic when I think about it.

You couldn't just send a message normally on the server, and check the log from the Admin side later?

Those are the best kind of names

If i'm playing a game with temporary names, I always go for condiments/food like Apples, Ketchup, or similar

>7w Friend jesus this tank sucks

Are you me?

I'm so sorry. Are you me?

I'm talking about private messaging other players, like if someone had a problem or needed something. It isn't any different than WoW's whisper system I guess, but more of a headache on a source game.

>Go to report a dude for harassing you
>Accidentally hit add friend

I had a friend called Billy, no numbers, odd spaces or anything. I always thought that was super cool,

>Go onto Guilds voice chat for the first time
>There a massive fight going on in voice chat

Yeah, I dropped it a few episodes after my waifu went to London. Pripara is better.