What games allow you to play as a lesbian?

What games allow you to play as a lesbian?

Other urls found in this thread:


Anything Bioware.

Now, what games allow you to play as the main character of Sup Forums's AOTY?

I should've specified

What games allow you to play as a cute lesbian?

real life
you did pick the cute girl option in character creation, didn't you


Yuri on Sup Forums threads are nice but there's no need to spam them.

s-sure I did



Did crazy peach hair and short blue hair ever kiss


Why did the end have to be so shit?

t. yyk

fuck off yayacuck

do they ever?

If I knew that then I wouldn't be asking faggot

Well the answer is no_

Ending was great, fun show all around.
NEVER EVER. She has no angle, this is one of the few shows where she is neither the fresh and new OR the childhood friend, because orange managed to somehow get both those roles. Turns out that's an unstoppable combo.

Is there anything that this dork can't do?



>mother's childhood friend/savior
>also childhood friend/inspiration for getting her own life
>due to amnesia also the brand new fresh real friend/love interest
>whole adventures/comrades-in-arms thing
>AND gets the childhood friend thing back on top of all the rest
>adds in heroic love rescue
that's some OP-as-fuck broken level relationship bullshit. no way she'd fail to get her girl there.


whoa, I haven't seen one of these in a long time.




Was garbage compared to real yuri like sakura games, NoA and sonohana
You should feel bad about posting it

i finally have an oppotunity to post this

I don't.

board.Sup Forums.org/lgbt/
Please fucking leave us alone

Life is strange



>words, words words

Yuri on Ice is yaoishit, fuck off wiener licker.

Find an anime sequence cuter than this
Protip: you can't

Fuck off, there's no "us" or "we".
Learn to speak for yourself.


Yeah, us, fuck off.

>garbage compared to sakura games

The best example.


He is right
that game just like aoishit were pure shit
Can't be even compared to the something like NoA or even sakura games

There is only one true Yuri

Nigga u crazy

Post good games or fuck off
People like you make me sad

At this point I understand you get no joy from this, you just can't help yourself, like a nymphomaniac

>make shit thread
>surprised at getting shit responses

>being a fag

There are no good games

>can't properly crosslink
Why is it always newfags?


>Anything Bioware.

Well, except for Knights of the Old Republic, because LucasArts threw a shitfit over it.



fuck off back to

>look at the state of Sup Forums cause of crossboarders
>thinking this matters

He said Yuri, not Yuuri

>cause of crossboarders
Look at this idiot. Just go back to tumblr already.

Maria a sluuuuuuut!

Take your own advice.

I can't tell if you're being purposefully pretending to be retarded or you were just born as one.
Are you that faggot from /fit/ who got literally cucked by a lesbian?

>cucked by a lesbian
Do tell.

Shut up.

>Do tell.
What am I, your personal biographer? Go look it up yourself, you little nigger.

>bring it up
>nyah not telling

Guy got his GF to do a threesome. She left him for the other girl and when he confronted the other girl about it she laughed at him and called him a fag.

I already gave you more than enough pointers to go look it up on your own. It's not my fault you're so fucking new that you can't even figure out how to google shit.
Like I said, you have to go back.

Oh I remember ,the one who cucked him was an Asian chick right?

Yeah ok friendo.

That's hilarious. He had it better than me at least.

Story time?

Life is Strange.

I need more Flip Flappers


I used to hang out in a group of friends. We were seven, four guys and three girls. There was one straight couple and one gay couple, which left me and the remaining two girls unpaired. I had crush on one of the two and I was very close with both her and the other girl (as in, "all three of us sleeping in the same bed" close). As I was working up my courage to ask the girl I liked out, she suddenly stopped hanging out with us and wouldn't tell us the reason. Some time later, she spilled the beans and revealed that her mother didn't want her to see us anymore because she found out she was going out with my other close girl friend. I was being used all along by the two of them to hide it.


Damn, sorry, user. Hope you'll be able to find true love in the future.It's still kinda funny to read it, though.


I left out the part where her mother eventually mellowed out and she could openly be with her girlfriend, including making out on my sofa while I died inside. My only relief was that all three couples imploded after a while and all seven of us stopped hanging out together.




Hopefully Blue Reflection

flip flappers sucks lmao

>Neo gust game

>tfw anime threads on Sup Forums are better than anime threads on Sup Forums

Im there for the art, the yuri, and the maho shoujo.
not the game.

It's ok, user. 3D is not worth it anyways. I learned it after dating a shitton of girls and all the time being disappointed by how much they tend to lie, cheat or just fuck your brains out. Instead I just now watch anime, read manga and play games all the time.

Why is Yayaka so shit? She ruined the whole episode!

>trusting gust to make yuri after NoA shitfest

t. Re-Zero-loving redditor mad FliFla beat it to AOTY on Sup Forums

hey keep projecting though

The female version of Harvest Moon DS would let you marry one of the "special" girls.
Only in the Japanese version though.

It's kind of weird the strange ways Japan's really progressive by our standards while being diehard conservative in every other way.

What subs did you read?

Its because they understand the difference between reality and fantasy.
America certainly can't.

Can /u/ like, leave?

