Would you sign a petition to have Blizzard change her sexuality to straight and recall everything about her being gay?

Would you sign a petition to have Blizzard change her sexuality to straight and recall everything about her being gay?


No, lesbians are based~


>Just ignore it, nothing we can do about it
Everything wrong with gaming


Why would i care
I dont even play Overwatch

>Its not like it will spread to games I do play lol

more like
>it's a minor story element and has no impact on the gameplay whatsoever
>it's not even mentioned in the game
>she's a cute lesbian

>something I don't like is happening!
>better bitch about it on the internet!
>I'll make an online petition for good measure!

Fucking alt-right crybabies and their safe spaces. Lesbians exist. Get over it, bitter white male virgins.

More like
>Making devs give characters actual good story development making games better

>should we cry like babies

Don't lesbians have a really high number or domestic voilence complaints from one of the involved?

Even lesbians can't stand to have a relationship with a woman.

>Ignore it, it's meaningless and doesn't affect anything. Besides, being gay isn't wrong. If they make the whole cast one denomination maybe I'll care.


I dont think every game after Overwatch will have gay characters now

I think

>giving a fuck about non-gameplay related stuff in a multiplayer only competitive moba fps
look at blacktext in your reply

how does this improve the game?

I'd rather sign a petition to get more players for this game.

A petition wouldn't force Blizzard to do anything. And no, I wouldn't sign it.

>bringing in politics when it's probably some basement dweller
man, I love the stupid

More like
>Hey a gay character
You faggots would put up with anything


Sometimes girls you don't expect are lesbians. Deal w/ it.

I don't care, just makes futa on tracer porn even better

>This is the type of shit that actually matters
Everything wrong with """""gamers""""".

Who cares?


guess what
it's not gonna stop
and there is literally
nothing you can do

Think again
SJW detected
If we can force devs to give better stories we can force devs to give better games
Its win/win

Yes I would.

i could imagine her girlfriend getting killed off she seems like perfect girlfriend in a refrigerator material and have her bi after that but i couldn't see them 360 quickly. Also whats stopping Talion from blowing up the clock tower apartment every time they lose on attack the payload on kings row?

Holy shit, who cares if your waifu is into chicks? Will probably happen in real life too. Shit happens, you like a chick, she only eats carpet. Get the fuck over it people.

God forbid anyone chooses anything at all in their game design or lore that doesn't fit your precise world view you cry on the internet about how the world is unjust. Get out of your basement.

How emasculated do you have to be to care about something like this?

Why do you even care?
Its not like it changes the game
We can talk about this if they all become feminists and kill only male characters

>Just give up your not gonna win
>Just roll over and let them do whatever, oh hey, we are now paying for white guilt propaganda

Again with this?

LOL @ you thinking that it's something to "put up with".

For literally anyone else who isn't as spergtastic as you, it's more like the following:
>"Hey a gay character"
>"Another. So."
>"Again? ...So."

you mean "realist"
grow up and live in reality you fucking pussy

People who want to make gaming great again

God damn thank Lord I play Call of Duty Infinite Warfare. Uncharted should have won GOTY
Cuck, how are you liking your nigger dildo

No point in asking, might as well just make it so you can write your stupid article about it acting like it's such a big deal and gays are still so oppressed and gamers are ebil.

Not really because her being a dyke has literally no effect on the game at all whatsoever.

Getting mad at tracer being gay is retarded when 90% of her porn is with Widow anyway.

Further more she was "gay done right" as everyone likes to call it, where she's gay but doesn't call attention to it, or what people who say they have no problem with gays say when there's a gay character in a game but it isn't implemented to their liking.


I am ok with people being gay but I think it should be illegal to actively recruit children through media, which Blizzard is doing.

Russia is a good example of a country that allows sexual freedom but bans such propaganda.

Far smaller populations have overcome far bigger threats before. You are fucking pathetic and should never again call yourself a man

>implying this shitstorm isn't mostly artificial in nature just like the Tracer butt pose shitstorm
>implying this isn't another one of Blizzard's stunts so they can get free publicity and people talking about the game

Literally no one except some autismo primes actually give a shit about the sexuality of a character in a game with no story and vague "lore".

>Oh hey this English girl in a game whose roster looks like the fucking Burger King kids club is gay




1 gay, out of a cast of 23, and it was done in a sidestory comic. I mean, seriously?


Whiny ridiculous posts like this make me hope the """""gay agenda""""" succeeds.

Straight people consist of 99% of the population, faggot. You're the "normal person" here, hipster fuck. Redditor cucks and tumblr infiltrators

No. I don't care.

you must be deep in the closet
come on out sweetie, it's safe here

>bought Overwatch during the Christmas sale knowing and not caring that they made Tracer gay
>Thousands of people like me financially rewarded Blizzard for making her a lesbian
>Because of this they're gonna change your next waifu to be gay next
How does this make you feel, OP?

So you can be gay as long as you don't *tell* people you're gay. Got it.

So then it doesn't fucking matter then, does it?

A meme started by bitter men that had their wives turn lesbian

Fuck Blizzard and its "progressive" shit. They need to remove her, Junkhog, and Roadrat from the game and apologize for tainting their game with faggot shit.

>"gay done right"
she was a single adventurer changed to being gay 7 months after release because fags whinged on twitter to Blizzard how is that commendable?

So move to Russia

The Israelis have arrived, goyim!

>actually thinks this is some sort of recruitment propaganda

What was it like growing up in the 1940s?

Good goy
Good goy
Good goy
Good goy


It's not about what adult players think; it's about advertising homosexuality to young and impressionable children. That's fucked up and shouldn't be allowed.

lol this guy knows.

>Don't lesbians have a really high number or domestic voilence complaints from one of the involved?
Nice statement-disguised-as-a-question but no, that's wrong.

It doesn't make a difference in game. If you don't read the comics, you would never know about anyone's sexuality.

Go to Russia then and enjoy their many freedoms.

she was a character with no backstory regarding her personal life who had it added later in a comic

>That's fucked up and shouldn't be allowed.
Says who? You? Who cares what you think?

Upset with a lesbian in a game but fine playing a fucking gorilla with a gun.

If you ever had kids, would you keep them hidden at all times so there's no possible way they'll find out gay people exist?

>sperging about politics of videogame side stories rather than the actual game

Everything wrong with gaming

Go away shill

Why do autistic people get so upset about homosexuality?
Is there any research/surveys on this? It's genuinely compelling.

>caring about the sexuality of a fictional character


A closeted homosexual gorilla at that.

It might just happen.

What if I sign a petition to have a gorilla fucking your ass instead OP?

all you can do is call people niggers, jews, and cucks
how old are you?
you sound like one of those scrawny egotistical nerds. you think you're smarter than the sheeple and you base this on nothing but your hot opinions. you only wear black. your hair is longer than it should be and you need to shower. you wear dark rimmed glasses. your facial hair is patchy and gross etc.

I'd rather sign a petition to make blizzard make better fucking maps.

no but i'd sign one that makes tracer straight and pharmercy canon

Everyone knows winston's gay, dude.

and it makes him even kawaiier :3

I don't really care either way. Lesbians are freaking hot, and now I can jack off to Tracer/Widowmaker porn that actually makes sense, for once.

Really makes my cock rock hard, looking Tracer kiss that hot red-head.

There should be more hot lesbians. It's better than having a woman with a boyfriend, which means that woman is defiled. Tracer, on the other hand, can remain pure and noble for my cock to take her virginity later on.

Oh yeah.

Literally out of the 15 or so posts I never said the word nigger or [[[jew]]], I just called the other guys good goys they are
You just made a fool of yourself

Not him but fact: 99% of all men AND women are heterosexual (straight), yet they're being overrepresented in jew media. Overwatch, Star Wars episode 8, the black and mexican guy are gay I heard. There is an agenda here, and it ain't normal. Anyone who defends this shit is a tumblr infiltrator. I spot several of them ITT. GTFO out of Sup Forums, whoever you are, you simply and utterly need to fuck off.

>gets hard after one picture

>Tracer, on the other hand, can remain pure and noble for my cock to take her virginity later on.
You know that "lesbian" means "doesn't fuck guys", right?

Even if two bum-diddling faggots get a fecal "marriage" they cannot produce anything other than HIV cells. Thus, sick queers have to conduct active outreach programs to keep their subculture alive. This is easy since many of these freaks are also Jewish and have extensive media influence.

If you are "genuinely gay" then whatever, live your life, but 90% of faggots today are that way because somebody convinced them: usually through outright molestation, but sometimes softer propaganda like this. There's literally no reason why it shouldn't be illegal. Sorry.


No need for the quote echoes, we know you hate us.

What is going wrong in your head that you actually thought "Yes this thread is a good thread"

russia pls

Petitions are what useless people use to complain about things they have no control over. Ironically the table has flipped, considering petitions are used primarily by the left more often than the right.
No I wouldn't sign it, because I detest petitions. I don't like agenda pushing in games though

>You just made a fool of yourself
on an anonymous image board?
oh no
aw heck
i still nailed your description though and you know it

>Star Wars episode 8, the black and mexican guy are gay I heard
>I spot several tumblr infiltrators

Take your medication and go back to lurking, you fucking invalid.

I've got a cool imagination, bro.

That's a lie, friend. Women are genetically predisposed to find both genders hot, at the same time. A lesbian might not say it, but she's actually a bisexual in the closet.

Tracer was prob groped by a man, though, which is why she won't date men


It's a video game and it doesn't effect the gameplay, who gives a shit.

>all the widowtracer stuff coming out where widow is on the phone with emily while she fucks tracer

>99% of all men AND women are heterosexual (straight)
Actually, user, studies show that 15-20% of people are solely homosexual, and the vast majority of people fall on a sliding scale of bi-sexual.
But please, continue going on about how it's all or none.



More lesbians! Woo hoo! My dick is fucking spent from masturbating to Tracer.

>Not him
lel ok
>99% of all men AND women are heterosexual (straight), yet they're being overrepresented in jew media.
Straight people are overrepresented in media? Is english your first language?
>Overwatch, Star Wars episode 8, the black and mexican guy are gay
Gonna need some sour-
>I heard.
Oh. Nice escape hatch.
>There is an agenda here, and it ain't normal.
Who declares normal? You? What are your credentials?
>Anyone who defends this shit is a tumblr infiltrator.
>GTFO out of Sup Forums, whoever you are, you simply and utterly need to fuck off.
You first. Been here since 2006 and I ain't leaving because some shitstain wants me gone. You're only strengthening my resolve.

Get lost you fucking humble infiltrator normal person masked piece of shit. Now. Or visit Red it, either or.