
don't have much experience with tales, but I'm playing zestiria right now. How can I make the combat more fun than just mashing? There seems to be lots of subsytems and cancels to make combos and shit but I'm not sure about how to use them. The equipment/skill systems also look like they allow some creative stuff but the game didn't explain things very well I think

also Rose has a nice ass

You pick the tales with worst combat m8
Try xillia 1 and 2

What do you think of this game? Does it deserve all the shit it gets? I plan to play it for the first time soon.

What ass?

I don't think it deserves all of it, definitely some, but not all.

Hello, Tyrone.

I've wanted to know this for a while now

Which Tales game is the one with the sexy suspender guy?

Is that one good?
Is he awesome?


People can shit on Rose as much as they want, but it's undeniable that she has nice body

Still Alisha is better, they should've made her like Flynn. But no, she's gone for the rest of the game

Xillia 2 has Ludger
Hes pretty awesome wih his 3 weapon styles Dual Swords/Dual Guns/Large Hammer

He is Dante from the Devil May Cry series of Tales