So like, how does he know drums, yoga, strutting in the dance floor, massage, karaoke, etc.? Is his only imperfection sterility?
So like, how does he know drums, yoga, strutting in the dance floor, massage, karaoke, etc...
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>Taking Hitman seriously.
It's pure fucking schlock and the devs know it.
He has a lot of downtime and a lot of autism.
user part of the fun is seeing 47 do weird shit
If he's gonna kill people for a living, he has to have a lot of professions.
also most of that shit isn't to be taken seriously. Almost like saying ''how does he know how to set people on fire when dressed as a scarecrow''
>he doesn't know how to set people on fire while dressed as a scarecrow
I kinda see 47 going to yoga classes like some regular dude.
As for the question, don't take Hitman seriously. The story was weird from the start.
That "Scarface" boss fight in Codename 47 is a good example.
>no one could recognize a bald guy with a barcode tattoo on his back
Anyone that could ever recognize him is dead
>the feeling you get when you do all main challenges for paris and don't unlock anything
We never really see how much prep time 47 has before we actually take control of him to play the game/missions. It's possible he learned enough of whatever job he'd have to fake to pass of as a pro to get closer to his target.
If I knew I was going to have to kill a yoga class student I'm sure I could learn enough about yoga to teach one class on it so that I could pull his head off when I asked him to meet me after the class had left.
On one hand, I find it weird that pretty much all hits of the games are scummy people, even the supposed "we are killing a character that's supposed to be helping the law" have really unscrupulous backgrounds (like in BM's suburban mission). Then I realized that if you get a hit on your head, you're most likely a big player.
he practises between the time he receives the briefing and the time he attempts the hit
47 is a master of disguise. That includes the ability to mimic people's actions.
Hit man actually has a morbid sense of humor "see blood money"
Gotta check you white bread
So can I play the bonus missions in PC or is it only the Christmas one
Hes not very good at DDR
or you're a small time guy giving big time guys trouble. look at the clinton body count
>going to a restaurant on a saturday night with my wife
>see some very distinctive looking bald guy with crazy facial aesthetics in a suit with red tie and, get this, a fucking barcode tattoo on the back of his head. I call to my wife to see that weird shit, but she's actually not feeling great, feeling sick lately, so her voice is a bit nasaly. The bald guy walks in the bathroom so I stop paying attention and try to order something.
>Suddenly, I hear "Are you ready to order?", gaze above, and the bald guy, dressed as a waiter is now ready to serve me
>Tell him we're having 2 filet-mignons with the special sauce and a nice Bordeaux
>Kind of confused that the staff changes into their uniforms in the bathroom, I try to think about my food and how hungry I am and my lovely wife who is still staring at the menu for some reason, and how I'm secretly fucking the foxy secretary behind her back.
>It's been 40 minutes now and I can't get a word out of my wife. I start getting impatient and try to get a hold of the waiter, looking towards the kitchen doors.
>Mother of fuck, the bald guy is literally the chef in the kitchen looking at me through the kitchen doors
>What the fuck, some guy at a table in the corner just rang the bell and you could faintly hear him say "Garçon!" and OH FUCK IT'S THE BALD GUY
>I look over and see my wife, still holding the menu up to her face, but I can no longer see her beautiful long locks covering her shoulders
>From behind the menu, she mutters, in a nasaly cold voice "Seems like this dish is going to be cold..."
I don't think the Hitman series has put a hit on a small time guy though.
christ that greentext
that's because every game needs to have an overarching narrative where all the hits are big time guys and all connected. i guess in flat line, the 2 optional targets aren't huge, and a bunch of the Contracts targets aren't huge Illuminati guys either
the 2 optional targets were mafia-esque family members
they're not Illuminati big, but they're no "small guy" like say, the priest or reporter in the end of BM which were more like collateral for no witnesses
Well since he's a professional assassin he's going to try to learn as much skills as possible to be able to blend into what ever scenario he has to for his job. Due to his genetics from being a clone made of dna soup made from dictators, serial killers, terrorists, ect he's a fast learner and natural at everything.
It just wouldn't be the same if it was a serious assassin game. Part of its charm that makes it what it is; is its corniness and dark sense of humor.
asking again
I know there is a PS4 exclusive mission, but what about the Icon, Landslide and the other Italy mission? How do I access them? I could only see the Paris christmas one.
He releases his true power level with the ninja outfit
IOI easter egg game is out of control
he is secretly an otaku
I mean, why did he even want to start on a certain mountain angle with the ninja suit?
I've never played Hitman games before, which ones are worth playing?
And armed with a Katana no less.
47 is probably a massive otaku, and the Agency just lets him do his thing. If he wants to go into a mission while dressed up as a Ninja while holding an authentic Katana, well, that's okay, since he is their best agent after all.
2, Contracts, BM, the new one
He's an autistic cold blooded assassin who spends his whole life killing. He probably devotes every second of the day to honing his skills.
Is there a storyline connecting the games that I should worry about?
>he's a clone designed by a mad scientist who he killed
that's it
not really, actually there's not really much of a focused plot, just a series-wide backstory 47 is a super soldier assassin clone, hired by ICA with his handler Diana. Each game has its own story that never really intersects outside of easter eggs.
>47 only kills bad people.
again, it's hard to get a hit on "law abiding citizens" when the big players are almost always unscrupulous
he killed the reporter and priest out of necessity, and I think that one mailman too (though fans speculated it was an assassin)
don't forget his bird
oh right, he'd probably spare it if it was quiet
The first game (Codename 47) is honestly pretty shit with the exception of one good level.
Second and third are pretty good, though dated in many ways.
If you want a more modern introduction to the series the fourth game Blood Money is a fantastic starting point.
Absolution is crap where the devs tried to appeal to other audiences.
The new one (all caps HITMAN™) is also great and return to norm, with the exception of performance issues for some users in certain areas and online DRM. Episodic release as well, meaning the story isn't finished.
Story of the first game in its entirety: Agent 47 is a clone soldier created from the DNA of world's biggest supposed badasses and he eventually ends up killing those badasses and then his creator. ICA is an assassination agency that employs Agent 47, but isn't connected with 47's creator and thus he works with them in all the other games as well. The other games make references to Dr. Ortmeyer and his research but the stories themselves are mostly self-contained.
Except for the Shadow Client