Is he our guy ?

is he our guy ?

Other urls found in this thread:

this is the only time I will agree with one of these stupid fucking posts

dingdong is a good guy but this thread is terrible

ever watched his streams? He should really do some game analysis videos ALA Joseph Anderson and Mathewmatosis, he knows a shitload about game development and has some interesting opinions.

OneyPlays is the only good gaming channel. They each bring their own to the table and it really couldn't be better. Ding Dong, Chris, and Julian really are a great trio.

I enjoy watching videos with him in it. Hopefully we get some more Shenmue soon.

How does he look?

Isnt Julian = Ding Dong?

I hope this faggot stays away from most of their videos.
He single handedly ruined the Kingdom Hearts run.

leafyishere is the only real choice

Julian is the one that isnt Chris or Ding Dong.

Julian is fat, gay, and Mexican. Ding-dong used to be close with The Best Gamers.

Matt and Ryan are alright

Pics of Julian?

If they exist, no one knows where they are. Julian and Ding-Dong are both wrapped in mystery.

There is a picture that shows all three of them on one of their twitters.

You know, I really wonder what that Adult Swim show would've been like. A shame GamzerGuy and Darkgamer had to be assholes. Hell, the former was actually my favorite member until I found out, then my favorite ended up being Rockcock.

That wasn't them.

Forgot to mention this as well, but I also wonder what the relationship was between Ding Dong and GamzerGuy+Darkgamer before that whole thing happened.

Rockcock is the definitive Best Gamer desu.

So wait what happened with BestGamers?

He sounds like Diabetus

Seconding this. Why did dingdong change his name from Cousinskeeter? Did he quit TBG?

I think they just didn't want to keep the joke going as a group and rockcock couldn't let go of it so the channel imploded.


Don't think so

it's a joke you dumb dumb

Ding-Dong is probably the most talented out of the bunch. Julian is a close second considering the sprite-work and animation he collabs with Ding-Dong on. Chris is a whiny cunt that just gets mad about news stories on Twitter and keeps blowing all his shots at actually doing animation so whatever.

Chris is pretty good at music. Not so much animation.

If you had a tiny clone of hitler.

I thought Cousinskeeter was Hoopz? Or are they all the same person?


it's a shame chris and zach aren't friends anymore

That whole clique dissolved in the end. I hope Stamper is doing something that he likes.

I would fuck with him

Stamper's working with the behemoth on their game.
Zach's doing what ever with youtubers.

Well that's good to hear. I didn't personally care for BBT, but he does good VA work.

>is severely autistic about details in vidya like we are


I'm sick of SuperMega

That fucking faggot baby laugh

He's not funny so yeah, I guess he qualifies.

He's really fucking annoying and won't let anyone get a word in. He feels like any moment of silence needs to filled.

Jerma is better than all the youtubers in this thread,


is he the guy who talks with that heavy boston accent and jokes consist mostly of calling something something else?

I don't think he's played tf2 in years.

>last time I cared for Oney was when he released Left 4 Speed 2 in 2009
>2015, saw him on The Best Gamers' stream, wondering what he's doing there, oh well he fits in nicely
>2016, find out about OneyPlays and that Skeeter is in it with the name Ding Dong

Never thought I'd follow anything Chris did ever again, but hey here I am.

Same shit happened with Egoraptor when I started watching GG during the Jon era, specifically the Sonic '06 playthrough. Main difference though is that it didn't last and now I actually have a reason to hate Arin. I know he's friends with the OneyPlays gang (hell, the GG offices are where the OP videos are done) but I don't care. I might not have been watching it for as long as I watched GG, but I get the vibe from these guys that it'll last for a long time.

Yes, and he's funnier than anything the best gamers have ever made.

I bet Julians really cute

>spends over $8k just for Live Action Rumble
Jerma a best

what episode did they have to cut out a chunk of it because it was full of trayvon martin jokes.

Might as well post this question here

What the fuck nationality is Rockcock?

I mean I know we're on Sup Forums but, I have no fucking idea what Chris is doing with his life. Him and Zach's "show in the works" is like fucking Star Citizen, don't worry it's coming. Meanwhile instead of doing something we're both good at we're going to do podcasts and youtube videos that make us pennies.

And people still didn't appreciate it. Sad.

Don't remember, but the sonic adventure 2 episode where they make a rape joke can be seen if you click on the playlist. It's unlisted and there's a version of the episode with the aforementioned jokes cut out.

I think that was one of the Sonic Adventure 2 episodes.

There's also this uncut version of episode 6 with a joke about Racist Mario and Julian asking who would fuck Tails, among other things:

Didn't they explain though that animation makes shit money on youtube and that's why they're doing these other things

If his OneyPlays guy is anything to go off, probably.

Chris said on his Twitter that "he only does OneyPlays for five hours every Friday and that he's got a cartoon coming soon, he just wants it to be polished for his return" or something along those lines.

i don't follow either. feel free to enjoy whatever you want man.

you got it my dude

Good riddance honestly

>here comes spootboy
>oh man, he's gettin sprinkledick really messed up
>what's this? he let out a wicked fart and now spootboy can't see!
>oh no! someone is coming it to interfere with the match!
>it's the Mad Queefer!
>she's here to show who the real fart master is, vaginal or otherwise

yeah, great comedy here.

broom handle/stick up ass etc etc

Mexican, He's said it plenty of times on oneyplays

>Jeff and Spazkid are stuck in a perpetual loop of eating Wawa hoagies and never finishing their game

>Oney is also in limbo, always having something half finished in the works, making it seem like he's working on nothing

>Niall is probably tearing his hair out trying to pay for a place in LA from just commission money

>Mick is doing what he's always done, but now has to deal with all the Shadman edge

>Stamper will probably die in a drunk driving incident soon

>Zach is the most successful of them all, is making a good living off Patreon and is friends with big Adult Swim guys

Could be worse, I guess. But I can't help but wonder what they all could've made together if Sleepycabin hadn't been a flop.

Julian isn't Rockcock

>it's a chris and dingdong start yelling at eachother episode


He actually knows shit about games and the one he is making looks good

There is no way in fuck that Rockcock64 is Mexican.
bit of a read but I'm too blasted to abridge it

Honestly as much as I like the guy he does not belong doing LPs. His streams are infinitely more interesting than screaming and sex jokes since he talks about game designs and goes in depth on game analysis. The guy even said he does not really like lets plays.

That group already confirmed a lot of this shit as false recently

Shit like this makes me wonder what'll happen to Newgrounds in the coming years. I mean I don't really care that much for it anymore outside of going back to something I watched/played as a kid or when there's actually something new I like on it (like Chocolate Rambo, though that's a few years old now) but it'd still be sad to see it go.

>arin who says he hates letsplays just becomes a letsplayer and gives up animation
>chris who says he hates letsplays just becomes a letsplayer and gives up animation

you be the judge

Sounds like Sup Forums''s guy to me

Chris is working on an animation though.

Hi 3dou.

did they really?

This fucker can speedrun MMX while Arin does not even remember where half the shit is despite it being his favorite game

This, I can't stand Super Mega, especially with their stupid "Yes Yess Yessss" catch phrase that grains on my ears something fierce

Doing cartoons on youtube is no longer viable, if it was Oney would still be doing those more than his lets plays.

Rantgrumps had a thread about it.
First thread they ever locked since it went into hardcore conspiracy theory territory and was proven false and confirmed false by everyone tied into it.

if the two of them are ever in a series together just to see arin pretend he knows more

>autistic screeching and ***ironic*** commentary is okay only when Sup Forums-approved ecelebs do it

Oh look, it's this autistic again

Not even him, but this is seriously no better than something like Markiplier. The difference is that they drag it out longer for some reason.

got a link to it?

They seem like cunts. They do decent editing though and seem to have a good work ethic. They just don't seem to either really care about their viewership or making anything they're in better, though.

Their jokes are so predictible and unfunny

>say something provacative
>cut to black and say wait what

And that's like 80% of their jokes, that and ur mom jokes. Also they laugh like they are reptillian aliens emulating what laughing sounds like.

It is good they have that one friend who can actually play games so when Chris sucks they can still make progress

Why is Oneyplays so much better than Grumps

Better editing.

It's really just the small jokes they put in later.

>But Chris has been working on animation. He only recently finished work on Hellbenders.

It actually feels like a bunch of friends just playing video games together

Matt isn't that bad on his own, but holy fuck does he just DESTROY the chemistry when he joins.

However Ryan from Super Mega I am not a fan of in LP's. He should stick to live action comedy sketches.

Jerma is a genuinely amazing person. He actually wants to do cool shit, not just keep playing shitty games and laughing at them.

Spies Never Die, Chroma Key Kung-Fu and Grab the Auto 5 are some of the most genuinely fun videos I have ever seen.

They are all actually knowledgeable about video games as opposed to that certain DudeweedlmaohadsexlastnightImajewbtw person who has ruined GG the moment he appeared.

They also choose their games carefully and are actually somewhat good at them as opposed to marathoning every taste of the month/nostalgia bait.

>they choose their games carefully and are somewhat good at them

This thread is too late for this kind of bait

Well, would you give up on an opportunity to earn thousands of dollars by doing something everyone enjoys doing even though the occupation itself is somewhat shunned upon?