Best Game of 2016

Best Game of 2016

5. Salt and Sanctuary
4. Titanfall 2
3. Stardew Valley
2. Furi
1. Doom

Worst Game of 2016

5. Devil's Third
4: Metroid Prime Federation Force
3. The Division
2. Batman Arkham VR
1. Homefront The Revolution

Blandest Game of 2016

5. Deus Ex Mankind Divided
4. Quantum Break
3. Paper Mario Color Splash
2. Far Cry Primal
1. No Man Sky

well Sup Forums, is he right?

Other urls found in this thread:

>not Hitman
>no Robobot

idk seems non offensive to me desu


seems like a good list for me, even if most of my favorites aren't on the list aren't on it those are still pretty good choices

he only does game he reviews, he didn't review hitman because it's episodic and i guess he didn't do kirby because there would be nothing interessing to say other than "it's kirby"

>best game of 2016


Is S&S actually good? It seemed all right from the first hour I played it but that skill tree/web looks legit retarded

It's alright
There are some balance issues though where I felt the Warhammer was the best weapon type, being one of the most powerful and not all that slow. The web is good cause they eventually allow you via collectables to refund points to be spent elsewhere, so you can min max to a degree.

Also early on you notice that you stop getting stuff to spend the gold on, so I just kept a full stock of weapon buffs and never had any real trouble with any boss fights.

Generally really good gameplay
Environments usually look really good. All other visuals look like programmer art
Decent replayability
Some bosses can be super easy while others are straight up bullshit cheesefests
Can't replay the prologue area in NG+ for no good reason

When a competently made shooter is the best game of the year you know the industry has hit rock bottom.

if you watch the video he says it was a shitty year overall and that he's not as enthusiastic about doom as he was about undertale

Glad to see Furi getting some more attention. Wasn't perfect by any means but I feel like the devs could really make something special with a more focused vision.

Arkham vr shouldn't count because it was sold as a $20 tech demo and never claimed to be anything but.

>2. Batman Arkham VR

What is he talking about?

after he reviews a game he does a stream where he plays the game for 2 hours

he ended up streaming the whole """game"""

>Devil's Turd worse than the division

>Salt and Sanctuary
What the shit is he smoking

>Salt and Sanctuary

I can agree with the rest of the list or at least see why he made those choices, but S&S was kinda shit.

>Blandest Game of 2016
>5. Deus Ex Mankind Divided
Fucking what?

It's a $20 "experience". He's a dick for saying it's one of the worst games of 2016.

>s and s over das3
Stopped reading there

>it's ok to make shit games if we say it's not a game but an "experience"
I bet you think Gone Home is great too.

he says it doesn't really add anything much to the previous deus ex game other than some lame commentary about racism and that not much happens in it

i haven't played the game so i wouldn't know

How the fuck anyone still cares about what Yahtzee has to say is beyond me. His shit isn't funny, and he doesn't even prompt the kind of hilarious fantard rage that made him popular in the first place.
Now he's just yet another boring YouTube-tier professional opinionator, and has been for close to a decade.

said by the same guy who declared Bioshock Infinite his 2013 GOTY

ahahahahah actualy he starts by saying that he wanted to give it to dark souls 3 but didn't because "it was more of the same" and that's why he gave it to s&s instead because "it's dark souls but 2d"

is it a bad sign that his best game list would be a subset of mine

this, I miss when he managed to get vitriol out of fans and make the nintendoGAF side of Sup Forums rage

now it all just blends together and you get the feeling he doesn't give nearly as much of a shit anymore

>he says it doesn't really add anything much to the previous deus ex game
Jesus Christ how can one man be so thick.
Also, play it; aside from the lame commentary, it's a direct improvement to Human Revolution.

>wah why do people like what I don't
what did he mean by this

I don't dislike Yahtzee like a lot of anons seem to, but I think he's definitely lost his edge when it comes to reviews

This, fucking nu-gamers

>that headband
How to spot a literal cuckold fetishist.